38 research outputs found

    Global gene expression analysis of canine osteosarcoma stem cells reveals a novel role for COX-2 in tumour initiation

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    Osteosarcoma is the most common primary bone tumour of both children and dogs. It is an aggressive tumour in both species with a rapid clinical course leading ultimately to metastasis. In dogs and children distant metastasis occurs in >80% of individuals treated by surgery alone. Both canine and human osteosarcoma has been shown to contain a sub-population of cancer stem cells (CSCs), which may drive tumour growth, recurrence and metastasis, suggesting that naturally occurring canine osteosarcoma could act as a preclinical model for the human disease. Here we report the successful isolation of CSCs from primary canine osteosarcoma, as well as established cell lines. We show that these cells can form tumourspheres, and demonstrate relative resistance to chemotherapy. We demonstrate similar results for the human osteosarcma cell lines, U2OS and SAOS2. Utilizing the Affymetrix canine microarray, we are able to definitively show that there are significant differences in global gene expression profiles of isolated osteosarcoma stem cells and the daughter adherent cells. We identified 13,221 significant differences (p = 0.05), and significantly, COX-2 was expressed 141-fold more in CSC spheres than daughter adherent cells. To study the role of COX-2 expression in CSCs we utilized the COX-2 inhibitors meloxicam and mavacoxib. We found that COX-2 inhibition had no effect on CSC growth, or resistance to chemotherapy. However inhibition of COX-2 in daughter cells prevented sphere formation, indicating a potential significant role for COX-2 in tumour initiation

    Does administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug determine morphological changes in adrenal cortex: ultrastructural studies

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    Rofecoxib (Vioxx© made by Merck Sharp & Dohme, the USA) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug which belongs to the group of selective inhibitors of cyclooxygenasis-2, i.e., coxibs. Rofecoxib was first registered in the USA, in May 1999. Since then the drug was received by millions of patients. Drugs of this group were expected to exhibit increased therapeutic action. Additionally, there were expectations concerning possibilities of their application, at least as auxiliary drugs, in neoplastic therpy due to intensifying of apoptosis. In connection with the withdrawal of Vioxx© (rofecoxib) from pharmaceutical market, attempts were made to conduct electron-microscopic evaluation of cortical part of the adrenal gland in preparations obtained from animals under influence of the drug. Every morning animals from the experimental group (15 rats) received rofecoxib (suspension in physiological saline)—non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (Vioxx©, Merck Sharp and Dohme, the USA), through an intragastric tube in the dose of 1.25 mg during 8 weeks. In the evaluated material, there was found a greater number of secretory vacuoles and large, containing cholesterol and other lipids as well as generated glucocorticoids, lipid drops in cytoplasm containing prominent endoplasmic reticulum. There were also found cells with cytoplasm of smaller density—especially in apical and basal parts of cells. Mitochondria occasionally demonstrated features of delicate swelling. The observed changes, which occurred on cellular level with application of large doses of the drug, result from mobilization of adaptation mechanisms of the organism

    IstraĆŸivanja 3,4-diaril-1,2,5-oksadiazola i njihovih N-oksida: Potraga za boljim COX-2 inhibitorima

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    A series of 3,4-diaryl-1,2,5-oxadiazoles and 3,4-diaryl-1,2,5-oxadiazole N-oxides were prepared and evaluated for COX-2 and COX-1 binding affinity in vitro and for anti-inflammatory activity by the rat paw edema method. p-Methoxy (p-OMe) substituted compounds 9, 21, 34, 41, 42 showed COX-2 enzyme inhibition higher than that showed by compounds with other substituents. 3,4-Di(4-methoxyphenyl)-1,2,5-oxadiazole N-oxide (42) showed COX-2 enzyme inhibition of 54% at 22 ”mol L-1 and COX-1 enzyme inhibition of 44% at 88 ”mol L-1 concentrations, but showed very low in vivo anti-inflammatory activity. Its deoxygenated derivative (21) showed lower COX-2 enzyme inhibition (26% at 22 ”mol L-1) and higher COX-1 enzyme inhibition (53% at 88 ”mol L-1) but marked in vivo anti-inflammatory activity (71% at 25 mg kg-1) vs. celecoxib (48% at 12.5 mg kg-1). Molecular modeling (docking) studies showed that the methoxy group is positioned in the vicinity of the COX-2 secondary pocket and it also participates in hydrogen bonding interactions in the COX-2 active site. These preliminary studies suggest that the p-methoxy (p-OMe) group in one of benzene rings may give potentially active leads in this series of oxadiazole/N-oxides.Sintetizirana je serija 3,4-diaril-1,2,5-oksadiazola i 3,4-diaril-1,2,5-oksadiazol N-oksida i ocijenjena njihova sposobnost vezivanja na COX-2 i COX-1 in vitro i protuupalno djelovanje na edem ĆĄape ĆĄtakora. Spojevi sa p-metoksi (p-OMe) supstituentom 9, 21, 34, 41, 42 bolje su inhibirali COX-2 nego ostali spojevi. 3,4-Di(4-metoksifenil)-1,2,5-oksadiazol N-oksid (42) inhibirao je COX-2 za 54% u koncentraciji od 22 ”mol L-1, a COX-1 za 44% u koncentraciji 88 ”mol L-1, ali je in vivo slabo djelovao protuupalno. Njegov deoksigenirani derivat 21 pokazao je slabiju inhibiciju COX-2 enzima (26% u koncentraciji 22 ”mol L-1) i jaču inhibiciju COX-1 (71% u koncentraciji 25 mg kg-1) ĆĄto je bolje od standarda celekoksiba (48% u koncentraciji 12,5 mg kg-1). Molekularno je modeliranje pokazalo da je metoksi skupina smjeĆĄtena u blizini sekundarnog dĆŸepa na enzimu COX-2 i da utječe na vodikove veze interakcija na aktivnom mjestu COX-2. Ova preliminarna istraĆŸivanja sugeriraju da bi se u seriji oksadiazol/N-oksida mogao naći predvodni spoj s p-metoksi skupinom na benzenskom prstenu