42 research outputs found

    A PTAS for Agnostically Learning Halfspaces

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    We present a PTAS for agnostically learning halfspaces w.r.t. the uniform distribution on the dd dimensional sphere. Namely, we show that for every μ>0\mu>0 there is an algorithm that runs in time poly(d,1ϵ)\mathrm{poly}(d,\frac{1}{\epsilon}), and is guaranteed to return a classifier with error at most (1+μ)opt+ϵ(1+\mu)\mathrm{opt}+\epsilon, where opt\mathrm{opt} is the error of the best halfspace classifier. This improves on Awasthi, Balcan and Long [ABL14] who showed an algorithm with an (unspecified) constant approximation ratio. Our algorithm combines the classical technique of polynomial regression (e.g. [LMN89, KKMS05]), together with the new localization technique of [ABL14]