21 research outputs found

    Obsessive-compulsive disorder reinforcement during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is unquestionably impacting on the mental health of the population worldwide. Fear of contamination can both increase levels of stress in healthy individuals and intensify psychiatric symptoms in patients with pre-existing conditions, especially obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). During the COVID-19 pandemic, the imminent risk of contamination creates a logical need for self-surveillance and hygiene habits. However, this kind of information can have drastic implications for subjects with OCD, since cognitive distortions and compensatory strategies (cleansing rituals) are no longer irrational or oversized – rather, these ideas become legitimate and socially accepted, generating plausible validation for the intensification of compulsive cleaning rituals. Patients who presented remission of OCD symptoms would be more likely to have a relapse, and subclinical patients may scale up and ultimately be diagnosed with OCD due to the reinforcement of their habits, emotions and thoughts

    Terapia cognitivo-comportamental em grupo para o transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo : 2 anos de acompanhamento

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    Objetivo: Transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo (TOC), conforme diversos estudos longitudinais, é uma doença crônica com índice alto de recaídas. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi verificar se os resultados obtidos com a Terapia Cognitivo- Comportamental em Grupo (TCCG) são mantidos ao longo de dois anos. Método: Quarenta e dois pacientes com TOC, que completaram 12 sessões de TCCG, foram acompanhados por dois anos. As medidas de gravidade dos sintomas foram obtidas no final do tratamento, 3, 6, 12, 18 e 24 meses após a TCCG usando a Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) e Clinical Global Impressions (CGI). Os desfechos estudados foram: manutenção dos resultados; recaídas; remissão completa e parcial. Critérios para manutenção dos resultados: não ocorrer mudança estatisticamente significativa nos escores da Y-BOCS e CGI. O grupo de pacientes que melhorou com a TCCG (redução>35% na Y-BOCS e CGI 35% na Y-BOCS e CGI > 2 durante o período de acompanhamento. Remissão completa: escore 8, em pacientes que haviam melhorado com a TCCG. Resultados: A redução na gravidade dos sintomas observada no final do tratamento foi mantida durante os dois anos (F2;41=0,999; P=0,409). Dois anos depois da TCCG, 13 pacientes (31%) obtiveram remissão completa dos sintomas. Treze pacientes (41.9%) recaíram no período de seguimento. A intensidade da melhora (Log Rank=13,39, GL=1, P*=0.0003) e a remissão completa (Log Rank=7,88; GL=1; P=0.005) foram preditores fortes para não recaídas. Conclusão: A TCCG pode ser considerada um tratamento efetivo para o TOC, e os resultados se mantiveram ao longo de dois anos de acompanhamentoObjective: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic disorder with high rates of relapse according to longitudinal studies. The aim of this study is to evaluate the results of Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy (CBGT) for OCD over a 2-years follow-up period. Method: Forty-two OCD patients, who completed 12 sessions of CBGT, were followed for 2-years. Measures of the severity of symptoms were obtained after the acute treatment, and at 3, 6,12, 18 and 24 months after CBGT using the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) and Clinical Global Impressions (CGI). The group of patients that improved with CBGT (n=31) (reduction > 35% in Y-BOCS), was evaluated for maintenance of therapeutic response and relapse at 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months after the end of the treatment. It was considered maintenance of therapeutic response if the patient had no changes in Y-BOCS and CGI, and relapse if the patient that improved with the therapy had an increase > 35% in Y-BOCS and CGI > 2 during the follow-up period. Full remission was considered if the patient present score 35% in the Y-BOCS, but the total score of this rating scale was > 8. Results: The reduction on the severity of symptoms observed at the end of the treatment was maintained during 2 years (F2;41=0,999; P=0,409). Two years afer CBGT 13 patients (31%) showed full remission. Thirteen patients (41,9%) relapsed in the follow up period. The intensity of improvement (Log Rank=13,39, GL=1, P=0.0003) and full remission (Log Rank=7,88; GL=1; P=0.005) were strong predictors for non-relapsing. Conclusions: CBGT can be considered an effective treatment for OCD, and its results are maintained for 2-years period follow-up

    Funcionamento neuropsicológico no transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo e resposta à terapia cognitivo-comportamental em grupo

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    A relação entre o funcionamento neuropsicológico e a resposta dos pacientes com transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo (TOC) aos tratamentos tem sido pouco investigada. No presente estudo, nossos objetivos foram: Avaliar o impacto da terapia cognitivo-comportamental em grupo (TCCG) sobre as funções cognitivas (antenção, memória e funções executivas) dos pacientes com TOC. Além disso, avaliar se o funcionamento cognitivo pré-tratamento é preditor de reposta à TCCG. Cento e três pacientes com TOC foram randomizados para participar de doze semanas de TCCG (n=61) ou aguardar tratamento em lista de espera (LE) por três meses (n=42). Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre o grupo que participou da TCCG e LE nas medidas neuropsicológicas pós terapia. Por outro lado, os pacientes que responderam à TCCG (redução > 35% na Y-BOCS e CGI-S 35% on the Y-BOCS and CGI-S < 2 at end point) performed better in the organization strategies measured by Rey (F=6.417, p=0.014) when compared with non-responders. Greater executive function measured by TMT B (F=16.12, df=57, p=0.025) and working memory abilities by TMT B-A (F=13.5, df=57, p=0.011) at baseline predicted response to CBGT. In conclusion, there seems to be an association between obsessive-compulsive symptoms remission and visual-spatial organization performance, because the improvement of this abilities were restricted to OCD responders. Greater executive function and working memory abilities were predictors of good response to CBGT in OCD. In addition, this thesis verified the association between neuropsychological functioning and severity of OCS, as well as between the different dimensions of OCD, obsessing, washing, checking, neutralizing (mental compulsions), ordering and hoarding. We conducted a cross-sectional study evaluating 141 OCD patients, through of the neuropsychological evaluation of attention, memory and executive functions domains. The results of this study suggest that the higher the executive IQ deficit greater the severity of compulsive symptoms (adjusted =- 0.338) and greater the injury of visual-spatial memory (adjusted =- 0.213), but not of the obsessive symptoms. Moreover, the severity of obsessive symptoms was associated with a lower capacity of inhibitory control (adjusted =- 2.12). The distinct dimensions of OCD symptoms were associated with different neuropsychological performances. The hoarding dimension was associated with better performance in organizational strategies by Rey, while all other dimensions were associated with a poor performance, thus suggesting a distinct cognitive pattern depending on the predominant symptoms

    Funcionamento neuropsicológico no transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo e resposta à terapia cognitivo-comportamental em grupo

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    A relação entre o funcionamento neuropsicológico e a resposta dos pacientes com transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo (TOC) aos tratamentos tem sido pouco investigada. No presente estudo, nossos objetivos foram: Avaliar o impacto da terapia cognitivo-comportamental em grupo (TCCG) sobre as funções cognitivas (antenção, memória e funções executivas) dos pacientes com TOC. Além disso, avaliar se o funcionamento cognitivo pré-tratamento é preditor de reposta à TCCG. Cento e três pacientes com TOC foram randomizados para participar de doze semanas de TCCG (n=61) ou aguardar tratamento em lista de espera (LE) por três meses (n=42). Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre o grupo que participou da TCCG e LE nas medidas neuropsicológicas pós terapia. Por outro lado, os pacientes que responderam à TCCG (redução > 35% na Y-BOCS e CGI-S 35% on the Y-BOCS and CGI-S < 2 at end point) performed better in the organization strategies measured by Rey (F=6.417, p=0.014) when compared with non-responders. Greater executive function measured by TMT B (F=16.12, df=57, p=0.025) and working memory abilities by TMT B-A (F=13.5, df=57, p=0.011) at baseline predicted response to CBGT. In conclusion, there seems to be an association between obsessive-compulsive symptoms remission and visual-spatial organization performance, because the improvement of this abilities were restricted to OCD responders. Greater executive function and working memory abilities were predictors of good response to CBGT in OCD. In addition, this thesis verified the association between neuropsychological functioning and severity of OCS, as well as between the different dimensions of OCD, obsessing, washing, checking, neutralizing (mental compulsions), ordering and hoarding. We conducted a cross-sectional study evaluating 141 OCD patients, through of the neuropsychological evaluation of attention, memory and executive functions domains. The results of this study suggest that the higher the executive IQ deficit greater the severity of compulsive symptoms (adjusted =- 0.338) and greater the injury of visual-spatial memory (adjusted =- 0.213), but not of the obsessive symptoms. Moreover, the severity of obsessive symptoms was associated with a lower capacity of inhibitory control (adjusted =- 2.12). The distinct dimensions of OCD symptoms were associated with different neuropsychological performances. The hoarding dimension was associated with better performance in organizational strategies by Rey, while all other dimensions were associated with a poor performance, thus suggesting a distinct cognitive pattern depending on the predominant symptoms

    Remissão completa e recaídas dos sintomas obsessivocompulsivos depois da terapia cognitivo-comportamental em grupo : dois anos de acompanhamento

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    Objetivo: Avaliar se os resultados obtidos com 12 sessões de terapia cognitivocomportamental em grupo para pacientes com transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo foram mantidos depois de dois anos do final do tratamento e se o grau de remissão dos sintomas esteve associado às recaídas. Método: Quarenta e dois pacientes foram acompanhados. A gravidade dos sintomas foi avaliada no final da terapia cognitivo-comportamental em grupo, 18 e 24 meses após o término do tratamento. As escalas utilizadas para avaliação foram Yale-Brown Obsessive- Compulsive Scale, Clinical Global Impression, Beck Depression Inventory e Beck Anxiety Inventory. Resultados: A redução da gravidade dos sintomas observada no final do tratamento foi mantida durante o período de dois anos de acompanhamento (F = 57,881; p < 0,001). Ao final do tratamento, 9 (21,4%) pacientes apresentaram remissão completa, 22 (52,4%) remissão parcial e 11 (26,2%) não apresentaram mudança na Yale-Brown Obsessive- Compulsive Scale. Dois anos depois, 13 pacientes (31,0%) apresentaram remissão completa dos sintomas, 20 (47,6%) apresentaram remissão parcial, e 9 (21,4%) não apresentaram mudança na Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale. A remissão completa dos sintomas ao final do tratamento foi protetora contra recaídas (χ2 = 4,962; df = 1; p = 0,026). Conclusão: Nossos achados apontam para a importância da obtenção da remissão completa dos sintomas obsessivo-compulsivos e para a necessidade de novas estratégias terapêuticas que tenham como meta atingir tal objetivo.Objective: The aim of this study was to assess whether the results obtained with 12 sessions of cognitive-behavioral group therapy with obsessive-compulsive patients were maintained after two years, and whether the degree of symptom remission was associated with relapse. Method: Forty-two patients were followed. The severity of symptoms was measured at the end of cognitive-behavioral group therapy and at 18 and 24 months of follow-up. The assessment scales used were the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale, Clinical Global Impression, Beck Depression Inventory, and Beck Anxiety Inventory. Results: The reduction in symptom severity observed at the end of treatment was maintained during the two-year follow-up period (F = 57.881; p < 0.001). At the end of the treatment, 9 (21.4%) patients presented full remission, 22 (52.4%) presented partial remission, and 11 (26.2%) had unchanged scores in the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale. After two years, 13 patients (31.0%) presented full remission, 20 (47.6%) had partial remission, and 9 (21.4%) had unchanged Yale-Brown Obsessive- Compulsive Scalescores. The full remission of symptoms at the end of the treatment was a protective factor against relapse (χ2 = 4,962; df = 1; p = 0.026). Conclusion: Our findings underscore the importance of attaining full remission of obsessive-compulsive symptoms during treatment and the need for new therapeutic strategies to achieve this

    Crenças disfuncionais e o modelo cognitivo-comportamental no transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo

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    Foi feita uma revisão das disfunções cognitivas mais comuns em portadores de transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo (TOC), bem como dos modelos cognitivo-comportamentais que incluem tais crenças em sua gênese e sua manutenção. Foi observado um relativo consenso de que responsabilidade excessiva, exagerar a importância dos pensamentos, preocupação excessiva com seu controle, superestimar o perigo e o risco, intolerância à incerteza e perfeccionismo são freqüentes, embora não-específicas, em portadores do TOC. Foram revisados, ainda, estudos experimentais realizados para testar tais modelos e proposições. Um maior conhecimento das disfunções cognitivas poderá ser útil para o entendimento da psicopatologia do transtorno, para o desenvolvimento de novas técnicas de tratamento e para o aprimoramento das já existentes.A review was made of the most common cognitive dysfunctions among obsessive-compulsive disorder’s (OCD) patients, as well as the cognitive-behavioral models that include beliefs that may give rise to and maintain such disorder. A relative consensus that excessive responsibility, overestimation of the importance of thoughts, excessive concern with the control of thoughts, overestimation of danger and risk, intolerance of uncertainty and perfectionism are common, though non-specific dysfunctional beliefs, among those patients. Experimental research carried out in order to test such propositions and models were also reviewed. Greater knowledge of cognitive dysfunctions may improve our understanding of the psychopathology of OCD, the development of new treatments and those currently in use

    Qualidade de vida em indivíduos com transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo: revisão da literatura Quality of life in individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder: a review

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    OBJETIVO: O transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo acomete entre 1,6 a 3,1% da população. Em virtude de uma maior compreensão do sofrimento associado aos sintomas, aumentaram os estudos e o interesse no bem-estar geral e na qualidade de vida dos portadores. MÉTODO: Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica de trabalhos que investigaram a qualidade de vida em portadores de transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo. A busca foi feita nas bases de dados Medline, SciELO e PsychoInfo, utilizando como palavras-chave quality of life e obsessive-compulsive disorder. Foram selecionados 27 artigos que abordaram o tema, sendo descritas as áreas mais afetadas pelo transtorno, bem como a sua relação com a qualidade de vida foram descritas. Também foram apresentados efeitos de tratamentos na qualidade de vida dos pacientes. RESULTADOS: Os relacionamentos sociais e familiares, seguidos pelo desempenho ocupacional (capacidade para trabalhar e estudar), foram as áreas mais afetadas pelo transtorno e, apesar de melhorarem com tratamento, permanecem insatisfatórios. As obsessões foram associadas a prejuízos mais significativos na qualidade de vida do que as compulsões (rituais). CONCLUSÕES: Apesar das limitações, os estudos mostram evidências do comprometimento da qualidade de vida de indivíduos com transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo, sendo este comparável ao de pacientes com esquizofrenia. Pesquisas futuras com diferentes delineamentos são necessárias para estabelecer resultados mais consistentes.<br>OBJECTIVE: Obsessive-compulsive disorder affects between 1.6 and 3.1% of the population. Due to the distress caused by obsessive-compulsive disorder leading to disability as well as the prevalence of the disease, there has been an increase in the number of studies focusing on the general well-being of patients by assessing quality of life. METHOD: A literature review of the studies that investigated the quality of life of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder was performed. The search was carried out in the following database: Medline, SciELO and PsychoInfo, and the following key-words were used "quality of life" and "obsessive-compulsive disorder". Twenty-seven articles about the topic were selected. The results from this study describe the areas most severely affected by the disorder as well as the relationship between obsessive-compulsive disorder and quality of life. In addition, the effects of the treatment on the patients' quality of life are presented. RESULTS: The social and familial relationships and the occupational performance (capacity to work and study) were the areas most severely affected by the disorder, and, although there was an improvement with the treatment, these areas remain at a poor level of performance. The obsessions were associated with the most significant impairment of the quality of life if compared to the compulsions (rituals). CONCLUSIONS: Results from the selected studies suggest that obsessive-compulsive disorder patients have an impairment of quality of life. The level of impairment is similar to that of schizophrenic patients. Future studies with different designs are necessary so that more consistent results can be established