30 research outputs found

    A Methodological Framework for the Integrated Planning of the Protection and Development of the Natural Resource Areas in Serbia -Case Study of the Spatial Plans for the Special Purpose Area for the Protected Natural Areas

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    Spatial plans for special purpose areas for natural resources are one of the main instruments for their protection and development, and significant results have been achieved in spatial planning practice in Serbia in recent years. The main purpose of this research is to consider a methodological framework for drawing up integrated plans enabling protection and development in areas of natural resources. The results of comparative analysis are presented through a case study of four spatial plans: for the Kopaonik and Đerdap national parks and for the Stara Planina Mountain and Radan Mountain nature parks. The representation of the elements and models of implementation in the plans was considered. The main conclusion of this paper is that the integrated planning for the protection and development of natural resource areas in spatial plans is satisfactory, primarily in terms of the relativization of conflicts, through monitoring the implementation of the plans can be further improved

    A Methodological Framework for the Integrated Planning of the Protection and Development of the Natural Resource Areas in Serbia -Case Study of the Spatial Plans for the Special Purpose Area for the Protected Natural Areas

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    Spatial plans for special purpose areas for natural resources are one of the main instruments for their protection and development, and significant results have been achieved in spatial planning practice in Serbia in recent years. The main purpose of this research is to consider a methodological framework for drawing up integrated plans enabling protection and development in areas of natural resources. The results of comparative analysis are presented through a case study of four spatial plans: for the Kopaonik and Đerdap national parks and for the Stara Planina Mountain and Radan Mountain nature parks. The representation of the elements and models of implementation in the plans was considered. The main conclusion of this paper is that the integrated planning for the protection and development of natural resource areas in spatial plans is satisfactory, primarily in terms of the relativization of conflicts, through monitoring the implementation of the plans can be further improved

    Komparativna analiza režima zaštite i pravila uređenja i građenja u prostornim planovima područja posebne namene

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    Tematika izrade prostornih planova područja posebne namene postaje naročito akutuelna u našoj praksi planiranja s kraja XX i pošetkom XXI veka. Njihova izrada definisna je Zakonom o planiranju i izgradnji, a bliže određena kroz Pravilnik o sadržini, načinu i postupku izrade dokumenata prostornog i urbanističkog planiranja iz 2015. godine, pri čemu se prostorni plan područja posebne namene donosi za područja koja zahtevaju poseban režim organizacije, uređenja, korišćenja i zaštite prostora, projekte od značaja za Republiku Srbiju, ili za područja određena drugim prostornim planovima. Navedenim pravilnikom detaljno je opisan sadržaj prostornih planova područja posebne namene i procedura stručne kontrole, javnog uvida i donošenja, pri čemu njihov suštinski deo čine režimi zaštite i pravila uređenja i građenja. Režimi zaštite regulisani su zakonima (u zavisnosti od tipa posebne namene), pa se najčeće mogu izdvojiti trostepeni režimi (kakve srećemo kod akumulacija i zaštićenih područja) i dvostepeni režimi zaštite (zastupljeni kod infrastrukturnih koridora). U ovom radu dat je kratak pregled i komparativna analiza režima zaštite i pravila uređenja i građenja u nekoliko prostornih planova područja posebne nemane, različitih preovlađujućih namena (zaštićena područja, akumulacije i saobraćajni infrastrukturni koridori), sa posebnim osvrtom na korelaciju režima zaštite definisanih zakonskom regulativom i onih definisanih planskim dokumentima, kao i na propisana pravila uređenja i građenja u obuhvatu režima zaštite

    Фотодиелектрична карактеризација светлосног погона Au/TiO2 наномотори у течном медију

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    This article reports on photodielectric properties of hydrocolloids of TiO2 particles and Au/TiO2 hybrid particles of lateral dimension of ∼200 nm. Illumination of the colloids with visible light did not cause measurable changes in their electrical conductivity, while the application of UV (365 nm) light led to photoinduced increase in conductivity of up to 2%. The photogeneration of ions in water, regardless of the presence of the particles, makes a dominant contribution to the photoinduced increase in conductivity of the colloid

    Fabrication Hybrid Janus Nanoparticles and Their Application as Light-Driven Micromotors

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    Interest in developing micro/nano motors (MNMs) increased rapidly in the last couple of years. These advanced systems can address critical challenges in manipulation of objects at small-scales. Micro/nano motors are capable to move controllably in fluids under the influence of various stimuli (thermal, magnetic, light, etc.) and perform specific operations, including propelling micromachines. Here we synthesized two types of hybrid Janus particles, Au-TiO2 and AgAg2S-TiO2, and tested them as possible light-driven micromotors. Light, as a versatile power source, allows non-invasive control of the motion of the motors with high spatial and temporal resolutions. Illumination induce asymmetric reactions on the two sides of the Janus particles, which can create the propulsion. To optimize the properties of the MNMs, we performed synchrotron radiation gas-phase photoemission spectroscopy (SR PES) of the free standing hybrid particles at synchrotron SOLEIL, France. SR PES provided an information about the valence level alignment of the components, possible hybrid states and dominant scattering processes.SCMP : the 21st symposium on condensed matter physics : book of abstracts; 26-30 June 2023, Belgrad

    Valence Band Electronic Structure of Azobenzene-Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles

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    Azobenzenes (Azo) represent a class of organic compounds composed of two phenyl rings linked by an N=N double bond that exhibit photoisomerization, i.e. change in conformation upon UV or visible light illumination. Photoisomerization in Azo is of high yield and reversible, which is why these molecules can act as molecular photoswitches in various biomedical and energy conversion applications. However, a broader application of Azo, particularly in biomedicine, requires lower energy of photoisomerization that falls further into visible or even NIR range. In our study, selected azobenzenes were conjugated to the surface of bare gold nanoparticles (Au NP) to obtain functional hybrid nanosystems in which photoisomerization of Azo can occur upon excitation of surface plasmon in Au NP. To understand the nature of the process, the valence band structure of Azo-functionalized Au NP was investigated by synchrotron radiation VUV aerosol photoemission spectroscopy. The results demonstrate that the overlap between the valence bands of Azo and Au NP is significant to allow for chare transfer process between the components in the nanosystem.XVI Photonics Workshop : Book of abstracts; March 12-15, 2023; Kopaonik, Serbi

    Synchrotron radiation photoemission spectroscopy study of the valence band electronic structure of Ag-Ag2S Janus nanoparticles for the development of nanomotors propelled by NIR light

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    Silver-silver sulfide (Ag-Ag2S) hybrid nanosystem which consists of plasmonic metal Ag and narrow band gap semiconductor Ag2S is typically studied as a photocatalyst under visible and NIR light [1,2]. Janus morphology of this system is especially interesting due to the possibility of initiating two different chemical reactions that are spatially separated on two halves of the system. Here, we present the fabrication of Ag-Ag2S Janus nanoparticles and the examination of their valence electronic structure. For the investigation of the electronic structure of isolated nanoparticles, we performed synchrotron radiation vacuum ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy using the velocity map imaging (VMI) technique. By using two different photon energies, hν = 9.5 eV and hν = 11 eV, we obtained angle-resolved photoelectron images. Photoemission spectra and the dependence of the asymmetry parameter α on the binding energy are derived from VMI images using modified p-Basex inversion method [3]. In addition, we coupled Ag-Ag2S nanoparticles to the TiO2 and studied the actuation of obtained hybrid nanosystem in a liquid medium under visible and NIR light.IX International School and Conference on Photonics : PHOTONICA2023 : book of abstracts; August 28 - September 1, 2023; Belgrad

    Spatial plans of the special purpose area of the state road IB order No. 27 Loznica – Valjevo – Lazarevac, section Iverak – Lajkovac (connection to highway E-763 Belgrade – South Adriatic, section Belgrade – Požega) and of the infrastructure corridor state road IB order, highway E-75 Belgrade-Nis (loop "Požarevac") – Požarevac (bypass) – Veliko Gradište – Golubac

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    Граница просторних планова одређена је на основу коридора државног пута у просечној ширини од 100 до 200 m, која обухвата појас пута, заштитни појас, појас контролисане изградње, постојеће водно и железничко земљиште и планирано водно земљиште потребно за регулацију токова и заштиту пута од поплава, у укупној дужини од 17,5 km на деоници Иверак – Лајковац и 68 km на деоници Пожаревац - Голубац. Планови су припремљени у складу са идејним решењем и истовремено са израдом елемената Идејног пројекта и садрже детаљну регулациону разраду за целокупну деоницу.The boundary of spatial plans is determined based on the corridor of the state road at an average width of 100 m to 200 m, which includes the road belt, protective belt, belt of controlled construction, existing water and rail land and planned water soil necessary for the regulation of flows and flood protection, total length of 17.5 km оn section Iverak – Lajkovac and 68 km on section Pozarevac - The plans were prepared in accordance with the conceptual solution and at the same time with the drafting of elements of the Concept Project and contain detailed regulatory elaboration for the entire section

    Velocity map imaging VUV angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of isolated silver sulfide nanoparticles

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    The angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of isolated silver sulfide nanoparticles was carried out by using velocity map imaging technique at the DESIRS beamline of SOLEIL synchrotron facility. The reported spectroscopy results were obtained after interaction of the synchrotron radiation with a polydisperse aerosol produced from aqueous dispersion of silver sulfide particles, approximately 16 nm in diameter. The photoelectron and UV–Vis-NIR absorption spectra were used to estimate the maximum energy of the valance- and the minimum energy of the conduction-band of the nanoparticles. With respect to the vacuum level, the obtained values were found to be 5.5 ± 0.1 eV and 4.5 ± 0.1 eV for the valence band maximum and conduction band minimum, respectively. The dependence of the asymmetry parameter on the electron energy along the silver sulfide valence band showed an onset of inelastic scattering at ~ 1 eV electron kinetic energy

    Fabrication of silver-decorated zinc oxide microrods by hydrothermal method

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    We report on hydrothermal synthesis of zinc oxide (ZnO) hexagonal microrods and microtubes. Zinc oxide seeds were deposited onto glass slides by dip coating and used as templates for hydrothermal growth of ZnO microcrystals. The process was carried out in an alkaline reaction medium with acetate and nitrate zinc precursors, using hexamethylene tetramine (HMT) as surfactant. The obtained ZnO microrods were successfully decorated with silver particles via dipping ZnO-containing glass slides in silver nitrate solution and subsequent UV irradiation (5 min). Zinc oxide and Ag/ZnO microparticles were characterized by SEM, EDS and XRD. The presented results are part of the larger concept of developing of anisotropic Ag/ZnO microrods for conversion of chemical to mechanical energy.X Serbian Ceramic Society Conference - Advanced Ceramics and Application : new frontiers in multifunctional material science and processing : program and the book of abstracts; September 26-27, 2022; Belgrad