49 research outputs found

    TRAP1 regulates stemness through Wnt/β-catenin pathway in human colorectal carcinoma

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    Colorectal carcinoma (CRC) is a common cause of cancer-related death worldwide. Indeed, treatment failures are triggered by cancer stem cells (CSCs) that give rise to tumor repopulation upon initial remission. Thus, the role of the heat shock protein TRAP1 in stemness was investigated in CRC cell lines and human specimens, based on its involvement in colorectal carcinogenesis, through regulation of apoptosis, protein homeostasis and bioenergetics. Strikingly, co-expression between TRAP1 and stem cell markers was observed in stem cells located at the bottom of intestinal crypts and in CSCs sorted from CRC cell lines. Noteworthy, TRAP1 knockdown reduced the expression of stem cell markers and impaired colony formation, being the CSC phenotype and the anchorage-independent growth conserved in TRAP1-rich cancer cells. Consistently, the gene expression profiling of HCT116 cells showed that TRAP1 silencing results in the loss of the stem-like signature with acquisition of a more-differentiated phenotype and the downregulation of genes encoding for activating ligands and target proteins of Wnt/β-catenin pathway. Mechanistically, TRAP1 maintenance of stemness is mediated by the regulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, through the modulation of the expression of frizzled receptor ligands and the control of β-catenin ubiquitination/phosphorylation. Remarkably, TRAP1 is associated with higher expression of β-catenin and several Wnt/β-catenin target genes in human CRCs, thus supporting the relevance of TRAP1 regulation of β-catenin in human pathology. This study is the first demonstration that TRAP1 regulates stemness and Wnt/β-catenin pathway in CRC and provides novel landmarks in cancer biology and therapeutics

    ER stress protection in cancer cells: the multifaceted role of the heat shock protein TRAP1

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    TRAP1 is an HSP90 chaperone, upregulated in human cancers and involved in organelles’ homeostasis and tumor cell metabolism. Indeed, TRAP1 is a key regulator of adaptive responses used by highly proliferative tumors to face the metabolic stress induced by increased demand of protein synthesis and hostile environments. Besides well-characterized roles in prevention of mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening and in regulating mitochondrial respiration, TRAP1 is involved in novel regulatory mechanisms: i) the attenuation of global protein synthesis, ii) the co-translational regulation of protein synthesis and ubiquitination of specific client proteins, and iii) the protection from Endoplasmic Reticulum stress. This provides a crucial role to TRAP1 in maintaining cellular homeostasis through protein quality control, by avoiding the accumulation of damaged or misfolded proteins and, likely, facilitating the synthesis of selective cancer-related proteins. Herein, we summarize how these regulatory mechanisms are part of an integrated network, which enables cancer cells to modulate their metabolism and to face, at the same time, oxidative and metabolic stress, oxygen and nutrient deprivation, increased demand of energy production and macromolecule biosynthesis. The possibility to undertake a new strategy to disrupt such networks of integrated control in cancer cells holds great promise for treatment of human malignancies

    Modulation of mitochondrial metabolic reprogramming and oxidative stress to overcome chemoresistance in cancer

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    Metabolic reprogramming, carried out by cancer cells to rapidly adapt to stress such as hypoxia and limited nutrient conditions, is an emerging concepts in tumor biology, and is now recognized as one of the hallmarks of cancer. In contrast with conventional views, based on the classical Warburg effect, these metabolic alterations require fully functional mitochondria and finely-tuned regulations of their activity. In turn, the reciprocal regulation of the metabolic adaptations of cancer cells and the microenvironment critically influence disease progression and response to therapy. This is also realized through the function of specific stress-adaptive proteins, which are able to relieve oxidative stress, inhibit apoptosis, and facilitate the switch between metabolic pathways. Among these, the molecular chaperone tumor necrosis factor receptor associated protein 1 (TRAP1), the most abundant heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) family member in mitochondria, is particularly relevant because of its role as an oncogene or a tumor suppressor, depending on the metabolic features of the specific tumor. This review highlights the interplay between metabolic reprogramming and cancer progression, and the role of mitochondrial activity and oxidative stress in this setting, examining the possibility of targeting pathways of energy metabolism as a therapeutic strategy to overcome drug resistance, with particular emphasis on natural compounds and inhibitors of mitochondrial HSP90s

    New insights into TRAP1 pathway

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    Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor-Associated Protein 1 (TRAP1) is a mitochondrial heat shock protein involved in the protection from DNA damages and apoptosis induced by oxidants and several other stress conditions. Despite the well-characterized role in the regulation of mitochondrial integrity, through the interaction with cyclophilin D, a mitochondrial permeability transition pore regulator, several recent studies contributed to draw a more complex "picture" of the TRAP1 pathway: most of these updated functions arise from the identification of novel specific TRAP1 "client" proteins and from the recent discovery of multiple subcellular localizations/functions for this chaperone. This review briefly highlights some general features of TRAP1, and among others its role in cytoprotection, summarizing many different functions, which contribute to its protective role upon several stress inducers. Of note, particular emphasis is given to the recent findings on the regulation of Endoplasmic Reticulum stress and protein quality control by TRAP1, as well as to its role in regulating calcium homeostasis throughout its client protein Sorcin. Starting from the above observations a preliminary "TRAP1 signature" is provided and a new intriguing and interesting field to explore is discussed. Several questions are still open given the complexity of such mechanisms. However, by translating these recent insights at the molecular and cellular levels into personalized individual anticancer treatments, designing novel strategies based on the simultaneous inhibition of multiple tumor-specific pathways, and contemplating subcellular-targeted approaches aimed at reverting drug resistance and improving antitumor activity the struggle to combat cancer become more successful and closer

    Modulation of Mitochondrial Metabolic Reprogramming and Oxidative Stress to Overcome Chemoresistance in Cancer

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    Metabolic reprogramming, carried out by cancer cells to rapidly adapt to stress such as hypoxia and limited nutrient conditions, is an emerging concepts in tumor biology, and is now recognized as one of the hallmarks of cancer. In contrast with conventional views, based on the classical Warburg effect, these metabolic alterations require fully functional mitochondria and finely-tuned regulations of their activity. In turn, the reciprocal regulation of the metabolic adaptations of cancer cells and the microenvironment critically influence disease progression and response to therapy. This is also realized through the function of specific stress-adaptive proteins, which are able to relieve oxidative stress, inhibit apoptosis, and facilitate the switch between metabolic pathways. Among these, the molecular chaperone tumor necrosis factor receptor associated protein 1 (TRAP1), the most abundant heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) family member in mitochondria, is particularly relevant because of its role as an oncogene or a tumor suppressor, depending on the metabolic features of the specific tumor. This review highlights the interplay between metabolic reprogramming and cancer progression, and the role of mitochondrial activity and oxidative stress in this setting, examining the possibility of targeting pathways of energy metabolism as a therapeutic strategy to overcome drug resistance, with particular emphasis on natural compounds and inhibitors of mitochondrial HSP90s

    TRAP1 regulation of cancer metabolism: dual role as oncogene or tumor suppressor

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    Metabolic reprogramming is an important issue in tumor biology. An unexpected inter- and intra-tumor metabolic heterogeneity has been strictly correlated to tumor outcome. Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor-Associated Protein 1 (TRAP1) is a molecular chaperone involved in the regulation of energetic metabolism in cancer cells. This protein is highly expressed in several cancers, such as glioblastoma, colon, breast, prostate and lung cancers and is often associated with drug resistance. However, TRAP1 is also downregulated in specific tumors, such as ovarian, bladder and renal cancers, where its lower expression is correlated with the worst prognoses and chemoresistance. TRAP1 is the only mitochondrial member of the Heat Shock Protein 90 (HSP90) family that directly interacts with respiratory complexes, contributing to their stability and activity but it is still unclear if such interactions lead to reduced or increased respiratory capacity. The role of TRAP1 is to enhance or suppress oxidative phosphorylation; the effects of such regulation on tumor development and progression are controversial. These observations encourage the study of the mechanisms responsible for the dualist role of TRAP1 as an oncogene or oncosuppressor in specific tumor types. In this review, TRAP1 puzzling functions were recapitulated with a special focus on the correlation between metabolic reprogramming and tumor outcome. We wanted to investigate whether metabolism-targeting drugs can efficiently interfere with tumor progression and whether they might be combined with chemotherapeutics or molecular-targeted agents to counteract drug resistance and reduce therapeutic failure

    Can whale-watching and whaling co-exist? Tourist perceptions in Iceland

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    Both whaling and whale-watching tourism occur in Iceland, but these activities are considered incompatible by many, and previous studies have suggested that whale-watch tourists would boycott whale-watch destinations where whaling takes place. This study assessed the perceptions of and attitudes towards ongoing whaling amongst whale-watch tourists in Iceland. A majority of whale-watching tourists in Iceland did not support whaling and did not think that whale-watching and whaling could exist side by side. However, 31% of respondents were unaware of Iceland's whaling before their visit and most of these indicated that prior knowledge of whaling activities would not have affected their choice of destination. More tourists had tried whale meat than either puffin or guillemot meat, suggesting that whale meat may be more strongly marketed to tourists visiting Iceland. These results suggest that not all tourists would consider boycotting travel to a whaling nation. The whale-watch industry is important to Iceland's economy, but given that the whaling industry can potentially negatively impact upon whale-watching activities, a careful analysis of the compatibility of these two industries is recommended. © Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 2014