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    Experience of Vancomycin Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Two Multidisciplinary Hospitals in Latvia

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    Publisher Copyright: Ā© 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Background and Objectives: Management of infectious diseases is a huge burden to every healthcare system worldwide. Antimicrobial resistance, including antibacterial resistance, is an increasing problem worldwide; therefore, more new antibiotics are necessary to be discovered. Meanwhile, ā€œoldā€ antibacterial agents are still administered to fight infectious diseases caused by resistant bacteria. One of these antibacterial agents is vancomycin, which is effective in treating serious systemic infections caused by gram-positive bacteria. Thus, it is necessary to perform vancomycin concentration measurements in plasma due to its narrow therapeutic index. Various approaches are implemented for more precise therapy, including therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of vancomycin and with a supervision of a clinical pharmacist. The purpose of the study was to investigate if the TDM practice is improved with a local vancomycin TDM protocol applied in a hospital. The results of TDM in two multidisciplinary hospitals, one with a local TDM protocol implemented and applied and the other with no local TDM protocol implemented and applied, were compared. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study was performed in two multidisciplinary hospitals in Latvia. The data were collected for a time period of 4 years (2016ā€“2020) in a hospital without a local TDM protocol and for a time period of 2 years (2018ā€“2020) in a hospital with a local TDM protocol, starting with a period of time when the vancomycin TDM protocol was developed. The data about the patients included in the study were analyzed based on gender, age, body weight, and renal function. Vancomycin therapy was analyzed based on dosing schemes (vancomycin dose and dosing interval), data about loading and maintenance doses, vancomycin concentration, and details about vancomycin concentration (sampling time and concentration level). Results: Differences between the hospitals were found in terms of the initiation of vancomycin administration and concentration sampling. In the hospital with a TDM protocol compared with the hospital without a TDM protocol, more accurate initiation was found, alongside adaption of therapy (97.22% vs. 18.95%, p < 0.001), better performance of administration of a loading dose (22.73% vs. 1.29%, p < 0.01), and reaching of target concentration (55.56% vs. 35.29%, p < 0.01). Concentration sampling in the correct timeframe before the vancomycin dose and vancomycin administration did not show statistically better results in either of the hospitals (4.60% vs. 6.29%, p = 0.786). Conclusions: Better results of adequate adjustments of vancomycin therapy were achieved in the hospital with a TDM protocol. In the long term, sustainable results and regular medical professionalsā€™ training is necessary.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Analysis of vancomycin therapeutic drug monitoring in two multidisciplinary hospitals in Latvia, with and without a monitoring protocol

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    KlÄ«niskā farmācijaVeselÄ«bas aprÅ«peClinical PharmacyHealth CareVankomicÄ«ns ir glikopeptÄ«du grupas antibiotika, kas darbojas pret dažāda veida Gram pozitÄ«viem mikroorganismiem, tai skaitā, meticilÄ«n-rezistento Staphylococcus aureus. Sistēmiskas infekcijas ārstÄ“Å”anai, tas tiek ievadÄ«ts intravenozi, devas pielāgojot atkarÄ«bā no Ä·ermeņa masas un nieru funkcijas. VankomicÄ«nam Å”aurā terapeitiskā indeksa dēļ terapijas laikā ir nepiecieÅ”ams veikt terapeitisko zāļu monitoringu. Tas palÄ«dz sasniegt adekvātu terapeitisko iedarbÄ«bu, vienlaikus samazinot toksicitātes attÄ«stÄ«bas risku. Taču, lai gan ir izveidotas dažādas vadlÄ«nijas vankomicÄ«na terapijas nodroÅ”ināŔanai, vēl joprojām liela daļa pacientu nesasniedz rekomendācijās noteikto mērÄ·a koncentrāciju. Kā vienu no iemesliem literatÅ«rā bieži min neatbilstoÅ”u vankomicÄ«na terapeitiskā zāļu monitoringa (TZM) procedÅ«ru, tāpēc pētÄ«jumos tiek izvērtētas dažādas metodes, ieskaitot klÄ«niskā farmaceita iesaistÄ«Å”anu, ar kuras palÄ«dzÄ«bu varētu uzlabot vankomicÄ«na TZM praksi. RetrospektÄ«vs pētÄ«jums tika veikts divās Latvijas daudzprofilu slimnÄ«cās, stacionārā ā€œGaiļezersā€ un Vidzemes slimnÄ«cā. Darba mērÄ·is bija izpētÄ«t vankomicÄ«na terapeitiskā monitoringa praksi Å”ajās slimnÄ«cās un noskaidrot klÄ«niskā farmaceita izveidota monitoringa protokola ietekmi uz precÄ«zāku terapijas pielāgoÅ”anu. Tika noskaidrots, ka vairākās niansēs, piemēram, vankomicÄ«na devas ievadÄ«Å”anas sākuma un asins parauga paņemÅ”anas laika dokumentācijas aizpildÄ«Å”anā (18,95 % / 97,22 %, p < 0,001), piesātinoŔās devas pielietoÅ”ana sākotnējās terapijas shēmā (1,59 % / 22,73 %, p < 0,01) un mērÄ·a koncentrācijas sasniegÅ”anā (35,29 % / 55,56 %, p < 0,01), protokola monitoringa ievieÅ”ana uzrādÄ«ja statistiski nozÄ«mÄ«gu uzlabojumu vankomicÄ«na TZM norisē. Pareizā laikā paņemtas vankomicÄ«na analÄ«zes neuzrādÄ«ja statistiski labāku rezultātu, salÄ«dzinot abas slimnÄ«cas (4,60 % / 6,29 %, p = 0,786). Lai arÄ« kopumā var teikt, ka klÄ«niskā farmaceita izveidots monitoringa protokols uzlabo vankomicÄ«na TZM procedÅ«ru, ilglaicÄ«gai rezultātu uzturÄ“Å”anai un uzlaboÅ”anai ir nepiecieÅ”amas pastāvÄ«gas apmācÄ«bu programmas medicÄ«nas personālam par visiem monitoringa posmiem, ko apstiprina arÄ« zinātniskā literatÅ«ra.Vancomycin is a glycopeptide antibiotic that acts against a variety of Gram-positive microorganisms, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. For the treatment of systemic infections, it is injected intravenously, with doses adjusted according to body weight and kidney function. Due to the narrow therapeutic index of vancomycin, therapeutic drug monitoring is required during treatment. However, despite various guidelines for vancomycin therapy, a large proportion of patients still do not reach the recommended target concentration. Inadequate vancomycin therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) procedures are often cited in the literature as a reason, and studies are evaluating various methods, including the involvement of a clinical pharmacist, to improve the course of vancomycin TDM. A retrospective study was carried out in two Latvian multi-profile hospitals, stationary ā€œGaiļezersā€ and Vidzeme hospital. The aim of this study was to investigate the practice of therapeutic monitoring of vancomycin in these hospitals and to find out the impact of a monitoring protocol developed by a clinical pharmacist on more accurate therapy. It was found that in several nuances, for example, appropriate documentation of vancomycin dose administration time and blood sampling time (18.95% / 97.22%, p<0.001), the use of a loading dose in the initial treatment regimen (1.59% / 22.73%, p<0.01) and the achievement of the target concentration (35.29% / 55.56%, p<0.01), the implementation of protocol monitoring showed a statistically significant improvement in vancomycin TDM. Appropriately collected blood samples used to measure vancomycin trough, did not show a statistically superior result between the two hospitals (4.60% / 6.29%, p=0.786). Although in general it can be said that the monitoring protocol developed by the clinical pharmacist improves the TDM procedure of vancomycin, long-term maintenance and improvement of results requires continuous training programs for medical staff at all stages of monitoring, as complemented by the scientific literature