47 research outputs found


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    This preliminary study is an inventory of the main resources and difficulties in adaptation of the Crop Growth Monitoring System (CGMS) used by Agri4cast unit of IPSC from Joint Research Centre (JRC) - Ispra of European Commission to conditions of Romania.In contrast with the original model calibrated mainly with statistical average yields at national level, for local calibration of the model the statistical yields at lower administrative units (macroregion or county) must be used. In addition, for winter crops, the start of simulation in the new system will be in the autumn of the previous year. The start of simulation (and emergence day) in the genuine system is 1st of January of the current year and the existing calibration was meant to provide a compensation system for this technical physiological delay.Proposed approach provides a better initialisation of the water balance (emergence occurs after start of simulation), as well as a better account for impact of wintering conditions, but obviously a new calibration for all cultivar dependent parameters is necessary. For the preoperational run, the localized model will use the weather data available till the last day available and the missing data from the rest of the year will be replaced either by the daily values of the long term averages or by the values from a year considered similar with the current one.Proposed adaptations permit a better use of information available on local scale and the localized model may be the core of a regional system for crop monitoring and in the same degree as the original system it can be used as tool for specific researches, such as studying the impact of climate changes

    Jetrena osteodistrofija: globalni pre(po)gled problema

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    Hepatic osteodystrophy is a common and frequently untreated complication, manifested as osteoporosis or osteopenia, encountered in the evolution of chronic liver diseases. Th is article provides a narrative review of hepatic osteodystrophy. Th e aim is to revise the prevalence, pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of hepatic osteodystrophy. We searched medical literature via PubMed, Google Scholar, Wiley, Science Direct, and Springer Link using respective keywords to obtain data on low bone mineral density connected to chronic liver diseases. Many studies have reported an increased prevalence of osteoporosis/osteopenia in patients with chronic liver diseases. Th e pathogenesis is multifactorial, involving genetic factors, vitamin defi ciencies, proinfl ammatory cytokines, hypogonadism, hyperbilirubinemia, antiviral therapy, corticosteroid drugs, and lifestyle factors. Th e management of patients should include individualized assessment for fracture risk factors and bone mineral density. Vitamin D and calcium supplementation should be recommended in all patients with chronic liver diseases and osteoporosis. Bisphosphonates are the most effi cient drugs used in the treatment of hepatic osteodystrophy. In the future, it is necessary to defi ne better the management and specifi c treatment of hepatic osteodystrophy for prevention of fragility fractures and to improve the patient quality of life.Jetrena osteodistrofi ja je česta i nerijetko neliječena komplikacija koja se manifestira kao osteoporoza ili osteopenija, a susreće se u bolesnika s kroničnim bolestima jetre. Ovaj narativni pregled jetrene osteodistrofi je preispituje učestalost, patofiziologiju, dijagnostiku i liječenje jetrene osteodistrofi je. Proveli smo pretragu medicinske literature u bazama podataka PubMed, Google Scholar, Wiley, Science Direct i Springer Link pomoću prikladnih ključnih riječi kako bismo dobili podatke o niskoj mineralnoj gustoći kosti povezanoj s kroničnim bolestima jetre. Mnoga istraživanja izvještavaju o povećanoj učestalosti osteoporoze/osteopenije u bolesnika s kroničnim jetrenim bolestima. Patogeneza je multifaktorijalna i uključuje genetske čimbenike, pomanjkanje raznih vitamina, proupalne citokine, hipogonadizam, hiperbilirubinemiju, protuvirusnu terapiju, kortikosteroidne lijekove te čimbenike povezane s načinom života. Liječenje ovih bolesnika treba obuhvatiti individualiziranu procjenu čimbenika rizika za prijelome te mineralnu gustoću kosti. Svim bolesnicima s kroničnim bolestima jetre i osteoporozom treba preporučiti uzimanje dodataka vitamina C i kalcija. Bisfosfonati su najučinkovitiji lijekovi za liječenje jetrene osteodistrofi je. Potrebno je bolje defi nirati zbrinjavanje i specifi čno liječenje jetrene osteodistrofi je kako bi se sprije čili prijelomi zbog krhkih kosti te poboljšala kvaliteta života ovih bolesnika

    Efficiency of Treatment Targeted on Gut Microbiota in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: Current Strategies and Perspectives

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) represent a category of diseases characterized by intestinal inflammation and include two main entities, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, one of the representative clinical characteristics of which being chronic diarrhea. The etiology of these diseases is multifactorial, combining genetic, immunological, and also environmental factors, along with gut dysbiosis. In recent years, we encountered a higher incidence of IBD cases and of severe forms of disease. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop new and efficient treatments, including strategies to improve the microbiome. In this chapter, we will discuss the current knowledge about the impact of different therapies influencing gut microbiota, such as prebiotics, probiotics, synbiotics, and other agents in IBD prevention, and also in the induction/maintenance of IBD remission. The manuscript will focus also on potential areas for research in the future using agents that modify intestinal microbiota and combined strategies


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    The need for analysis of the nuclear subsector, which generates critical nuclear infrastructure, comes in the context in which the possible occurrence of non-supply cases with uranium raw materials, nuclear fuels and nuclear electricity, could generate major issues of national interest, with European and NATO implications. The authors consider that addressing the uranium mining subsector is a strict national security issue because the lack of nuclear raw materials, their prefabricated materials or nuclear electricity can cause enormous damage to domestic consumers, industry and the national economy, which are dependent on electricity

    Artificial intelligence in improving the outcome of surgical treatment in colorectal cancer

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    BackgroundA considerable number of recent research have used artificial intelligence (AI) in the area of colorectal cancer (CRC). Surgical treatment of CRC still remains the most important curative component. Artificial intelligence in CRC surgery is not nearly as advanced as it is in screening (colonoscopy), diagnosis and prognosis, especially due to the increased complexity and variability of structures and elements in all fields of view, as well as a general shortage of annotated video banks for utilization.MethodsA literature search was made and relevant studies were included in the minireview.ResultsThe intraoperative steps which, at this moment, can benefit from AI in CRC are: phase and action recognition, excision plane navigation, endoscopy control, real-time circulation analysis, knot tying, automatic optical biopsy and hyperspectral imaging. This minireview also analyses the current advances in robotic treatment of CRC as well as the present possibility of automated CRC robotic surgery.ConclusionsThe use of AI in CRC surgery is still at its beginnings. The development of AI models capable of reproducing a colorectal expert surgeon’s skill, the creation of large and complex datasets and the standardization of surgical colorectal procedures will contribute to the widespread use of AI in CRC surgical treatment