6 research outputs found

    Osvrt na knjigu Zamjensko majčinstvo-Bioetička prosudba

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    Tekst sadrži autoričin osvrt na knjigu Zamjensko majčinstvo-Bioetička prosudba

    Natural family planning

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    Marital Dialogue in Natural Family Planning

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    Bračni dijalog u prirodnom planiranju obitelji bio je naslov predavanja na 35. Obiteljskoj ljetnoj Å”koli, održanoj od 23. do 27. kolovoza 2006. pod nazivom Dijalog u obitelji. KrŔćanski supružnici, pozvani na doživotnu ljubav i odgovorno roditeljstvo, kroz bračni dijalog njeguju i hrane svoju ljubav. Dijalog mogu voditi dvije psiholoÅ”ki zrele osobe, koje su različite, a teže istom cilju. U ovom je tekstu stavljen naglasak na različitost između muÅ”karca i žene, na njihovu potrebu za dijalogom kao susretom dviju različitih osoba pozvanih na ostvarenje zajedničke bračne ljubavi. KrŔćanski supružnici, opredjeljujući se za kulturu života koja uključuje i prihvaćanje metoda prirodnog planiranja obitelji (PPO) u življenju odgovornog roditeljstva, pozvani su na trajan dijalog, čemu doprinose i metode PPO-a, koje se ne mogu ni zamisliti bez uzajamnog razumijevanja i dogovora. One pomažu krŔćanskim supružnicima oduprijeti se po zdravlje Å”tetnim kontraceptivnim sredstvima. Autorica je opisala metode PPO-a i postojeća kontraceptivna sredstva. Istakla je njihove prednosti i nedostatke. Posebno je naglasila da je koriÅ”tenje metoda PPO-a nemoguće bez trajnog dijaloga, Å”to doprinosi potpunijem življenju bračne ljubavi i odgovornog roditeljstva.ā€œMarital Dialogue in Natural Methods of Family Planningā€ was the topic of a talk given at the 35th Family Summer Programme held between August 23 and August 27, 2006, entitled ā€œDialogue in the Familyā€. Christian spouses, whose vocation it is to love one another until death and to practise responsible parenthood, foster and nourish their love through marital dialogue. Dialogue is possible between two psychologically mature persons who, though they differ from one another, nevertheless strive toward the same goal. This text emphasizes the differences between men and women, their need for dialogue as an encounter between two distinct individuals who are called to achieve the totality of conjugal love. Christian spouses, who have opted for the culture of life, and this includes also their acceptance of natural family planning methods (NFPM) in living within the principles of responsible parenthood, are called to engage in continuing dialogue regarding NFPM which are inconceivable without mutual understanding and agreement. Natural family planning methods assist Christian spouses in their efforts to resist the use of contraceptive devices which are harmful to their health. The author has described natural family planning methods and existing contraceptive devices. She has stressed their advantages and disadvantages and has made a point of emphasizing that implementing natural family planning methods is impossible without continuous dialogue. Continuous dialogue, in turn, contributes to a more complete fulfillment of conjugal love and responsible parenthood

    Effectiveness of treatment of newly diagnosed hypertension in family medicine practices in South Croatia

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    Abstract Background Uncontrolled blood pressure remains an urgent issue in clinical practice worldwide. This study aimed to compare the characteristics and effectiveness of hypertension control in family medicine pratice in the first treatment year, in relation to the geographical position, socio-economic standard, and access to medical services and public pharmacies in urban, rural and island environments (city of Split vs. Dalmatian Hinterland vs. islands in Southern Croatia). Methods A historical cohort study included 213 patients diagnosed from 2008 to 2014 with essential arterial hypertension (AH) and without related complications or diabetes mellitus. Each patient was followed up for 365ā€‰days from the visit when the diagnosis of hypertension was ascertained. Normotension was defined as arterial pressureā€‰<ā€‰140/90ā€‰mmHg. The annual cost of drugs prescribed for treating newly diagnosed hypertensive patient and the total price for defined daily dose per patient were also evaluated. Results More than half patients achieved normotension within a year from the initial diagnosis in all family medicine practices (57.3%), without significant differences among the three geographic regions (Pā€‰=ā€‰0.981). Higher initial systolic blood pressure was a positive predictive prognostic factor on achieveing normotension (odds ratio (OR) 0.96, 95% confidence interval 0.95ā€“0.98). ACE inhibitors were the most commonly prescribed antihypertensive agents in monotherapy (35.1%), as well as considering overall prescriptions (25.2%). Calcium channel blockers were the most commonly prescribed initial BP-lowering single agents in urban areas (28.6%), whereas angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors were more common in rural (28.0%) and island areas (22.7%) (Pā€‰=ā€‰0.037). The median annual antihypertensive drug cost was 169.4 (95% CI 151.5ā€“201.8) Croatian kunas and was similar across the study sites. Conclusion Multiple antihypertensive drugs, prescribed in accordance with the guidelines, lead to similar pharmacological effects. Primary care physicians seem to be able to overcome potential interfering socio-economic factors and successfully achieve normotension in newly diagnosed patients with uncomplicated AH after 1 year of treatment