40 research outputs found

    Croatian Microscopy Society 1983-2022

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    This paper provides a brief overview of the history of the Croatian Microscopy Society on the occasion of its 30th anniversary as an independent society and the 40th anniversary of its foundation. The overview chronologically details the period of the Society\u27s work as the Section for Electron Microscopy of the Croatian Natural Science Society (1983-1992), followed by its independent activity first as the Croatian Society for Electron Microscopy (1992-2006) and finally as the Croatian Microscopy Society (2006-present). The review concludes with recent trends and policies in the Society\u27s development. The review is an extended excerpt from the opening speech held by the Chair of the 4th Croatian Microscopy Congress and a member of the Society’s board, on the occasion of the Society\u27s anniversary, May 18th 2022

    Celebrating 40 years of the Croatian Microscopy Society

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    We are delighted to present a special issue of Periodicum biologorum,dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Croatian Microscopy Societyas an independent Society and the 40th anniversary of its foundation

    Non-Native Invasive Species as Ecosystem Service Providers

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    Non-native or alien species present a range of threats to native ecosystems and human well-being. Many such species have selective advantages over native species, such as faster growth and reproduction rates, higher ecological tolerance, or more effective dispersal mechanisms. However, these species are often inadvertently demonised without sufficient awareness of the ecological principles—disturbance, niche and competition—that contribute to species dominance in an ecosystem. Non-native species can provide services useful to humans, particularly in facilitating many contemporary needs of modern civilisation. In the present paper, the available records on the influence of non-native invasive species and the relationship between services lost and new services acquired due to their presence will be discussed

    Sadržaj fenola i antioksidacijski kapacitet u infuzijama listova istarskih sorata maslina

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    The influence of commonly used steeping times and leaf size on the phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of olive leaf infusions from three Istrian olive cultivars (Buža, Rosinjola and Istarska Bjelica) were studied. Infusions were prepared from whole, rough or finely ground olive leaves immersed in boiled water for 5, 15, or 30 minutes. Extraction efficiency was quantified in terms of the total phenolic, flavonoid, non-flavonoid contents and antioxidant capacity. The phenolic content was primarily affected by infusion time, followed by particle size. The highest total values of phenolic and non-flavonoids were determined in finely ground leaf infusions from cultivars Rosinjola and Buža, while the highest total flavonoids value was detected in Istarska Bjelica after 30 minutes infusion. Particle size provided the highest effect on antioxidant capacity in all cultivars, exhibiting higher values in finely ground leaf infusions. The Rosinjola and I. Bjelica infusions exhibited the highest antioxidant capacity according to ABTS and FRAP assay, respectively. Antioxidant capacity in investigated olive infusions was correlated to TP and TNF, while TF had poor or no effect except in Rosinjola infusions. The results indicate that olive leaves infusion from three Istrian olive cultivars could be a valuable supplement to a daily intake of bioactive compounds.Proučavani su utjecaji metoda pripreme infuzija i veličine listova na fenolni sadržaj i antioksidacijske sposobnosti infuzija listova tri istarske sorte maslina (Buža, Rosinjola i Istarska bjelica). Infuzije su pripremljene iz cjelovitih, grubo i fino mljevenih listova maslina ekstrahiranih u prokuhanoj vodi 5, 15 ili 30 minuta. Učinkovitost je ekstrakcije kvantificirana sadržajem fenola, flavonoida, neflavonoida i antioksidacijskoga kapaciteta. Fenolni sadržaj prvenstveno je utjecao na infuzijsko vrijeme, nakon čega slijedi veličina čestica listova. Najveće vrijednosti ukupnih fenola i neflavonoida izmjerene su u infuzijama fino mljevenih listova sorti Rosinjola i Buža, dok je najveća vrijednost ukupnih flavonoida izmjerena u infuziji listova Istarske bjelice, nakon 30 minuta ekstrakcije. Veličina čestica imala je najveći učinak na antioksidacijski kapacitet u svim sortama, pokazujući veće vrijednosti u infuzijama fino usitnjenih listova. Najveće vrijednosti antioksidacijskoga kapaciteta zabilježene su u infuzijama listov a Rosinjole mjerene ABTS metodom, a I. bjelice FRAP metodom. Antioksidacijski kapacitet u ispitivanim infuzijama listova maslina korelira sa sadržajem ukupnih fenola i neflavonoida, dok ukupni flavonoidi imaju slab učinak (osim u infuzijama Rosinjole). Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na to da infuzije listova istarskih sorata maslina mogu biti vrijedan dodatak dnevnome unosu bioaktivnih spojeva

    Symptoms and management of grapevine trunk diseases

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    Bolesti drva vinove loze su trenutno najkompleksnije gljivične bolesti vinove loze, a prema dosadašnjim saznanjima uzrokuje ih više od 130 patogenih vrsta gljiva različite taksonomske pripadnosti. Razvoj ovih patogena u višegodišnjem drvu vinove loze dovodi do smanjenja produktivnosti trsova i kvalitete grožđa. Ove bolesti doprinose smanjenju životnog vijeka vinograda u slučajevima kada izostaje usmjerena zaštita u vinogradu. Mnogobrojna istraživanja koja se provode posljednjih godina na temu bolesti drva vinove loze proširila su saznanja o epidemiologiji ovih bolesti i omogućila daljnje istraživanje njihovog suzbijanja. Još uvijek ne postoji jedinstven i dovoljno učinkovit pristup suzbijanju bolesti drva nakon što se infekcija razvije u višegodišnjem drvu. Sukladno navedenome, preventivna zaštita je zasad jedina učinkovita mjera smanjenja razvoja uzročnika bolesti drva. Preventivnu bi zaštitu trebalo započeti provoditi u rasadniku tijekom proizvodnje loznog sadnog materijala i nastaviti tijekom cijelog životnog ciklusa vinograda. U slučajevima kada se bolesti drva razviju u većoj mjeri moguće je provesti mjere koje umanjuju njihovu učestalost i intenzitet, poput obnove trsova i mehaničkog uklanjanja simptomatičnog drva. U ovom su radu prikazani simptomi najzastupljenijih bolesti drva vinove loze, kao i pregled trenutno raspoloživih mjera preventivne zaštite i mjera koje umanjuju njihovo širenje i razvoj, a čijom se provedbom može produljiti životni vijek i produktivnost vinograda.Grapevine trunk diseases (GTD) are the most complex fungal diseases known on grapevine, and according to current knowledge they are caused by more than 130 species of fungi from different taxonomic classification. Their development in the perennial wood leads to the deterioration of grapevine productivity and yield. These diseases reduce vineyard longevity in lack of an addressed disease management. Numerous studies on GTD, conducted over the last few years, have extended the knowledge on their epidemiology and allowed further investigation of their management. After the development of fungal infections in the perennial wood, a unique and sufficiently efficient approach for GTD control is still unavailable. Accordingly, preventive measures represent the only known approach for GTD control. Preventive management should be applied in the nursery during the production of planting material and continued throughout the whole vineyard lifecycle. In cases when GTD develop to a greater extent, there is a possibility to apply measures that may lower their incidence and severity, such as trunk renewal or trunk cleaning (vine surgery). This paper gives an overview of symptoms of the most common GTD, with an emphasis on currently available measures of preventive control that reduce their spread and development, which may extend the lifespan and productivity of vineyards


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    Events dedicated to agricultural products are becoming increasingly attractive to visitors and / or tourists and an important part of destination promotion. Honey Days in Pazin is the annual regional exhibition of honey that was most recently in February 2013, held for the eighth time. The purpose of the study was to determine participants’ (beekeeper’s) opinions on this exhibition in order to plan future exhibitions that will meet the demands of participants and to become a better tourist product of the destination, Istria. The survey was conducted during the exhibition in February 2012 by pupils of Gymnasium and Vocational School Juraj Dobrila in Pazin. A total of 34 beekeepers, all participants of the exhibition, were included in the survey. The survey contained a total of 31 open and close-ended questions. Questions were related to socio-demographic characteristics, beekeeping methods, and motives of participation. The dates about the protection of geographical origin of honey obtained by this primary research were compared with research conducted in 2011 and 2012 with the attendees of the school of beekeeping held in Pazin in May 2011 (when 40 questionnaires were collected) and in May 2012 (when 29 questionnaires were collected). The conclusion is that participants generally consider participation in this or similar exhibitions very important. The majority of respondents expressed that building relationships with other producers and promotion were the most important motives for making decisions about participation in this event. Protecting the geographical origin of honey, according to participants in the study, is very important for beekeepers. It could be concluded that the exhibition Honey Days in Pazin plays an important role in the promotion of honey and other bee products and beekeeping in general, but also that this event can be developed into an attractive and interesting product for rural tourism

    Review of symptoms, epidemiology and preventive measures that minimize the spread of flavescence dorée in uninfected areas

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    Zbog potencijalno visokih šteta koje može uzrokovati, zlatna žutica se smatra jednom od najštetnijih bolesti vinove loze u Europi, gdje je indeksirana na A2 EPPO listi karantenskih organizama (Direktiva 2000/29/EC). Vektor koji epidemijski prenosi zlatnu žuticu s trsa na trs je američki cvrčak. Primarne štete uzrokovane zlatnom žuticom su znatno smanjenje prinosa i propadanje zaraženih trsova, a ukoliko se ne provode potrebne mjere suzbijanja, bolest se može epidemijski širiti te u roku od svega nekoliko godina vinograd može postati u potpunosti zaražen i neproduktivan. U slučaju sumnje na zarazu, potrebno je provjeriti javljaju li se na trsu najmanje tri različita simptoma koja su tipična za zlatnu žuticu, a to su promjena boje lista, izostanak odrvenjavanja mladica i sušenje bobica ili nekroza grozdova. Navedeni simptomi međutim nisu pouzdani pokazatelji zaraze zlatnom žuticom te se sa sigurnošću ova bolest može potvrditi jedino laboratorijskom analizom. U regijama u kojima zlatna žutica još nije utvrđena, iznimno je važno provoditi temeljito praćenje vinogradarskog područja kako bi se spriječio unos i eventualna pojava epidemijskog širenja zlatne žutice. Neke od ključnih mjera koje treba primijeniti u vinogradarskim regijama prije unosa zlatne žutice uključuju praćenje distribucije i visine populacije američkog cvrčka, uz izostanak primjene mjera suzbijanja vektora ukoliko je njegova populacija niska ili nepoznata. U područjima gdje je vektor zastupljen u visokim populacijama preporuča se primijeniti mjere njegova suzbijanja uz temeljito praćenje svih vinograda (proizvodnih i zapuštenih) kako bi se pravovremeno utvrdila eventualna pojava simptoma zlatne žutice vinove loze. U ovom je radu dan pregled simptoma zlatne žutice, primarnog vektora američkog cvrčka, biljaka domaćina te njihovog međusobnog odnosa, kao i pregled mjera za prevenciju širenja zlatne žutice u nova nezaražena područja.Flavescence dorée is one of the most important grapevine diseases in Europe with potential to cause significant damage, and therefore indexed on the A2 EPPO Quarantine List (Directive 2000/29/EC). The vector that epidemically spreads the phytoplasma among vines is Scaphoideus titanus. Major damage caused by flavescence dorée is the reduction of yield and the decline of infected plants. In cases when necessary measures of suppression are not applied, the disease can spread epidemically and within a few years the vineyard can become completely infected and unproductive. In case of suspected infection, it is necessary to ascertain whether there are at least three different symptoms typical for the disease, such as atypical leaves discoloration, absence of shoot lignification, and berry shriveling or grape desiccation. However, described symptoms are not reliable indicators of flavescence dorée infection, so potential presence of the phytoplasma has to be confirmed by laboratory analysis. In the regions where the disease has not yet been established, it is extremely important to conduct detailed vineyard monitoring s in order to prevent introduction and eventual occurrence of the epidemic spread of flavescence dorée. Some of the key measures that should be applied in a vineyard region, prior flavescence dorée introduction, include: monitoring of S. titanus distribution and population but without implementation of vector control strategies when the vector population is low or not known; while in situations where the vector is present in high population it is advised to implement vector control strategies and thoroughly monitor all vineyards (productive and abandoned) in order to promptly determine flavescence dorée symptoms when they first appear. In this paper we present a brief review of flavescence dorée symptoms, its primary vector S. titanus, host plants and their mutual relationship, as well as an overview of measures recommended to implement in order to prevent the spread of the disease in uninfected areas

    Management of flavescence dorée in the vineyard to control the disease and to avoid its further spread

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    Suzbijanje zlatne žutice vinove loze obavezno je u područjima gdje je potvrđena njena pojava, a mjere suzbijanja su u većini vinogradarskih regija Europe regulirane pravnim aktima, odnosno naredbama o suzbijanju. Najučinkovitije mjere suzbijanja zlatne žutice uključuju suzbijanje američkog cvrčka primjenom insekticida, budući da je američki cvrčak primarni vektor zaraze te uklanjanje i uništavanje simptomatičnih trsova, koje treba ukloniti u što kraćem roku od prve pojave simptoma. Pored toga, kako bi se smanjio izvor nove zaraze, potrebno je krčiti zapuštene vinograde ili samoniklu lozu koja se nalazi u blizini proizvodnih vinograda. U svrhu uspješnog uklanjanja zaraženih trsova iznimno je važno pratiti pojavu simptoma unutar vinograda, što se provodi organizirano od strane stručnih službi na razini šireg vinogradarskog područja, ali i od strane proizvođača, koji trebaju pratiti pojavu simptoma u vlastitim vinogradima. U slučaju izostanka primjene mjera suzbijanja, zlatna žutica se može epidemijski širiti te se u svega nekoliko godina može zaraziti veći dio trsova u vinogradu. U ovom je radu dan prikaz mjera suzbijanja zlatne žutice s ciljem smanjenja šteta koje ona pričinjava i sprječavanja širenja zaraze.Flavescence dorée management is mandatory in infected areas and it is regulated by national decrees in all European winegrowing regions. Efficient disease management includes the control of vector Scaphoideus titanus through insecticide application and the removal and destruction of symptomatic vines, which should be removed as soon as possible after the appearance of symptoms. In addition, it is necessary to extirpate abandoned vineyards and wild vines which may be found close to productive vineyards, in order to reduce the sources of new infections. Infected grapevines are removed after monitoring the occurrence of symptoms within the single vineyard, as well as after organized monitoring implemented by expert services on a wider vineyard scale. When there is a lack of monitoring and management measures, flavescence dorée may spread epidemically and during a few years most of the vines in a vineyard may become infected. In this paper we present the measures implemented in the management of flavescence dorée in the vineyard in order to control the disease and to avoid its further spread

    Morphology of extrafloral nectaries of Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle (Simaroubaceae)

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    Background and Purpose: Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle (Tree of Heaven) is a highly invasive, widespread, and widely investigated plant species native to the broader area of China. Extrafloral nectaries are major components of the A. altissima secretory system, but the knowledge of their morphology and role in the tree\u27s physiology is limited. This research aims to explore the morphology of extrafloral nectaries, compare it to previous findings, and discuss their possible role and function. Materials and Methods: Extrafloral nectaries on leaves have been monitored through different phases of leaf development, from June to August 2015 and 2022. The nectaries\u27 morphology was investigated using Zeiss Axioscope 5 and BOECO BSZ-405 light microscopes, and FEG QUANTA 250 FEI scanning electron microscope, operating at 7 kV and pressure of 60–100 Pa, without samples pretreatment. Results: Our investigation revealed the absence of earlier reported pores or ducts on the top of the glands. However, it supports one of the first, systematical investigations of A. altissima extrafloral nectaries conducted in Croatia a century ago, which was until recently forgotten by history. We evaluated our findings against prior theories and assessed the nectaries\u27 potential role and purpose in disposing surplus sugars. Conclusions: The nectar in A. altissima is not secreted via an opening on the leaves but rather through epidermal tissue tearing

    The first record of the asiatic string cottony scale Takahashia japonica in Croatia

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    Azijska pamučna štitasta uš Takahashia japonica Cockerell (Hemiptera, Coccomorpha, Coccidae), vrsta je porijeklom iz Japana. U Europi je prvi put pronađena 2017. godine u Italiji te 2018. godine u Velikoj Britaniji. U ovom radu dajemo pregled prvog nalaza vrste T. japonica u Hrvatskoj. Prvi nalaz kukca T. japonica uočen je 2019. godine u Puli (Istarska županija, Hrvatska), a vrsta je determinirana u proljeće 2020 godine. Kako bi što učinkovitije prikupili terenske podatke, pokrenuli smo kampanju po načelu „građani znanstvenici“ pod naslovom: “Traži se neobičan kukac - Takahashia japonica”. Poziv za dostavu dojava s lokacijama poslan je svim komunalnim gradskim poduzećima u Istri, javnim ustanovama zaštićenih područja, nevladinim udrugama te je podijeljen u lokalnim novinama i radio postajama. Specifična morfologija ooteka omogućila je lako prepoznavanje ove vrste i osigurala pouzdanost dojava građana. Tijekom kampanje prikupljeno je ukupno sedam dojava u širem središtu grada Pule. Najčešća biljka domaćin bila je Acer sp. i Morus alba L. od kojih su neka stabla pretrpjela značajnu defolijaciju te propadanje krošnje. S obzirom na ograničenu zarazu i relativno mali broj zaraženih stabala opravdano je pokušati provesti potpuno uklanjanje ove vrste. Postupci mjera ranog otkrivanja i brzog iskorjenjivanja invazivnih štetočina u skladu su s Pravilnikom br. 1143/2014 Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća te Europske i Mediteranske Organizacije za Zaštitu Bilja (EPPO). Aktivnosti iskorjenjivanja dogovorene su s gradskim komunalnim poduzećem Herculanea d.o.o. koji je odgovoran za hortikulturu i zaštitu biljaka u gradu Puli.The Asiatic string cottony scale Takahashia japonica Cockerell (Hemiptera, Coccomorpha, Coccidae) is a species native to Japan. The first record in Europe was observed in Italy in 2017 and again in UK in 2018. In this paper, we provide an overview of the first record of T. japonica in Croatia. First appearance of T. japonica was in 2019 in Pula (Istrian County, Croatia) but the species was determined in spring 2020. In order to collect the field data as efficiently as possible we launched a citizen scientist campaign under title: “A search for an insect – Takahashia japonica”. The campaign was shared to city utility companies in Istria, public institutions of protected areas, NGOs, local newspapers and radio stations. The specific morphology of the eggsacs enabled easy recognition of this species and ensured the accuracy of citizens’ reports. During the campaign we have collected in total seven reports in the city of Pula. The most common host plant of T. japonica was Acer sp. and Morus alba L. some of which have suffered significant defoliation and tree decay. Given the limited infestation and the relatively small number of infected trees, next step is to carry out a complete eradication of the species. The procedures of early detection measures and rapid eradication of invasive pest is in accordance to Regulation no. 1143/2014 of the European Parliament and the Council and by the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO). In the end, eradication activities have been agreed with the city utility company Herculanea d.o.o. which is responsible for horticulture and plant protection in the city of Pula