21 research outputs found

    Il MUVISS, MUseo VIrtuale di Scienze Spaziali, dell’IAPS - Report anni 2018-2019

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    Il progetto della costituzione di un MUseo VIrtuale di Scienze Spaziali (MUVISS) dell’INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali (IAPS) è nato nel 2018, con l’obiettivo di far vivere al pubblico l’esperienza della scienza e dell‘esplorazione spaziale grazie a tecnologie quali la realtà virtuale e aumentata, strumenti estremamente efficaci per la comunicazione, divulgazione e didattica dell’Astronomia e in particolare per l’esplorazione del Sistema Solare e dello spazio. Nel 2018/2019, il MUVISS è stato avviato con una prima dotazione hardware e software e la sperimentazione di alcuni progetti multimediali all’interno dei locali dell’IAPS, includendo anche progetti preesistenti come Pianeti in una stanza. I primi due anni di attività per il pubblico, raccontati in questo report, hanno incluso sia attività in sede che in manifestazioni esterne e hanno raggiunto un pubblico di circa 6000 persone. Come studio per la realizzazione del primo prototipo del MUVISS è stata anche pubblicata una tesi del Master in Scienza e Tecnologia Spaziali dell’Università di Roma Tor vergata, riportata come allegato a questo Report

    Risultati di uno studio randomizzato singolo cieco placebo versus Diallil-Tiosulfinato, Nuciferina e Diosgenina in pazienti responders a Tadalafil 5 mg; Results of a single blind study placebo vs Diallil-Tiosulphinate, Nucipherine and Diosgenin in patients reponders to Tadalafil 5 mg

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    The aim of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of Diallil-Tiosulphinate, Nuciepherine and Diosgenin in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. In our study were selected 120 men affected by erectile dysfunction. They were filled in a self-administered questionnaire International Index of Sexual Medicine. 74 of them reported a moderate erectile dysfunction and 46 reported a severe ED. All patients were treated with Tadalafil 5 mg once a day for 90 days. They were re-evaluated with the same questionnaire after three months of therapy. In 75% of the patients there was an improvement of IIEF-5 score. Only the 90 patients responders to Tadalafil once a day were randomized and divided into two groups, each formed by 45 subjects. The group A was treated with the association of Diallil-Tiosulfinate, Nucipherine and Diosgenin on alternate days. The patients of group B were treated with placebo. After three months, there was a new evaluation with IIEF-5 score. In group A we reported a maintenance of improvement post-Tadalafil in 36 patients;in group B, only 18 patients have maintained the previous improvement, according to IIEF-5 score. The χ2 test is 13,38, with a p-value of about 0,00013.The maintenance’s odds ratio, confronting the two groups, is 6 with a confidence’s interval of 95%. The study shows that the utilization of the association therapy in patients with erectile dysfunction responders to Tadalafil once a day is able to duplicate the odds of maintenance’s improvement compared to placebo

    Effetti sulla disfunzione erettile dell'associazione di dialliltiosulfinato, nuciferina e diosgenina in pazienti pretrattati con inibitori della 5 fosfodiesterasi once a day. Studio randomizzato versus placebo singolo cieco.

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    SCOPO DEL LAVORO Dimostrare l’efficacia del prodotto di associazione, a base di diallil-tiosulfinato, nuciferina e diosgenina, in soggetti affetti da disfunzione erettile nel mantenimento della risposta positiva, in termini di miglioramento dello score dell’International Index of Sexual Medicine (IIEF-5), dopo periodo di terapia con tadalafil 5mg giornaliero per tre mesi. MATERIALI E METODI Sono stati selezionati 120 pazienti affetti da Disfunzione Erettile moderata e severa secondo lo score del questionario IIEF-5 di età compresa tra 50 e 65 anni (età media di 56,7) e sottoposti a terapia giornaliera con Tadalafil 5mg: una compressa per tre mesi. Al termine del trimestre i pazienti sono stati rivalutati mediante nuova compilazione del questionario IIEF-5. I 90 pazienti risultati responders alla terapia sono stati campionati per randomizzazione semplice (criterio della estrazione) e suddivisi equamente in due gruppi omogenei. I non responders (30 pazienti) sono stati avviati ad altra terapia. Il gruppo A dei responders è stato trattato con l’associazione di Diallil-Tiosulfinato 20 mg, Nuciferina 137,5 mg, Diosgenina 45mg: una compressa a giorni alterni per tre mesi. Ai pazienti responders del gruppo B veniva somministrato placebo. Entrambi i gruppi sono stati sottoposti a follow-up per tre mesi. Al termine del follow-up è stata consegnata ulteriore copia del questionario IIEF-5. RISULTATI Nel gruppo A si è avuto un mantenimento della risposta positiva nell’80% dei casi (36 pazienti) con una stabilizzazione del deficit erettile nella categoria lieve-moderata secondo lo score dell'IIEF-5. Nel gruppo B, invece, è stato riscontrato un peggioramento nel 60% dei casi (27 pazienti), con uno score sovrapponibile al periodo di reclutamento pre-Tadalafil. Il test delX2 che ha messo a confronto la proporzione dei risultati tra i due gruppi, ha dato esito a 15,000 con una p=0,0001. La misura dell’associazione determina un rischio relativo pari a 2 (i.c. 1,36-2,94). DISCUSSIONE L’impiego della terapia associativa con Diallil-Tiosulfinato, Nuciferina e Diosgenina nella disfunzione erettile si è dimostrato capace di raddoppiare la probabilità di mantenere il paziente affetto da deficit erettile nella categoria di score IIEF-5 raggiunta in precedenza, in confronto alla stessa popolazione trattata con solo placebo, dopo terapia con tadalafil. CONCLUSIONI L’associazione dei tre principi attivi nella disfunzione erettile rappresenta un valido supporto nel follow-up del paziente trattato con Tadalafil once a day garantendogli nel tempo il mantenimento della performance sessuale


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    Introduction: Infection Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the cause of several disease in men and in women: genital warts, penile and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, invasive penile carcinoma and cervical cancer. However, less is known about HPV infection and prevalence of HPV types in men. Materials and Methods: 820 genital samples of men (age 19-77; mean age: 36.7 ys) who had come to the Virology laboratory of the Department of Sciences for Health Promotion and Mother and Child Care (Policlinico, University of Palermo, Italy) were examined for HPV infection. The study included men with genital warts, men with atypical genital lesion, partners of HPV-positive women and asymptomatic men for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) diagnostic evaluation. HPV-DNA genotyping was performed by the INNOLiPA HPV Genotyping Extra II Test (Fujirebio) and nested PCR/sequencing method. Results: 461/820 (56.2%) genital samples were HPV positive. The highest HPV detection rate was found in the 25-34 year age group (41.4%), followed by the 35-44 group (31.7%). Oncogenic types were found in 360 (78.1%) samples, alone 228 (63.3%) or with non-oncogenic types 132 (36.7%). Multiple HPV type infections were shown in 225 (48.8%) samples of whom 109 (23.6%) had two genotypes, 58 (12.6%) three genotypes, 38 (8.2%) four genotypes, 15 (3.2%) five genotypes, 3 (0.6%) six genotypes and then only 2 (0.4%) eight genotypes. Thirty-eight different HPV types were identified: the mostly frequent were HPV-16 (19.9% of HPV positive patients), -51 and -6 (18.2%), -31 (13.9%), -66 (13.7%), -53 (11%), -18 (7.6%), -44 (7.1%), -56 (7%), -11 (5.8%), -39 and \u201352 (5.6%), -54 (5.2%), -58 (5%), -62 (4.5%); other viral types occurred at a frequency of less than 4.0%. Men who have made the HPV test: 138 (16.8%) were diagnosed with genital warts, 3 (0.4%) carcinomas, 413 (50.3%) were HPV-positive women partners, 30 (3.6%) presence of an atypical genital lesion, 236 (28.7%) men who wanted a full assessment of sexual transmitted diseases. HPV infection was evident in 100% men with carcinomas, in 103 (74.6%) men with genital warts, in 254 men (61.5%) partners of HPV-positive women, in 11 (36.6%) men with presence of an atypical genital lesion and in 90 (38.1%) in asymptomatic men. HPV-16 was prevalent in 2 (66.7%) men with carcinoma, in 55 (21.6%) men HPV-positive women partners and in 3 (27.3) men with atypical genital lesion; HPV-6 in 36 (35%) men with genital warts and in 19 (21.1%) asymptomatic men. Discussion and conclusions: this study showed a high prevalence of genital HPV infection in Sicilian men. This information will contribute to elucidating the epidemiology of HPV infection in man, and it will also be helpful in the implementation of future prevention strategies

    Adjuvant intravesical therapy in intermediate risk non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) recurring after first cycle of intravesical treatment.

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    Introduction and objectives The therapeutic management of intermediate risk NMI-BC recurring after intravesical therapy (IT) is not established. Cystectomy will be offered to patients at higher risk of progression but the majority will be retreated by IT. Although some Authors suggest BCG when intravesical chemotherapy (ICH) fails, some patients are retreated by ICH and some others repeat BCG adopted as first-line treatment. Not many studies have been published on this issue. The response to retreatment by intravesical therapy in terms of recurrence-free rate (RFR) and recurrence-free survival (RFS) is analyzed in 179 intermediate-risk patients. Materials and methods Only intermediate-risk tumours (EORTC Risk Tables recurrence-risk score 5-9) in absence of TIS were selected. The patients not receiving at least 6 instillations of BCG or ICH after the first diagnosis and again after the TUR of the first recurrence, were excluded. Only BCG, mitomycin c and epirubicin were accepted. All patients were submitted to cytology and cystoscopy 3-monthly for the first 2-years and then 6-monthly. A statistical analysis was performed for RFR and RFS and progression, considering first line IT (BCG versus ICH), previous recurrence free interval, T-category, G-grade, multiplicity, second line IT (BCG versus ICH) and maintenance regimen. Results The study included 179 patients. The first-line IT was ICH in 131 (73.2%) and BCG in 48 (26.8%) patients. The median recurrence free interval was 16 months. Intravesical therapy at recurrence was BCG in 83 (46.4%) and ICH in 96 (53.6%) patients. Maintenance of at least 12 months was given in 31.3% and 38.5% of patients respectively. Of the 48 patients previously treated by BCG, 40 (83.3%) repeated it, while of the 131 previously treated by ICH, 88 (67.2%) received ICH again and 43 (32.8%) BCG. Thus, only 8 patients received ICH after BCG. At a median follow-up of 29 months, 65 (36.3%) patients recurred, 25 (30.1%) and 40 (41.7%) after BCG and ICH respectively. No statistical difference emerged in terms of RFS between BCG and ICH (p=0.97). Thirteen patients showed progression at a median interval of 19 months. At multivariate analysis no statistically significant correlation was detected among the considered parameters. Surprisingly, no statistical difference emerged in terms of recurrence free interval between first and second line IT (16 versus 15 months, Mann Whitney U-Test p=0.38), and between patients receiving BCG or ICH as second line therapy after ICH (=0.28). Conclusions Intravesical re-treatment by chemotherapy or BCG did not show any reduction in terms of RFS when compared with the first line therapy. Moreover, in patients recurring after intravesical chemotherapy, chemotherapy and BCG resulted equally effective in terms of RFR and RFS


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    Abstract OBJECTIVES: To evaluate a highly selected population of patients affected by T1G3 bladder transitional cell carcinoma (TCCB) treated by transurethral resection (TUR) and adjuvant intravesical chemotherapy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between January 1976 and April 1999, 137 patients with T1G3 TCCB were treated by TUR plus intravesical chemotherapy. Particularly, a sequential combination of mitomycin C (MMC) and epirubicin (EPI) was adopted in 91 patients (66.4%). The main exclusion criteria were concomitant or previous Tis, previous T1G3 TCCB, tumor size greater than 3 centimeters and number of tumors more than 3. TUR was repeated if a superficial tumor recurred. Patients went off study if Tis, recurrent T1G3 or invasive tumor were detected during treatment or thereafter. Adjuvant therapy, recurrence and progression were considered in multivariate analysis regarding recurrence, progression and survival respectively. RESULTS: Observation period was up to 240 months with a minimum of 2 years in 112 patients (82%). Seventy patients (51%) recurred. The recurring tumor was again a T1G3 in 22 (16%) patients. Thirteen patients (9.5%) progressed. The 5-year progression-free survival rate was 90%. Median progression-free survival was 149 months. Twenty-two patients (16%) died, 9 (6.6%) of whom due to bladder cancer. Median overall survival was 155 months. The 3- and 5-year disease-free overall survival rates were 89% and 80% respectively. Ten cystectomies (7.3%) were performed. In conclusion, 123 patients (90%) maintained their intact bladder with a mean disease-free overall survival of 104 months. The sequential combination of MMC and EPI adjuvant therapy resulted more effective to be than single drug chemotherapy on recurrence rate (p=0.0021) but had no impact upon progression (p=0.127) and specific survival (p=0.163). Progression (p<0.001) after conservative treatment was the main prognostic factor for survival. CONCLUSION: A conservative approach is an appropriate therapeutic option for the initial management of selected T1G3 bladder tumors

    Long-term outcome of antiandrogen monotherapy in advanced prostate carcinoma. Twelve-year’s results of a phase II study.

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    OBJECTIVE: To present the long-term outcome of patients with locally advanced or metastatic prostate carcinoma treated by first-line antiandrogen monotherapy. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From 1983 to 1990, 41 patients with advanced prostate carcinoma were treated with flutamide monotherapy until progression or the appearance of toxicity. Twenty-five patients (61%) had T3-T4N0M0 and 16 (39%) T2-4N0-3M1 prostate carcinoma. Consensus criteria were adopted to evaluate the response. Plasma testosterone and sexual function were recorded for the first 3 years. RESULTS: Flutamide was administered for up to 147 months; seven patients (17%) interrupted the treatment because of toxicity. There was an objective response in 17 (41%) patients; 20 (49%) had stable disease while four (10%) progressed. There were objective responses, lasting up to 150 months, in 82% of those with M0 and in 18% with M1 disease (P = 0.05). The median time to progression in patients with an objective response and stable disease was 45 and 16 months, respectively (P < 0.001). Thirty-one patients (76%) died from prostate cancer and 10 (24%) from unrelated diseases. The median survival was 67 and 36 months in patients with an objective response and stable disease, respectively (P < 0.001). There was an improvement in performance status in 85% and reduction in bone pain in 83% of the patients; sexual activity was maintained in 63%. CONCLUSION: Monotherapy with flutamide is well tolerated. Objective responses are more frequent in patients with locally advanced disease. Patients with an objective response within 6 months have a prolonged progression-free and overall survival