1,807 research outputs found

    "Team play" between renewable energy sources and vehicle fleet to decrease air pollution

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    The reduction of air pollutants for the purpose of maintaining or improving air quality across the globe is a fundamental concern to which all modern governments are allocating varying amounts of attention and resources. The successful amelioration of air pollution requires strategic investments in the commercialization and adoption of "clean energy technologies" by both private and public entities, the conversion of contemporary houses to "smart houses", the diffusion of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) including photovoltaic systems (PV), wind farms, and different forms of bioenergy, and the integration of electric-powered vehicles. In concert with these ideas, this paper aims to discuss the possibility of undertaking a feasibility study in two countries Canada and Italy concerning the integration of electric vehicles (EVs) and electric motorcycles (EMs). The proposed feasibility study would seek to assess the prospect of replacing the current vehicle fleets in these two countries with EVs in a manner that utilizes renewable energy sources and, thus, does not generate new toxic emissions. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that a pronounced introduction and distribution of RES, EVs, and EMs can operate as a great opportunity for both the environment and the capacities and needs of energy production. Today, the EV is not widespread. With this contribution, it is shown how EVs can be well integrated with renewable energy. Therefore, it is the duty of governments to implement policy strategies, in order to spread them across more territory

    Experimental assessment of low temperature phase change materials (PCM) for refrigerating and air conditioning applications

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    Refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump sector represents between 25 and 30% of the global consumption of electricity and this figure is expected to rapidly grow due to the current trend of electrification. To increase the efficiency of these systems or to maximize the use of renewable energy, latent thermal storage systems are being studied and recommended. However, there is a lack of reliable design rules based on trustable data that could help the thermal experts to design efficient and cost-effective latent thermal energy storage. This paper follows a previous work recently published (Longo et al., 2022) where the thermo-physical and transport properties of a few low temperature PCMs (i.e. 2–9 °C of melting temperature) were measured and discussed. In the present work, the attention is focused on two other fundamental aspects: the PCMs’ compatibility with the most common construction materials and their thermal behaviour during the solid/liquid phase change. The collected results will contribute to add currently unavailable data in the literature and to highlight interesting insights on the performance of the selected PCMs

    L'efficacia territoriale delle costituzioni imperiali nella tarda antichitĂ . La questione del dualismo legislativo da Diocleziano al Codex Theodosianus.

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    Il periodo temporale in cui si inserisce il tema trattato è quello tardoimperiale (dalla fine del III secolo alla metà del V secolo d.C.). A seguito della riorganizzazione amministrativa dell'impero in una pars Occidentis e in una pars Orientis, rette da due imperatori, la dottrina si è posta il problema dell'efficacia territoriale delle leges generales nello spazio e, in particolare, se la lex generalis di un Augusto fosse efficace soltanto nei territori governati da quest'ultimo o se lo fosse (e in che modo, cioè ipso iure o previo atto di ricezione e conferma) anche nei territori retti dal collega. Questo è il problema del dualismo legislativo. Attraverso l'esame di un gran numero di costituzioni imperiali, la tesi indaga, sulla base di diversi indici ricavati dalle fonti giuridiche e non, la potenziale efficacia degli atti normativi a tutto l'impero romano, a partire dagli editti di età dioclezianea e sino all'avvento del Codice Teodosiano che cercò di regolamentare la questione.The subject of the thesis refers to the late Roman Empire (from the late III century until mid-fifth century A.C.). Because of the administrative reorganization of the empire between pars Occidentis and pars Orientis, governed by two emperors, the scholars debate the problem about imperial proununcements's (leges generales) territorialy in the Roman Empire and, specially, if a lex generalis by an Emperor was valid only in his territories or if it was valid (and how, that is ipso iure or prior act of receiving) also in the territories governed by other emperor. This is the problem about "separation of legislation". By examining many imperial pronouncements, the thesis deals, by different elements obtained from legal sources and not, the abstract territorialy of the leges generals to all the Roman Empire, from the "edicta" by Diocletian until the Theodosian Code
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