2 research outputs found

    Analiza višeslojne kompjutorizirane tomografije mozga u hitnoj službi

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    The aim of the study was to examine the prevalence of head injuries, acute stroke and brain tumors obtained from computed tomography (CT) scans in the emergency department (ED) during a one-year period. We also assessed the potential effect of seasons on the occurrence of stroke, head trauma and tumors found on CT scans, expressed in monthly intervals. This retrospective review included all patients that underwent emergency head CT from the hospital database. A total of 3888 head CT examinations were performed in adult patients presenting to ED and 1424 CT scans had at least one pathologic finding meeting diagnostic criteria for the study. Of the total number of CT scans analyzed, acute stroke was identified in 552 (14.19%), head trauma in 660 (16.97%), and brain tumor in 212 (5.45%) patients. Head trauma was more commonly found in males (n=465, 70.45%) than in females (n=195, 29.54%). Acute stroke was slightly more common in males than in females. Brain tumors were more frequently found in female patients. There were monthly variations in the number of head injuries and acute stroke diagnosed during the study period. Men and elderly patients were found to account for the greatest number of traumatic head injuries and therefore are at the highest risk of possible brain injury.Cilj ove studije bio je istražiti učestalost ozljeda glave, akutnog moždanog udara i tumora mozga iz nalaza kompjutorizirane tomografije (CT) dobivenih u hitnoj službi tijekom jedne godine. Jedan od ciljeva istraživanja bio je ispitati i potencijalni utjecaj godišnjeg doba izraženog u mjesečnim intervalima na pojavu traumatskih lezija glave, akutnog moždanog udara i tumora mozga. Radi se o retrospektivnom istraživanju u kojem smo koristili podatke iz bolničke elektroničke arhive za bolesnike koji su obrađivani u sklopu hitne službe bolnice. Ukupno je odraslim bolesnicima pregledanim u hitnoj službi učinjeno 3888 CT pregleda glave, od čega su 1424 CT nalaza ispunjavali ulazne kriterije za istraživanje. Od ukupnog broja učinjenih CT pregleda akutni moždani udar nađen je u 552 (14,19%) bolesnika, trauma glave u 660 (16,97%) bolesnika, a tumor mozga u 212 (5,45%) bolesnika. Trauma glave je bila češća u muških bolesnika (N=465; 70,45%) u odnosu na bolesnice (N=195; 29,54%). Akutni moždani udar bio je nešto češći u muškaraca nego u žena. Tumori mozga bili su češći u ženskih bolesnika. Postojale su mjesečne varijacije u broju dijagnosticiranih traumatskih lezija glave i moždanih udara. Ovo istraživanje je pokazalo da ozljede glave najčešće zadobivaju muškarci i starije osobe pa stoga imaju i najveći rizik za ozljede mozga

    Evaluation of the Head Multislice Computed Tomography Scan in Emergency Department

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    The aim of the study was to examine the prevalence of head injuries, acute stroke and brain tumors obtained from computed tomography (CT) scans in the emergency department (ED) during a one-year period. We also assessed the potential effect of seasons on the occurrence of stroke, head trauma and tumors found on CT scans, expressed in monthly intervals. This retrospective review included all patients that underwent emergency head CT from the hospital database. A total of 3888 head CT examinations were performed in adult patients presenting to ED and 1424 CT scans had at least one pathologic finding meeting diagnostic criteria for the study. Of the total number of CT scans analyzed, acute stroke was identified in 552 (14.19%), head trauma in 660 (16.97%), and brain tumor in 212 (5.45%) patients. Head trauma was more commonly found in males (n=465, 70.45%) than in females (n=195, 29.54%). Acute stroke was slightly more common in males than in females. Brain tumors were more frequently found in female patients. There were monthly variations in the number of head injuries and acute stroke diagnosed during the study period. Men and elderly patients were found to account for the greatest number of traumatic head injuries and therefore are at the highest risk of possible brain injury