11 research outputs found

    Design of a Planting Module for an Automatic Device for Forest Regeneration

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    Forest regeneration by means of seedlings grown in container nurseries is usually performed manually with the use of the standard dibble bar or the tube dibble. Manual placement of a large number of seedlings in the soil requires a lot of work. Manual removal of the soil cover and digging the soil in spots with a diameter of 0.4 m requires, under average conditions, about 38 man-hours/ha, while planting with a dibble bar requires about 34 man-hours/ha. Additional work time is needed to carry seedlings over an area that is being afforested. At present, forestry does not have automatic planters that would enable the establishment of forest cultures. The aim of the paper is to present the concept of an autonomous robot and an innovative technology of performing forest regeneration and afforestation of former agricultural and reclaimed areas. The paper also presents the design solutions of the key working unit, which is a universal, openable dibble, cooperating with a three-toothed shaft to prepare a planting spot. The solution proposed enables continuous operation of the machine, i.e. without the need to stop the base vehicle

    Position for research and mechanical properties of the top layer in the root crops for wetlands

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    W artykule przedstawiano budow臋 stanowiska do bada艅 wierzchniej warstwy korzeniowej teren贸w wodno-b艂otnych. Pokazano jej zasadnicze zespo艂y odpowiedzialne za wykonanie pomiar贸w, w tym wielko艣ci opor贸w penetracji pionowej, momentu skr臋caj膮cego, wilgotno艣ci. Opisano og贸ln膮 budow臋 systemu kontroli sterowania rejestracj膮 i akwizycj膮 danych pomiarowych. Ponadto przedstawiono wnioski z bada艅 funkcjonalnych stanowiska badawczego zintegrowanego z ci膮gnikiem rolniczym marki Kubota M9660.The paper presents the general construction of the test stand for testing the upper root layer of wetlands. She was shown the basic teams responsible for making measurements, including the amount of vertical penetration resistance, torsional moment and humidity. The general structure of the control, control, registration and acquisition of measurement data was described. In addition, layers from functional tests of the test stand integrated with the Kubota M9660 agricultural trac-tor were presented

    The Need for Machines for the Nondestructive Quality Assessment of Potatoes with the Use of Artificial Intelligence Methods and Imaging Techniques

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    This article describes chemical and physical parameters, including their role in the storage, trade, and processing of potatoes, as well as their nutritional properties and health benefits resulting from their consumption. An analysis of the share of losses occurring during the production process is presented. The methods and applications used in recent years to estimate the physical and chemical parameters of potatoes during their storage and processing, which determine the quality of potatoes, are presented. The potential of the technologies used to classify the quality of potatoes, mechanical and ultrasonic, and image processing and analysis using vision systems, as well as their use in applications with artificial intelligence, are discussed

    The Need for Machines for the Nondestructive Quality Assessment of Potatoes with the Use of Artificial Intelligence Methods and Imaging Techniques

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    This article describes chemical and physical parameters, including their role in the storage, trade, and processing of potatoes, as well as their nutritional properties and health benefits resulting from their consumption. An analysis of the share of losses occurring during the production process is presented. The methods and applications used in recent years to estimate the physical and chemical parameters of potatoes during their storage and processing, which determine the quality of potatoes, are presented. The potential of the technologies used to classify the quality of potatoes, mechanical and ultrasonic, and image processing and analysis using vision systems, as well as their use in applications with artificial intelligence, are discussed

    Universal testing stand for devices for obtaining energy from renewable sources (RES)

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    W artykule om贸wiono budow臋 i zastosowanie uniwersalnego stanowiska badawczego urz膮dze艅 do pozyskiwania energii ze 藕r贸de艂 odnawialnych, takich jak modu艂y fotowoltaiczne i turbiny wiatrowe. Ponadto zaprezentowano wyniki bada艅 por贸wnawczych uzysku energetycznego generator贸w fotowoltaicznych w dw贸ch r贸偶nych uk艂adach: stacjonarnym i nad膮偶nym jednoosiowym, a tak偶e uzysku energetycznego zespo艂u pr膮dotw贸rczego turbin Savonius'a, wchodz膮cych w sk艂ad inteligentnej, hybrydowej elektrowni solarno-wiatrowej.The article discusses the construction and use of a universal test stand for devices for obtaining energy from renewable sources, such as photovoltaic modules and wind turbines. In addition, the results of comparative studies of energy yield of photovoltaic generators were presented, in two different systems: stationary and following uniaxial, as well as the energy yield of the Savonius turbine generating set, part of an intelligent, solar-wind power plant

    Breeding and Economic Aspects of Cytogenetic Screening Studies of Pigs Qualified for Reproduction

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    Cytogenetic monitoring allows the identification and early removal of pigs affected by inherited karyotype defects from breeding herds. These abnormalities cause developmental anomalies, considerably reducing the fertility (by several dozen to 100%) and performance parameters of breeding herds, resulting in substantial financial losses. This mainly concerns reciprocal translocations, typical of pigs, which are highly prevalent (about 0.46%), generally occur de novo, and normally result in low breeding soundness of the carriers. Due to the potential spontaneous occurrence of chromosomal aberrations and the rapid spread of these genetic defects in the population, especially under artificial insemination conditions, it is necessary to perform routine karyotype screening of animals qualified for reproduction. The cytogenetic screening program for young boars, carried out using continually refined diagnostic techniques, permits a precise and reliable karyotype assessment, identification of chromosomal abnormalities, and formulation of specific selection guidelines