71 research outputs found

    Different multivariate analysis for fruit traits in sweet pepper breeding

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    Pepper is very popular vegetable crop in Southeast Europe and in Serbia as well. Wide genetic variability is essential in pepper breeding programs. The aim of this study was to evaluate variability for the most important fruit traits and differences between 28 sweet pepper genotypes from the working collection from the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops (Novi Sad, Serbia). The following traits were analyzed: fruit weight (g), fruit length (cm), fruit diameter (cm), fruit index, number of locules, number of apexes, pericarp thickness (mm), and total soluble solids (degrees Brix). Results confirmed great variability in evaluated pepper fruit traits. Genotypes were separated into individual groups based on fruit characteristics. According to our research, hierarchical cluster analysis represented differentiation among groups of genotypes more clearly than PCA, but not comparing to k-means. Hierarchical cluster analysis showed the similarity between genotypes, but k-means clustering did not. Genotypes from group 3 will be used in breeding for higher fruit weight and group 6 for thicker pericarp

    Kombinacione sposobnosti i način nasleđivanja nekih karakteristika korena Å”ećerne repe

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    Sugar beet breeding is very complex because it involves numerous sugar beet root traits that must be measured and investigated, as a basis to create hybrids with high yield, high sugar content and appropriate root shape. In this paper were investigated combining abilities and mode of inheritance for root weight, root diameter and dry matter content of different sugar beet genotypes. Combining abilities were assessed by line x tester method. The mode of inheritance was assessed by evaluation of hybrids versus parents mean. For the estimation of combining abilities and mode of inheritance of analyzed traits were used 8 monogerm pollinators, 3 monogerm cms lines and their 24 F1 hybrids. The mode of inheritance for root weight and root diameter for most hybrid combinations was dominance of better parent. For inheritance of dry matter content intermediate level and partial domination of one parent were obtained.Oplemenjivanje Å”ećerne repe je izuzetno složeno zbog velikog broja osobina korena koje treba ispitati da bi se stvorili hibridi sa visokim prinosom korena, sadržajem Å”ećera i odgovarajućeg oblika korena. U ovom radu su ispitivane kombinacione sposobnosti i način nasleđivanja mase korena, prečnika korena i sadržaja Å”ećera različitih genotipova Å”ećerne repe. Analizom linija x tester utvrđene su opÅ”te i posebne kombinacione sposobnosti roditelja. Način nasleđivanja je određen upoređenjem srednjih vrednosti hibridnih kombinacija i roditelja. Kao materijal u ovom radu koriŔćeno je 8 monogermnih opraÅ”ivača, tri monogermne cms linije i 24 F1 hibrida dobijena ukrÅ”tanjem. Način nasleđivanja za masu korena i prečnik korena kod većine hibridnih kombinacije je bio dominacija boljeg roditelja. Način nasleđivanja sadržaja suve materije bio je intermedijaran i parcijalno dominantan

    Chemical composition of selected winter green pea (Pisum sativum L.) genotypes

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    Breeding and selection of winter pea for seed quality is a serious challenge to every breeder. The result of breeding mainly depends on good knowledge of the genetic material. Chemical and technological analysis is necessary for an accurate determination of the following traits of technologically mature seed of the winter pea collection: protein content, total nitrogen content, total sugars content, starch content, fatty oil content, cellulose content, and ash content (g (100 g)(-1)). The protein content in the tested lines of pea was in the range 22.86-28.04 g (100 g)(-1), the total nitrogen content 3.66-4.49 g (100 g)(-1), total sugars content 10.30-14.67 g (100 g)(-1), starch content 39.44-46.23 g (100 g)(-1), fatty oil content 1.48-1.89 g (100 g)(-1), cellulose content 8.79-10.28 g (100 g)(-1) and ash content 3.08-3.67 g (100 g)(-1). PCA analysis was used to identify the three components that collectively explained 81.59 % of the total variation. The first component was mainly defined by the ash and the total nitrogen, protein and cellulose contents. The second one, independent from the first one, was mainly correlated to the fatty oil and starch contents, while the third was defined by the content of total sugars

    Karakteristike plodova paprika poreklom iz slobodne oplodnje

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    In different regions of Serbia people consume pepper fruits with various shapes, sizes and colors. In southern Serbia consumers prefer longer fruits, while in the northern part shorter fruits are more preferred. The aim of this paper was to evaluate four pepper genotypes (355, 356, 357, and 358) with shorter fruits originating from open pollination. These genotypes were compared with the parental line 354 with longer fruits. The fruits were harvested in technological maturity. Fruit (length, width, weight, and index), locule number, pericarp thickness, total soluble solids and fruit yield per plant were evaluated. The line 354 had the longest fruits (14.46 cm). Genotype 358 had the highest pericarp thickness (5.8 mm), while the genotype 357 had the highest fruit weight (105 g). Based on the evaluated traits, genotype 357 will be used for further selection because of higher fruit weight, and genotype 358 because of a thicker pericarp.Paprika je jedna od značajnijih povrtarskih vrsta u Srbiji. U pojedinim regionima naÅ”e zemlje potroÅ”ači su navikli da konzumiraju plodove različitog oblika, veličine i boje. Cilj ovog rada je da se ispitaju 4 genotipa paprike (355, 356, 357 i 358) kraćih plodova poreklom iz slobodne oplodnje, poredeći ih sa ishodnom majčinskom linijom 354 dužih plodova. Na plodovima iz druge berbe izmerena su sledeća svojstva: dužina, Å”irina i masa ploda, broj komora, debljina perikarpa, sadržaj suve materije i prinos plodova po biljci. Indeks ploda je izračunat na osnovu odnosa dužine i Å”irine ploda. Podaci su obrađeni u programu Statistica 12, metodom analize varijanse, koristeći Dankanov viÅ”estruki test intervala na nivou značajnosti 0,05. Između ispitivanih genotipova nije bilo značajnih razliku u prinosu plodova po biljci. Na osnovu izmerenih svojstava, genotip 357 će biti koriÅ”ten za dalji selekcioni rad zbog veće mase ploda, a genotip 358 zbog debljeg perikarpa

    Selekcija i heritabilnost F2 potomstva paprike iz ukrŔtanja Amfora x Piquipo de Lodosa

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    Peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) have a very diverse use in Serbia. Preparing ajvar (pepper spread) is the most common way in Serbia to preserve pepper for wintertime. Besides larger fruits, high total soluble solids in red pepper fruits are very important for better ajvar. The goal of our breeding program is to develop new pepper cultivars with high fruit weight and high total soluble solids. For this purpose, we crossed Amfora (kapia variety from the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia) and Piquillo de Lodosa (a small conical variety from Spain) in 2014. From this crossing, 180 F2 plants were transplanted into open field in 2016. The fruits were evaluated for seven quantitative traits: weight, length, diameter, index, locule number, pericarp thickness and total soluble solids (Brix). The principal component analysis was used to identify the most significant traits. The mean values were compared with the Dunnett test. Relationships between traits were calculated by Pearson correlation coefficients. Fruits from F2 plants were ranged between parents mainly. Fruit weight was positively correlated with fruit length, fruit diameter and pericarp thickness, but negatively with total soluble solids. Low heritability for total soluble solids and a negative correlation between total soluble solids and fruit weight makes it difficult to improve both important traits in one variety. The task in the future breeding process is to find crossing combination in pepper which will harmonize these two important fruit traits.Paprika (Capsicum annuum L.) u Srbiji ima veoma raznovrsnu upotrebu. Čest način čuvanja paprike za zimski period je u vidu ajvara. Osim krupnih plodova koji imaju debeo perikarp, za kvalitetan ajvar takođe je bitan visok sadržaj suve materije. Cilj naÅ”eg rada je da dobijemo oplemenjivački materijal sa visokim sadržajem suve materije, odnosno rastvorljive suve materije i krupnih plodova. Za ovu svrhu smo 2014. godine ukrstili Amforu (sorta Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, Srbija) i Piquillo de Lodosa (sorta paprike konusnog ploda iz Å panije). Sledeće 2015. godine proizvedena je F1 generacija u cilju dobijanja semena F2 generacije. U 2016. godini rasađeno je 180 F2 biljaka. Roditeljske biljke (Amfora i Piquillo de Lodosa) su koriÅ”tene kao kontrola. Slučajno je odabrano 18 F2 biljaka koje su pokrivene izolatorima od agro tekstila. Plodovi su ubrani u fizioloÅ”koj zrelosti (oktobar) i koriŔćeni su za dalju analizu. Izmerena su sledeća kvantitativna svojstva: masa ploda (g), dužina ploda (cm), prečnik ploda (cm), broj komora, debljina perikarpa (mm) i ukupno rastvorljiva suva materija (Ā°Brix). Indeks ploda je obračunat kao odnos dužine i Å”irine. Analiza glavnih komponenti (PCA) je koriŔćena za identifikaciju najznačajnijih svojstava. Srednje vrednosti su upoređene Danetovim testom. Prema PCA, rastvorljiva suva materija je imala pozitivan uticaj na prvu glavnu komponentu (PC1), dok su masa ploda, Å”irina ploda i debljina perikarpa imale značaj, ali negativan uticaj. Dužina i indeks ploda imali su najvažniji i negativan uticaj na PC2. Plodovi F2 generacije bili su uglavnom između roditelja (Amfora i Piquillo de Lodosa). Masa plodova je u pozitivnoj korelaciji sa dužinom i Å”irinom ploda, kao i sa debljinom perikarpa, ali u negativnoj sa ukupno rastvorljivom suvom materijom. Niska heritabilnost rastvorljive suve materije i negativna korelacija sa masom ploda otežava povećanje ova dva bitna svojstva u jednoj sorti. Zadatak u budućem oplemenjivačkom radu na paprici je da se pronađu roditelji koji će pomiriti ova dva važna svojstva

    Gustina sadnje kasnog kupusa

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    Late cabbage forms a large above-ground mass which requires certain vegetation space in order to thrive. Late cabbage planting density should therefore, start from at least 70 cm inter-row and 50 cm intra-row spacing. Transplanting at the required spacing gives 28.600 plants per hectare. The required spacing provides proper plant development, the formation of rosettes (over 70-80 cm) with large leaves, and compact cabbage heads. Applying cultivation techniques needed for cabbage production and proper spacing results in the formation of regular head mass and expected yield of late cabbage. Proper spacing also provides better use of agricultural mechanization without damage to cabbage heads. On the other hand, higher planting density increases production costs of transplantation, cultivation practices, and workforce.Kasni kupus formira veliku nadzemnu masu, koja za svoj razvoj zahteva određeni vegetacioni prostor. Zbog toga bi trebalo da je sklop kasnog kupusa od minimalnih 70 cm međurednog razmaka i 50 cm razmaka između biljaka u redu. Rasađivanjem na pomenuti razmak dobijamo 28.600 biljaka po hektaru. Ovakav sklop omogućuje pravilan razvoj biljaka, dalje formiranje lisne rozete (preko 70-80 cm) sa krupnim listovima i na kraju obrazovanje pravilne i dobro zbijene glavice kupusa. Sa ovakvim sklopom kasnom kupusu je omogućeno da formira pravilnu masu glavice i da se dobije očekivani prinos, naravno uz poÅ”tovanje svih principa agrotehnike neophodnih za proizvodnju kupusa. Takođe pravilan skop omogućuje kvalitetniji prohod mehanizacije bez mogućnosti oÅ”tećivanja glavica gaženjem. GuŔći sklop na drugoj strani povećava troÅ”kove proizvodnje rasada kupusa, troÅ”kove agrotehnike, ali i radne snage za sečenje glavica

    Korelacije korenskih svojstava monogermnih genotipova Å”ećerne repe iz slobodne oplodnje i njihova varijabilnost

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    The aim of this study was to analyze six open-pollinated monogerm sugar beet genotypes for the important root traits, to examine their hybrids with one (CMS) tester and to estimate the correlation between the traits. Root weight, dry matter content, dry matter yield per root, circumference of root and height of the root head were analyzed. All of the tested hybrids showed better results for root weight and dry matter yield per root than their parents. It was not possible to predict superior hybrid combination based solely on the characteristics of parents. Parents with the lowest root weight per se produced the test hybrid with the highest root weight. Parents showed a positive correlation between root weight and dry matter content and this could help sugar beet breeders to choose the most suitable selection criteria.Cilj ovog rada je bilo ispitivanje Å”est novih jednokličnih genotipova Å”ećerne repe poreklom iz slobodne oplodnje, kao i njihovi hibridi za najvažnija korenska svojstva. Određeni su koeficijenti korelacije između svojstava. Nakon zavrÅ”ene vegetacije analizirani su: masa korena, sadržaj suve materije, prinos suve materije po korenu, obim korena i visina glave korena. Utvrđeno je povećanje mase korena i prinosa suve materije po korenu kod svih test hibrida u poređenju sa roditeljima. Za razliku od hibrida, kod roditelja je ustanovljena pozitivna korelacija između mase korena i sadržaja suve materije. Na osnovu karakteristika roditelja per se nije moguće predvideti superiorno hibridno potomstvo, jer su roditelji sa najmanjom masom korena dali hibride sa najvećom masom korena

    Uticaj đubrenja i distribucije nitratnog azota u profilu zemljiÅ”ta na prinos i kvalitet korena Å”ećerne repe

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    Researches, which have lasted for two years, were carried out on long-term trial field at Rimski Å ančevi, Novi Sad, Serbia. In this trial, the eight fertilization variants of N, P2O5 and K2O increased amounts were studied. Sugar beet root and tops yields were determined, as well as the elements of technological sugar beet root quality. Based on these results, percentage of sugar utilization and refined sugar yield was defined. In the spring, before applying of N fertilizer, amount of nitrate nitrogen in the soil and its influence on yield and quality was determined. The highest root yield in 2002 was produced at the variant N100 P150 K150, and in 2003 at the variant N150 P150 K150. However, in both years, referring to the variant N100 P100 K100, the differences were not statistically significant. Increasing of nitrogen amounts had negative effects on refined sugar yield. Amounts of NO3-N in the soil in spring, before sugar beet sowing, in 2002 had significant influence on root yield and refined sugar yield. In the year 2003, which was highly dry, high correlation ratio were gained between amounts of NO3-N in the soil and root quality parameters, but it wasn't significant between nitrogen amounts and root and refined sugar yield.DvogodiÅ”nja istraživanja uticaja rastućih količina NPK hraniva na prinos i kvalitet korena Å”ećerne repe izvedena su na stacionarnom poljskom ogledu na Rimskim Å ančevima. U proleće, pre primene N đubriva, praćena je količina nitratnog azota po slojevima zemljiÅ”ta, te njegov uticaj na navedena svojstva. U obe godine, razlika u prinosu korena postignutog pri najvećim količinama NPK hraniva nije bila statistički značajna u odnosu na varijantu N100 P100 K100. Povećanje količine azota delovalo je negativno na prinos rafinisanog Å”ećera. Količina NO3-N u zemljiÅ”tu u proleće pre setve u 2002. godini imala je značajan pozitivan uticaj na prinos korena i rafinisanog Å”ećera. U izrazito suÅ”noj 2003. godini visoki koeficijenti korelacije dobijeni su između količine NO3-N u zemljiÅ”tu i parametara kvaliteta korena, ali nisu bili značajni između količine azota i prinosa korena i rafinisanog Å”ećera

    Evaluation of sugar beet genotypes for root traits by principal component analysis and cluster analysis

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    Sugar beet is the most important crop for sugar production in Europe. Wide genetic variability is essential in sugar beet breeding programs. The aim of this study is to evaluate variability for the main root traits and differences between monogerm and multigerm sugar beet genotypes from the breeding collection at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops. The following traits were analyzed: root weight (g), dry matter content (%), root head weight (g), root/head ratio (%), number of cambial rings, root length (cm) and root diameter (cm). Mean values for two years per genotype were standardized and used for analysis. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster Analysis (CA) were used to examine the level of diversity for 20 genotypes and to rank the contributions of the variables. According to CA genotypes could be placed into five main groups, where a large number of multigerm genotypes were put in one group. On average multigerm genotypes were characterized by higher mean values for root weight, length, diameter and lower root head ratio. Multigerm genotypes had higher coefficients of variation for nearly all measured root traits

    Effect of Trichoderma spp. on Growth Promotion and Antioxidative Activity of Pepper Seedlings

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    One of the main challenges in pepper production is to enhance seed germination energy and germination, and to grow healthy nursery plants with strong root system. Trichoderma species colonize roots as they grow and provide season-long benefits to plants, which is why Trichoderma species are widely used as plant growth promoter agents and promoters of plant defence mechanisms. This study evaluated the effectiveness of seed biopriming with Trichoderma isolates for growth promotion of pepper plants in early stage and their effects on seedling physiology. Nine out of ten Trichoderma isolates positively affected root weight of pepper seedlings, while three out of ten positively affected shoot weight. Root and shoot lengths were mainly unaffected. Germination energy was positively affected by five isolates with up to 40% increase compared to the control, while germination was significantly enhanced by two isolates with up to 22% increase. Considering seedling physiology, two different strain-dependent modes of actions were expressed. Promising Trichoderma isolates induced formation and accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which acted as signal molecules that increased germination energy and germination. Positive correlation was found between pyrogallol peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, catalase activity and germination in plants treated with these isolates
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