18 research outputs found

    The Impact of Top Dot Shapes of the Printing Plate on Dot Formation in Flexography

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    The top dot shape is an important element of plate dot geometry which has a significant effect on dot formation on the prints. There are several key parameters that can affect individual dot deformation: nip engagement, line ruling and dot geometry. The main question is how these parameters affect dot deformation. This paper researches the issues regarding print quality in highlights, especially dot formation on print at lighter and higher pressure which leads to inconsistency in the printing process like loss of highlight detail and unpredictable dot gain. The purpose of this research is to improve the understanding of the effect of nip engagement on dot deformation and to determine how top dot shapes affect dot formation. A test image was printed with cyan UV ink on aluminium foil on the pre-printed opaque white ink with plates of different types of top dot shapes, round and flat. The images were taken from the prints and analysed by using ImageJ software. All the important parameters of dot formation including uniformity of density, dot sharpness and dot roundness were evaluated. The results highlight the importance of the top dot shape in plate dot geometry which has a significant effect on print dot formation

    Digital Video Generation and Their Viewing Habits: The Death of Television News?

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    Following the changing media content consumptions patterns of todayā€™s youth ā€“ rise of social media as a primary news source; mobile internet access; binge watching; transfer onto content streaming services etc. ā€“ it is not hard to predict the death of television as a news source in foreseeable future. In this paper we combine audience behavior research of viewing habits of Generations Y and Z with content analysis of the among them most popular news podcasts from the use and gratification perspective. The intention of our research is to explore the future of both television as a medium and television news as a media format and to do so we extrapolate statistical data provided by both research methods to define new format and broadcast (in the broadest sense) standards that are attractive and engaging to our target population: the television news consumers of the future

    Cinemetrics of environmental educational video materials according to the analysis of the use of color and frame length

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    In the era of social media and the dominance of video-based social media sites such as TikTok, short educational movies could serve as a powerful tool for the apprehension of environmental problems and the promotion of effective protection practices. According to System Theory, educational video can be observed as a complex system of various patterns of visual and acoustic codes that can be quantified and presented in the form of Ishikawa diagrams. Through the analysis of an award-winning educational short movie on environmental protection, this paper presents the development of models for educational movie production by combining theoretical concepts of message composition from communication theory with technical enhancements based on cinemetrics, psychophysiology and statistical methods derived from the simulation modeling. Analysis of the two technical characteristics of the movie: shot length and distribution of Red-Green-Blue color spectrum confirms explicated theoretical assumptions. Statistical analysis shows that technical transition points (represented by color equilibrium and inverse Gaussian distribution of shot length) correspond to the movie narration, color enhancements (peaks) are consistent with the elements of storytelling, and color patterns in the movie follow psychophysiological assumptions of the meaning of color, amplifying anticipated viewers response through unique distribution for each of the analyzed colors. Considering the acceleration of content production and the rising lack of focus of modern media consumers, the findings presented in this paper offer a useful tool for the development and production of educational and environmental video materials, its systematization, optimization, capacity to clarify complex environmental subjects and engage the various public

    Digital Video Generation and Their Viewing Habits: The Death of Television News?

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    Following the changing media content consumptions patterns of todayā€™s youth ā€“ rise of social media as a primary news source; mobile internet access; binge watching; transfer onto content streaming services etc. ā€“ it is not hard to predict the death of television as a news source in foreseeable future. In this paper we combine audience behavior research of viewing habits of Generations Y and Z with content analysis of the among them most popular news podcasts from the use and gratification perspective. The intention of our research is to explore the future of both television as a medium and television news as a media format and to do so we extrapolate statistical data provided by both research methods to define new format and broadcast (in the broadest sense) standards that are attractive and engaging to our target population: the television news consumers of the future

    Assumptions for navigation system of graphic user interface for tablet newspaper

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    Autori u radu predstavljaju rezultate fokusne grupe usmjerene na definiranje optimalnog sustava navigacije kroz aplikaciju za tablet novine. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom grupnog intervjua. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da korisnici tablet aplikacija, prije svega oni naprednih znanja i iskustava preferiraju već postojeća rjeÅ”enja, Å”to potvrđuje teorijske pretpostavke izrade grafičkih korisničkih sučelja te teorijskih predviđanja o intuitivnom koriÅ”tenju aplikacija. Sudionici istraživanja smatraju da bi navigacija kroz sadržaj trebala počivati na pravilu od maksimalno dva koraka do i od bilo kojeg sadržaja, Å”to se može postići kvalitetnom organizacijom sadržaja na alatnim trakama i koriÅ”tenjem drugih navigacijskih alata.n this paper authors are presenting the results of focus group aimed at defining the optimal system of navigating through the application for tablet newspaper. The research was conducted by a group interview. Results showed that users of tablet applications, especially those with advanced knowledge and experience favored existing solutions, which confirms the theoretical assumptions of graphic user interfaces production and theoretical predictions about the intuitive use of applications. Focus group participants believe that navigation through the content should rest on the rule of a maximum of two steps to and from any of the content, which can be achieved through quality organization of the toolbars and by using other navigation tools

    Text readability and legibility on iPad with comparison to paper and computer screen

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    U radu autori istražuju čitkost teksta na iPad uređaju i djelomično ga uspoređuju s čitanjem sa zaslona računala i papira. Na temelju ranijih istraživanja, mjerene su dvije nezavisne varijable: brzina čitanja (T) i subjektivna težina čitanja (Z). U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 220 studenata starih između 18 i 48 godina podijeljeno u 11 grupa od po 20 sudionika. Ključni rezultati su: Sans serif font Gotham čitkiji je i čitljiviji na iPadu od Minion Pro serifnog fonta, iako kad su veličine fonta veće, nema statistički značajne razlike između njih; zbog manjeg broja znakova po retku, dvostupačni prijelom najteže je čitljiv; tekst prelomljen u minimalno 79 znakova po retku i viÅ”e dovoljno je čitak za čitanje na iPadu; s obzirom na kvalitetu čitanja, tekstovi prikazani na iPadu mogu zamijeniti tekstove tiskane na papiru.In this paper authors examine readability and legibility of text on iPad and compare it partially to reading from computer screen and paper. Following previous research, two independent variables were measured: speed of reading (T) and subjective difficulty of reading (Z). 220 university students aged 18Ć·48 participated in the experiment and were divided into 11 groups of 20 participants. Key findings are as follows: Sans serif Gotham font is more readable and legible on iPad than Minion Pro serif font, although, when presented in bigger font sizes there is no significant difference between the two letter cases; two column spread of text was the hardest to read, giving fewer number of characters per row; layout of text with 79 characters per row and above should be readable and legible enough for reading texts on iPad; considering quality of reading, texts displayed on iPad can replace texts printed on paper

    Integrative model of media content production for printed media in multiplatform production conditions

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    Rad daje pregled proizvodnje medijskog sadržaja u multiplatformskim produkcijskim uvjetima i na temelju postojećih teorijskih spoznaja istražuje metode proizvodnje multimedijskih i cross medijskih sadržaja iz perspektive vanjskog promatrača. Istraživanje stupnja medijske konvergencije hrvatskih dnevnih listova pokazuje da proizvodnja sadržaja za pojedine platforme nije objedinjena niti se u dovoljnoj mjeri koriste mogućnosti koje pružaju nove tehnologije. Stoga se u radu predlaže novi model proizvodnje medijskog sadržaja koji bi objedinjavao pojedine faze produkcije i osigurao kvalitetnu multiplatformsku distribuciju.In this paper authors give an overview of media content production in multiplatform production conditions. They examined methods of multimedia and cross media content production from the perspective of external observer, based on existing theoretical background. Analisys of the degree of media convergence of Croatian daily newspapers shows that the production of content for specific platforms is not unified nor sufficiently use the opportunities provided by new technologies. This paper proposes a new model of content production that would encompass different phases of production and ensure quality multiplatform distribution

    User expectations and requirements for "tablet newspaper" oriented graphic interfaces

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    Autori u radu predstavljaju rezultate anketnog istraživanja očekivanja i zahtjeva potencijalnih korisnika grafičkog korisničkog sučelja \u27tablet novina\u27 ovisno o njihovom navikama konzumiranja novinskog sadržaja te prilagodbi aplikacija dnevnih novina za tablet digitalnom okruženju. Rezultati pokazuju da korisnici očekuju barem djelomično preslikavanje postojećih modela, prije svega online i izdanja za mobilne telefone, Å”to je samo djelomično u skladu s ranijim teorijskim pretpostavkama. Ispitanici su pokazali kako koriÅ”tenje multimedijskih dodataka uvelike poboljÅ”ava doživljaj koriÅ”tenja tablet aplikacija.In this paper authors present results of a survey inquiring expectations of potential users of a graphical user interface for \u27tablet newspapers\u27 depending on their habits of consuming newspaper content and adaptation of applications to digital environment. The results show that users expect at least partially interfaces based on existing models, primarily web and mobile phones applications, which is only partially in line with earlier theoretical assumptions. Subjects showed that use of different multimedia formats greatly enhances the user experience of tablet application

    Determination of visual interest points of graphical user interfaces for tablet newspapers application

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    U radu autori metodom praćenja kretanja oka određuju centre vizualnog interesa i točke ulaza pogleda promatrača na stranicu grafičkog korisničkog sučelja aplikacije za tablet novine. Istraživanje prikazano u radu pokazalo je da ključni vizualni elementi i točke ulaza u ovom slučaju funkcioniraju na isti način kao i kod tiskanog izdanja dnevnih novina, a ne slijede obrasce koji se javljaju kod prikaza sadržaja na web stranici pripadajućih novina.In this paper the authors determine the visual interest centres and the points of visual entry of observers on the page of graphical user interface for newspaper tablet application using the method of monitoring the eye movement. The research presented in this paper demonstrates that the key visual elements and points of entry in this case function in the same way as in the case of the printed edition of daily newspapers, and do not follow the patterns that occur in the application of content on websites of corresponding newspaper

    An analytical approach for determining the mechanical dot gain of AM and FM screen technology

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    FM rasterska tehnologija se razlikuje od konvencionalne AM tehnologije nepostojanjem linijature rastera i koriÅ”tenjem mikro točkica za predstavljanje tonskih vrijednosti na slici. Geometrijski prirast RTV je promjena fizičke veličine rasterskog elementa koja se javlja za vrijeme procesa reprodukcije. Glavno pitanje ove studije bilo je definirati odnos između geometrijskog prirasta RTV kod AM i FM rasterske tehnologije. Pomoću dviju nezavisne analitičke metode temeljene na matematičkim jednadžbama definirane su prijelazne točke u %RTV kod kojih prirast RTV kod obje tehnologije ima jednaku vrijednost. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da se pomoću obje metode dobiju identične vrijednosti koje su važne prilikom odabira rasterskih tehnologija i definiranja osnovnih parametara rastriranja.FM screening technology differs from conventional AM screening by the absence of screen ruling and the use of micro dots to represent the tonal values in an image. Mechanical dot gain is the change in geometrical dot size that occurs during the reproduction process. The major question of this study was to define the relationship between mechanical dot gain of AM and FM screening technology. Using two independent analytical methods, based on mathematical equations, the transition points of percentage dot area were defined where dot gain at both screening technology has the same value. The research results show that using both methods get identical values important for choosing a raster technology and defining basic parameters of screening