7 research outputs found


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    Nigerian cities are witnessing high rate of environmental deterioration and are rated among urban areas with the lowest livability index in the world. It is estimated that between 20 percent and 30 percent of the urban population enjoy decent urban life in the country. Although studies have identified various environmental problems in Nigeria, little attention has been given to their implications for sustainable development in literature. This paper therefore examined the causes and implications of increasing environmental deterioration for sustainable development in the country. Relying on archival records and observations, this paper identified colonial antecedents of Nigerian cities, rapid urbanization and poor psychological orientation of residents as being responsible for the current situation. The paper highlighted the three –fold effects on the human health, the economy and ecological system and suggested that the application of planning, economic, legal, institutional as well as educational tools will address the situation

    The Impact of Client Economic Power and Value on the Independence of Auditors in Nigeria: Quantitative Analysis Comparing Financial Strength with Audit Remuneration

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    This paper looks into the possibility that the Economic power possessed by clients might affect the level of external auditor’s independence in Nigeria. It explores the possibility that the comparability of financial strength of clients to that of audit firms could lead to intimidation threat. The study makes use of the annual report of 6 out of the Most Valuable entities in Nigeria as evaluated and published by Nigeria Bulletin in 2014. The study carried out a linear regression analysis of the relationship between audit remuneration and firm size and total administrative expenses. The result showed that audit remuneration has a positive significant relationship with administrative expenses, although only about 40% change in administrative expense could be attributed to audit fee as depicted by the coefficient of determination (R2), the other result showed a positive significant relationship between audit remuneration and firm size, with very high correlation coefficient. This led to the conclusion that the financial strength of client has a strong impact on the fortune of auditor, which could affect the moral stance of auditors; it is therefore recommended that auditor maintain their independence principle no matter the circumstance. Keywords: Audit Independence, Audit Remuneration, Firm Size, Auditor-Client Relationship

    The Stabilized and Compressed Earth Bricks: An Innovative Option Towards a Sustainable Home Ownership in Nigeria

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    One of the major indices of measuring underdevelopment in a country is in the area of housing. Two major factors are responsible for this development. First is the financial strength of the people and the second is the poor level of awareness about cheaper and more energy conserving alternative building materials. This paper examines the potentials that lie in the stabilized and compressed earth brick as compared to concrete blocks as well as local adobe and mud bricks. The paper suggests the use of housing cooperative schemes by locals to solve their housing problems


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    Globalization has exerted so much pressure on every aspect of the global economy. This pressure is fast affecting the economy of most underdeveloped and developing world. The precipitation of the World Trade Organization principles, which compelled participating nations to open up their boarders to foreign goods and services, has finally compelled indigenous culture and economy to untold competition and imminent collapse. This paper considers the inherent and apparent effects of globalization culture on architectural education as well as curriculum development in Nigerian Schools of Architecture. It opined that there is a need to marry both the unique tropical Nigerian environment with its cultural background, while embracing the loftiness of foreign design concept and flavour that are initiated through globalization. It asserted that while globalization principles can be embraced, great caution should be exercised. Finally, both environmental harmony as well as sustainability factors must be given due considerations in harnessing any global design concept. This will avert the intractable architectural misdemeanours prevailing in Nigeria communities. Through appropriate architectural education, so much can be achieved in re-orientating the Nigerian architects


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    The dynamics of architectural practice has caused the search for improved performance in meeting the need and speed of the client. Computer aided design (CAD) has thus become an essential tool to the Nigeria architect. This scenario which began more than two decades ago, has today taken over the practice of architecture. Promising architectural firms in Nigeria, desire architects with CAD expertise. This has been enhanced by improvement in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector the world over. Faster computers, large memory capacity, enhanced software application features are bringing to bear new possibilities and reduction in production time, elimination of design and drafting limitations. The paper attempts to recapture the two divides of 'the past' and 'the present'. It also documents available architectural CAD options in the market and their impact on the practice of the profession. The future is the 'next now’; therefore it is important to discover the next step forward. The paper discusses extensively new software available for architectural practice as well as the value attached to them. It finally proffers ways of consolidating and ensuring that the impact of CAD on architecture remains positive in the Nigerian architectural landscape