4 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Shallow Groundwater Quality at Regional Scales Using Adaptive Water Quality Indices

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    Groundwater, which is the main source of water for human consumption in many rural areas, has its quality determined by the complex interaction of environmental factors and anthropogenic activities. The present study evaluated the quality of shallow groundwater (1 to 25 m depth) in the rural area of the Târgovişte Plain, a densely populated area (200 inhabitants/km2) using 80 water samples collected from public wells. In order to explain the spatial distribution of the concentrations of the 19 physicochemical parameters considered (including heavy metals), the evaluation of groundwater quality for human consumption and potential impact on human health was conducted using the Water Quality Index (WQI), Integrated Weight Water Quality Index (IwWQI), Total Hazard Index (THI), and cumulative carcinogenic risk (CCR). For the WQI/IwWQI the comparative analysis of the two indices showed that for the WQI, it is important to select an optimal set of parameters, because use of a large number of physicochemical parameters can eclipse the values that exceed WHO guideline limits. In contrast, the use of entropy in the calculation of the IwWQI did not lead to eclipsing of exceedance, no matter the number of parameters used. Areas with poor and very poor groundwater quality according to the WQI/IwWQI overlapped, with a moderate risk to human health (THI > 1) for noncarcinogenic contaminants and also a risk of developing cancer according to the CCR average value (1.15 × 10−2). The health of 43% of the rural population in the Târgovişte Plain can be affected if they drink contaminated groundwater, and it is estimated that about 600 people can develop cancer during their lifetime. If the risk of developing cancer is reduced only in the rural population that does not have access to a water source from a centralized and verified network, the results suggest that 385 people (1.15%) can develop cancer as a result of consuming groundwater contaminated with heavy metals based on the average value of CCR. This value is lower than the general mortality rate in areas with high CCR and below the average number of cancer patients in Romania (2.65%). The quality of groundwater and the risk of developing diseases and cancer due to water consumption is directly proportional to the intensity of agricultural land use and inversely proportional to the depth of the groundwater layer, the distance from the main hydrographic network and the reservoirs, and the distance from the main city, Târgovişte. The complex and integrated analysis of groundwater quality using quality indices and indicators of health risk for the population, validated by hot-spot analysis and compared to the mortality rate, is an approach with practical applicability. This integrated approach allows public authorities, policymakers, and health services to implement an efficient monitoring program and optimize anthropogenic activities in order to prevent groundwater contamination and finally improve the quality of life for the residents in the area of this study

    Evaluation of Shallow Groundwater Quality at Regional Scales Using Adaptive Water Quality Indices

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    Groundwater, which is the main source of water for human consumption in many rural areas, has its quality determined by the complex interaction of environmental factors and anthropogenic activities. The present study evaluated the quality of shallow groundwater (1 to 25 m depth) in the rural area of the Târgovişte Plain, a densely populated area (200 inhabitants/km2) using 80 water samples collected from public wells. In order to explain the spatial distribution of the concentrations of the 19 physicochemical parameters considered (including heavy metals), the evaluation of groundwater quality for human consumption and potential impact on human health was conducted using the Water Quality Index (WQI), Integrated Weight Water Quality Index (IwWQI), Total Hazard Index (THI), and cumulative carcinogenic risk (CCR). For the WQI/IwWQI the comparative analysis of the two indices showed that for the WQI, it is important to select an optimal set of parameters, because use of a large number of physicochemical parameters can eclipse the values that exceed WHO guideline limits. In contrast, the use of entropy in the calculation of the IwWQI did not lead to eclipsing of exceedance, no matter the number of parameters used. Areas with poor and very poor groundwater quality according to the WQI/IwWQI overlapped, with a moderate risk to human health (THI > 1) for noncarcinogenic contaminants and also a risk of developing cancer according to the CCR average value (1.15 × 10−2). The health of 43% of the rural population in the Târgovişte Plain can be affected if they drink contaminated groundwater, and it is estimated that about 600 people can develop cancer during their lifetime. If the risk of developing cancer is reduced only in the rural population that does not have access to a water source from a centralized and verified network, the results suggest that 385 people (1.15%) can develop cancer as a result of consuming groundwater contaminated with heavy metals based on the average value of CCR. This value is lower than the general mortality rate in areas with high CCR and below the average number of cancer patients in Romania (2.65%). The quality of groundwater and the risk of developing diseases and cancer due to water consumption is directly proportional to the intensity of agricultural land use and inversely proportional to the depth of the groundwater layer, the distance from the main hydrographic network and the reservoirs, and the distance from the main city, Târgovişte. The complex and integrated analysis of groundwater quality using quality indices and indicators of health risk for the population, validated by hot-spot analysis and compared to the mortality rate, is an approach with practical applicability. This integrated approach allows public authorities, policymakers, and health services to implement an efficient monitoring program and optimize anthropogenic activities in order to prevent groundwater contamination and finally improve the quality of life for the residents in the area of this study. 1) for noncarcinogenic contaminants and also a risk of developing cancer according to the CCR average value (1.15 × 10−2). The health of 43% of the rural population in the Târgovişte Plain can be affected if they drink contaminated groundwater, and it is estimated that about 600 people can develop cancer during their lifetime. If the risk of developing cancer is reduced only in the rural population that does not have access to a water source from a centralized and verified network, the results suggest that 385 people (1.15%) can develop cancer as a result of consuming groundwater contaminated with heavy metals based on the average value of CCR. This value is lower than the general mortality rate in areas with high CCR and below the average number of cancer patients in Romania (2.65%). The quality of groundwater and the risk of developing diseases and cancer due to water consumption is directly proportional to the intensity of agricultural land use and inversely proportional to the depth of the groundwater layer, the distance from the main hydrographic network and the reservoirs, and the distance from the main city, Târgovişte. The complex and integrated analysis of groundwater quality using quality indices and indicators of health risk for the population, validated by hot-spot analysis and compared to the mortality rate, is an approach with practical applicability. This integrated approach allows public authorities, policymakers, and health services to implement an efficient monitoring program and optimize anthropogenic activities in order to prevent groundwater contamination and finally improve the quality of life for the residents in the area of this study

    Geochemical Responses to Natural and Anthropogenic Settings in Salt Lakes Sediments from North-Eastern Romanian Plain

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    Chemical analysis was performed on sediment core samples collected from three salt lakes, Amara Lake, Caineni Lake, and Movila Miresii Lake, located in the northeast of the Romanian Plain. The concentration of 10 main elements, 6 heavy metals (HMs), 8 rare earth elements (REEs), and 10 trace elements (TEs)—determined using neutron activation analysis (NAA)—showed variability dependent on the depth sections, lake genesis and geochemical characteristics (oxbow, fluvial harbor/liman and loess saucer type). The assessment of pollution indices (contamination factor, pollution load index, geoaccumulation index, and enrichment factor) highlighted low and moderate degrees of contamination for most of the investigated elements. Principal component analysis (PCA) extracted three principal components, explaining 70.33% (Amara Lake), 79.92% (Caineni Lake), and 71.42% (Movila Miresii Lake) of the observed variability. The principal components extracted were assigned to pedological contribution (37.42%—Amara Lake, 55.88%—Caineni Lake, and 15.31%—Movila Miresii Lake), salts depositions (due to the lack of a constant supply of freshwater and through evaporation during dry periods), atmospheric deposition (19.19%—Amara Lake, 13.80%—Caineni Lake, and 10.80%—Movila Miresii Lake), leaching from soil surface/denudation, rock weathering, and mixed anthropogenic input (e.g., agricultural runoff, wastewater discharges) (13.72%—Amara Lake, 10.24%—Caineni Lake, and 45.31%—Movila Miresii Lake)

    Automated versus Manual Mapping of Gravel Pit Lakes from South-Eastern Romania for Detailed Morphometry and Vegetation

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    In recent years, the accelerated development of the remote sensing domain and the improvement of the resolution and frequency of satellite images allowed the increase in the accuracy of the evaluation of morphometric characteristics and the spatiotemporal distribution of pit lakes, including the small ones. Our study quantitatively analyzes small-scale pit lakes in the piedmont and subsidence plains from contact with the Getic and Curvature Subcarpathians from Romania using the normalized difference water index (NDWI) and data series, with different resolutions, from Landsat 8, Google Earth, and Sentinel 2A. The problems encountered in extracting the contours of the gravel pit lakes were determined by the different resolution of the images, the uneven quality of the images exported from Google Earth, and an additional challenge was given by the diversity of the analyzed land surfaces, the land use, and the optical properties of the lakes. A comparison of the obtained NDWI values using data series from Sentinel 2A and Landsat 8 highlighted the importance of resolution and also showed a larger spectral difference between the identified water bodies and the surrounding land in favor of Sentinel 2A. Regarding the vegetation-derived indices, superior leaf area index (1.8–3) was recorded in low-lying plains and mixed areas (tall shrubs, wetlands, etc.) because the river banks have increased moisture that supports taller species with denser foliage and the sparsely vegetated areas are located in agricultural crops and in/near villages. Changes in vegetation richness and abundance can be spatiotemporally monitored using indices derived from the spectral bands of satellite imagery