1,156 research outputs found

    Disentangling Achievement Orientation and Goal Setting: Effects on Self-Regulatory Processes

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    Creativity has been underscored as a key factor to organizational adaptability and competitiveness in today\u27s rapidly changing business environment. Designing as well as managing work environments that facilitate creativity have therefore received growing attention, resulting in a multitude of research examining the social-psychological work environment. Few studies, however, have focused on the contribution of the physical work environment to supporting creativity in the workplace. This study focuses on the role of the physical environment in supporting creativity in organizations by identifying specific physical features and attributes of the work environment perceived to promote or inhibit creativity. The research design compares four organizations publicly acclaimed for their innovative social-psychological work environments, but which are distinctly different in terms of the physical work environment. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected by means of survey questionnaires [N = 1 30). Results indicate that the physical work environment exerts indirect influence on creativity by contributing to two significant social-psychological conditions that are conducive to creativity, namely dynamism and freedom. The study specifies attributes of the physical work environment perceived to be positively and negatively associated with both of these conditions

    Poluklasična teorija spontane emisije zračenja

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    A nonrelativistic semiclassical theory of the radiation reaction interaction is developed. It is applied to the spontaneous emission of radiation from excited states of a hydrogen-like atom.Razvijena je nerelativistička poluklasična teorija radijacijske sile zračenja. Primjenjena je na opis spontane emisije zračenja s pobuđenog stanja atoma poput vodikovog

    Poluklasična teorija spontane emisije zračenja

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    A nonrelativistic semiclassical theory of the radiation reaction interaction is developed. It is applied to the spontaneous emission of radiation from excited states of a hydrogen-like atom.Razvijena je nerelativistička poluklasična teorija radijacijske sile zračenja. Primjenjena je na opis spontane emisije zračenja s pobuđenog stanja atoma poput vodikovog

    Princip neođredenosti u klasičnoj mehanici: primjena na kolinearne sudare

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    Classical theory of collisions is formulated which also includes uncertainty principle. The theory is used for the calculation of transition probabilities in the collinear He-H2 collision, and the results are compared with quantum calculations. Very good agreement is found.Klasična teorija sudara formulirana je uz uvažavanje principa neodredenosti. Izračunali smo prijelazne vjerojatnosti za kolinearni sudar He-H2 i usporedili rezultate s kvantnim proračunima. PronaŔli smo vrlo dobro slaganje

    Analiza prijenosa energije u međudjelovanju čestice i polja

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    In this work we have analyzed dynamics of a particle in the one dimensional model of the plane electromagnetic wave. Our particular interest was to show that classical theory can describe this dynamics very well, and gives the correct momentum distribution of particle which depends on the frequency of the field as well as on its amplitude.U ovom radu smo analizirali interakciju čestice i ravnog elektromagnetskog vala. Koristili smo jednodimenzionalnu aproksimaciju. Pokazali smo da u takvoj aproksimaciji, klasična teorija u potpunosti opisuje prijenos energije, te daje respodjelu impulsa koja ovisi prvenstveno o frekvenciji polja

    Princip neođredenosti u klasičnoj mehanici: primjena na kolinearne sudare

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    Classical theory of collisions is formulated which also includes uncertainty principle. The theory is used for the calculation of transition probabilities in the collinear He-H2 collision, and the results are compared with quantum calculations. Very good agreement is found.Klasična teorija sudara formulirana je uz uvažavanje principa neodredenosti. Izračunali smo prijelazne vjerojatnosti za kolinearni sudar He-H2 i usporedili rezultate s kvantnim proračunima. PronaŔli smo vrlo dobro slaganje

    Analiza prijenosa energije u međudjelovanju čestice i polja

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    In this work we have analyzed dynamics of a particle in the one dimensional model of the plane electromagnetic wave. Our particular interest was to show that classical theory can describe this dynamics very well, and gives the correct momentum distribution of particle which depends on the frequency of the field as well as on its amplitude.U ovom radu smo analizirali interakciju čestice i ravnog elektromagnetskog vala. Koristili smo jednodimenzionalnu aproksimaciju. Pokazali smo da u takvoj aproksimaciji, klasična teorija u potpunosti opisuje prijenos energije, te daje respodjelu impulsa koja ovisi prvenstveno o frekvenciji polja

    Involvement of carbon dioxide in the aerobic biodegradation of ethylene oxide, ethene, and vinyl chloride

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    The involvement of a carboxylase in metabolism of C-2 alkenes by Ochrobactrum sp. strain TD and Pseudomonas putida strain AJ was examined. With resting cells of strain TD grown on vinyl chloride, ethene, and ethylene oxide, the maximum specific rate of ethylene oxide consumption decreased significantly in the absence of external CO2 in comparison to cells provided with room air or added CO2. The amount of 14CO2 incorporated into biomass by resting cells of strain TD grown on ethylene oxide increased more than 13-fold when the assay substrate was ethylene oxide versus acetate. These results indicate that strain TD uses a carboxylase. Similar experiments were performed with strain AJ with the results suggesting that a carboxylase is not involved. In this regard, strain AJ is more similar to various Mycobacterium isolates that also do not appear to use a carboxylase during metabolism of vinyl chloride and ethene.Department of Biomedical and Biomolecular Sciences, Sheffield Hallam University
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