182 research outputs found

    Two-proton radioactivity and three-body decay. III. Integral formulae for decay widths in a simplified semianalytical approach

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    Three-body decays of resonant states are studied using integral formulae for decay widths. Theoretical approach with a simplified Hamiltonian allows semianalytical treatment of the problem. The model is applied to decays of the first excited 3/23/2^{-} state of 17^{17}Ne and the 3/23/2^{-} ground state of 45^{45}Fe. The convergence of three-body hyperspherical model calculations to the exact result for widths and energy distributions are studied. The theoretical results for 17^{17}Ne and 45^{45}Fe decays are updated and uncertainties of the derived values are discussed in detail. Correlations for the decay of 17^{17}Ne 3/23/2^- state are also studied.Comment: 19 pages, 20 figure

    Halo Excitation of 6^6He in Inelastic and Charge-Exchange Reactions

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    Four-body distorted wave theory appropriate for nucleon-nucleus reactions leading to 3-body continuum excitations of two-neutron Borromean halo nuclei is developed. The peculiarities of the halo bound state and 3-body continuum are fully taken into account by using the method of hyperspherical harmonics. The procedure is applied for A=6 test-bench nuclei; thus we report detailed studies of inclusive cross sections for inelastic 6^6He(p,p')6^6He^* and charge-exchange 6^6Li(n,p)6^6He^* reactions at nucleon energy 50 MeV. The theoretical low-energy spectra exhibit two resonance-like structures. The first (narrow) is the excitation of the well-known 2+2^+ three-body resonance. The second (broad) bump is a composition of overlapping soft modes of multipolarities 1,2+,1+,0+1^-, 2^+, 1^+, 0^+ whose relative weights depend on transferred momentum and reaction type. Inelastic scattering is the most selective tool for studying the soft dipole excitation mode.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. C., 11 figures using eps

    Algebraic Model for scattering of three-s-cluster systems. II. Resonances in the three-cluster continuum of 6He and 6Be

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    The resonance states embedded in the three-cluster continuum of 6He and 6Be are obtained in the Algebraic Version of the Resonating Group Method. The model accounts for a correct treatment of the Pauli principle. It also provides the correct three-cluster continuum boundary conditions by using a Hyperspherical Harmonics basis. The model reproduces the observed resonances well and achieves good agreement with other models. A better understanding for the process of formation and decay of the resonance states in six-nucleon systems is obtained.Comment: 8 pages, 10 postscript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Computations of Three-Body Continuum Spectra

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    We formulate a method to solve the coordinate space Faddeev equations for positive energies. The method employs hyperspherical coordinates and analytical expressions for the effective potentials at large distances. Realistic computations of the parameters of the resonances and the strength functions are carried out for the Borromean halo nucleus 6He (n+n+alpha) for J = 0+, 0-, 1+, 1-, 2+,2-. PACS numbers: 21.45.+v, 11.80.Jy, 31.15.Ja, 21.60.GxComment: 10 pages, 3 postscript figures, LaTeX, epsf.sty, corrected misprints in the caption of Fig.

    Two-proton events in the 17F(p,2p)16O reaction

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    In a recent experimental study (Gomez del Campo et al, PRL 86, 43 (2001)) of the reaction 17F(p,2p)16O, two-proton events were measured from excitations near a 1-, E*=6.15 MeV state in 18Ne. We calculate by means of R-matrix theory the resonant two-proton production cross section and branching ratios. We conclude that it is unlikely that two-proton production via population of the 1- state is sufficient to explain the observed two-proton events. Alternative sources of such events are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Resubmission to Physical Review C (first received 6 March 2001

    Excitations in the Halo Nucleus He-6 Following The Li-7(gamma,p)He-6 Reaction

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    A broad excited state was observed in 6-He with energy E_x = 5 +/- 1 MeV and width Gamma = 3 +/- 1 MeV, following the reaction Li-7(gamma,p)He-6. The state is consistent with a number of broad resonances predicted by recent cluster model calculations. The well-established reaction mechanism, combined with a simple and transparent analysis procedure confers considerable validity to this observation.Comment: 3 pages of LaTeX, 3 figures in PostScript, approved for publication in Phys. Rev. C, August, 200