41 research outputs found


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    Introduction and objective: During adolescence lifestyle is formed, including dietary habits, which mainly remain unchanged throughout the life. Dietary habits and physical activity influence one\u27s health status. The goal of this study was to examine and compare dietary habits in the population of high school teens enrolled in general secondary school and catering school. Methods: Study was performed using a one-time questionnaire which, among other sections included basic data needed for characterization of the group and a group of questions on participants dietary habits. Results: Data collected during this research are expressed on the whole research group and also on subgroups created considering gender, environment and educational programme. Collected data about dietary habits show drastically low breakfast consumption, low consumption of fish, fruit, vegetables, milk and dairy products, high consumption of meat and meat product, carbonized beverages and sweets. Significan difference in dietary habits was obtained for breakfast consumption, frequency of vegetables, soft drinks, milk and coffee consumption, dieting habits due to estetic motives and fluid intake. Conclusion: This study about dietary habits shows significant deviation from health recommendations, and therefore it is necessary to develop and organize promotional programmes of healthy behavior that is customized to teens needs

    Upitnici za procjenu tjelesne aktivnosti u različitoj životnoj dobi: pregled

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    With a wide range of health benefits across the lifespan, throughout the decades physical activity has remained an interesting topic of many research. To gain quality and valid results on populationā€™s physical activity levels, a high-quality measurement tool is needed. Physical activity assessment questionnaires are one of the most frequently used self-reported activity assessment tools. Choosing the right tool can be a challenging task, so we aim to provide a general overview of frequently used questionnaires throughout the lifespan with special emphasis on those available in Croatia. We conducted a literature review on physical activity assessment questionnaires, from toddlers and pre-school to older adults. Our specific focus was on physical activity assessment questionnaires translated, validated, and available in Croatia. Regardless of limitations, questionnaires are still a widely used cost-effective tool that provides good physical activity assessment and can be used in large population studies, but there is still a great need for a consistent and reliable questionnaire. Five physical activity assessment questionnaires for different age groups available in Croatia were identified. Questionnaires estimate general levels of physical activity in all stages of life. With vast number of existing questionnaires and continuous development of new ones, the emphasis should be on bettering existing questionnaires because the need for a reliable and validated tool for all age groups is immense.Tjelesna aktivnost ima mnoge pozitivne, zdravstvene učinke na pojedinca tijekom cijelog života. Već desetljećima procjena tjelesne aktivnosti česta je tema znanstvenih istraživanja. Prilikom procjene tjelesne aktivnosti, za dobivanje kvalitetnih i valjanih rezultata o razinama tjelesne aktivnosti stanovniÅ”tva, potreban je provjeren i validiran alat. Upitnici za procjenu tjelesne aktivnosti jedan su od najčeŔće koriÅ”tenih alata. Odabir odgovarajućeg upitnika nije uvijek jednostavan zadatak, stoga je cilj ovog rada pružiti pregled dostupne literature i često koriÅ”tenih upitnika u različitim dobnim skupinama s posebnim naglaskom na upitnike koji su dostupni u Hrvatskoj. Provedena je pretraga dostupne literature o upitnicima za procjenu tjelesne aktivnosti, od djece predÅ”kolske dobi do osoba starije životne dobi, s fokusom na upitnicima koji su prevedeni, validirani i dostupni u Hrvatskoj. Identificirano je pet upitnika za procjenu tjelesne aktivnosti za različite dobne skupine. Upitnici procjenjuju opću razinu tjelesne aktivnosti u svim fazama života. Bez obzira na ograničenja, upitnici se zbog jednostavnosti primjene te dobre procjene tjelesne aktivnosti često koriste u istraživanjima s većim brojem ispitanika. Uz veliki broj postojećih upitnika i kontinuirani razvoj novih, naglasak treba staviti na unaprjeđenje postojećih jer je potreba za pouzdanim i validiranim upitnikom, za sve dobne skupine, velika


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    Introduction: Glycaemic index (GI) of a certain quantity and type of carbohydrate affects the rate of change of glucose concentration or glucose metabolism in blood. Consumption of carbohydrates with different GI before, during and after exercise affects the athletic performance and food with a high GI is preferred. Aims: To determine GI of two commercially available recovery preparations and accordingly assess their classification in the group of training recovery products. Methods: Five healthy males, 21 ā€“ 26 years, full-time students, nonā€“smokers, volunteered for the study. The main inclusion criteria were absence of diabetes, prediabetes or any other diagnosis that affects glycaemia and intensive physical activity in leisure time, measured through body composition (Tanita MC-180 analyzer) and a standardized physical activity questionnaire. GI determination for two commercially available recovery preparations was done according to ISO 26 642:2010 method. Results: Test sample 1 had significantly lower hedonic score (4.0 Ā± 1.7) and a subjective feeling of satiety (50.5 Ā± 3.6), while Control sample had the highest scores (2.0 or 64.8 Ā± 9.0). Significantly higher blood glucose was determined for both test samples as compared to Control. The area under the blood glucose curve (iAUC) was significantly higher for Test sample 1 (255.9 Ā± 50.7) as compared to Control (78.9 Ā± 8.0), and Test sample 2 (127.3 Ā± 12.6). GI of Test sample 1 was significantly higher than the one of Test sample 2 (317.9 Ā± 122.4 versus 161.6 Ā± 14.6, p = 0.022). Conclusions: Both samples belong into the category of high GI products, which is in accordance with their intended purpose. The results indicate differences in the mechanism of action; i.e. influence on glucose metabolism, probably as a result of product formulations (nutritional composition). Despite the same classification of two tested products by the manufacturer, more detailed description of mechanism of action for training recovery products should be encouraged


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    Introduction and objective: Milk and dairy products are an important source of many nutrients that are known to have many beneficial effects on human health. On the other hand, milk and dairy products can cause allergies and intolerances. Allergy is caused by milk proteins that lead to immune reactions, while intolerance is caused by the milk sugar, lactose, due to reduced activity of enzyme lactase which digests it. To avoid the unpleasant symptoms, lactose intolerant persons can consume fermented milk products that are known to have reduced lactose content. The aim of this study was to determine the content of lactose in commercially available fermented dairy beverages by HPLC method and to assess their adequacy in diet of lactose intolerant persons. Methods: Altogether 21commercially available type of fermented milk products was analysed of which 13 were plain yogurts, while remaining 8 belonged to the group of functional products. Lactose content was determined by HPLC method. Lactose detection was achieved by refraction index detector and its quantification by external standard method. Results: Lactose content of analysed products ranged from 2.65 g/100 g up to 4.05 g/100 g in plain yogurts, and from 2.61 g/100 g up to 4.63 g/100 g in functional products. Conclusions: Based on determined lactose content and a presumption that most of lactose intolerant persons can digest up to 6 g of lactose on a daily basis without obvious symptoms it is assessed that daily acceptable amount of the analysed products ranges from 130 to 230 g


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    The aim of this study was to determine the influence of dietary supplementation with propolis on the technological properties of skinless chicken breasts evaluated through breast muscle pH value measured 45 minutes (pH1) and 24 hours post mortem (pH2), water-holding capacity of breast muscle, consistency of breast muscle and its color (L*, a*, b*) and to determine its macronutrient content (protein and fat content). The study was conducted on 180 Ross 308 chickens equally distributed by sex and divided into three groups: the control group of chickens (C) fed with a basal diet and two experimental groups of chickens (E) fed with the same diet supplemented with propolis (E1 2g/kg and E2 4g/kg). There was no statistically significant difference between C and E considering pH1 (p=0.260) but there was statistically significant difference between them considering pH2 (p=0.037). There was statistically significant difference in L* breast muscle color (p=0.039) between C and E while there were no statistically significant differences in a* and b* breast muscle color between them (p=0.167 and p=0.637, respectively). There were no statistically significant differences between the C and E considering water-holding capacity (p=0.767) and consistency (p=0.505) of breast muscle. There were no statistically significant differences in protein and fat content between C and E (p=0.368 and p=0.244, respectively). The obtained results confirm the benefits of the tested supplementation


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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a disease of the macular area and is the most common cause of irreversible vision loss in people over 50 years of age. Many AMD risk factors, including aging, smoking, exposure to UV and blue light, chronic inflammation, and improper diet, can be associated with oxidative stress. In this regard, certain food ingredients and supplements that have antioxidant properties may contribute to the prevention of AMD and it\u27s progression. Polyphenols can be considered as preventive and therapeutic compounds in the prevention of diseases associated with aging due to the antioxidant properties. For example, quercetin, present in onions, improves anti-VEGF therapy, which is the only effective drug for the wet form of AMD, while resveratrol, found in grape skin, red wine, blueberries and mulberries, neutralizes the negative effects of anti-VEGF therapy. Blueberry anthocyanins have a protective effect on induced damage of retina caused by blue light. Carotenoids that are part of the macular pigment; lutein and zeaxanthin, found in leafy green vegetables and eggs, have the ability to filter light ("natural sunglasses"), but also have direct antioxidant properties. Zinc and copper homeostasis in the retina-choroid complex also play a role in retinal health and AMD prevention. Adequate intake of omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in blue fish, nuts and seeds, reduces the risk of progression to the late stage of AMD. Oxidative stress can be exacerbated by improper diet, and thus increase the possibility of the occurrence and progression of AMD, which is why during the eye examination of persons at risk, it is necessary to advise on proper nutrition and appropriate supplementation


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    Zadatak rada bio je odrediti fizikalno-kemijske parametre meda od vriska (Satureja montana L.) proizvedenog u jadranskom dijelu Republike Hrvatske. Uzorci meda prikupljeni su kroz nekoliko proizvodnih sezona, a uzorcima su određeni sljedeći fizikalno-kemijski parametri: udio vode, električna provodnost, pH vrijednost, slobodna kiselost, udio ugljikohidrata, aktivnost dijastaze i udio HMF-a. Rezultati električne provodnosti (0.155 - 0.456 mS/cm), slobodne kiselosti (16.1 - 35.8 mEq/kg) i aktivnosti dijastaze (16.3 - 45.8) kretali su se u velikom rasponu. Fruktoza/glukoza i glukoza/voda odnosi upućuju na umjerenu brzinu kristalizacije meda od vriska.The aim of this work was to determine physicochemical parameters of winter savory (Satureja montana L.) honey produced in the Adriatic part of Croatia. Honey samples were collected from several production seasons and following physicochemical parameters were determined: water content, electrical conductivity, pH value, free acidity, sugar content, diastase activity and HMF content. The results of electrical conductivity (0.155 - 0.456 mS/cm), free acidity (16.1 - 35.8 mEq/kg) and diastase activity (16.3 - 45.8) varied in a wide range. Fructose/glucose and glucose/water ratios indicate moderate crystallisation rate of the honey

    Food patterns in intake of dietary fibre in small group of Croatian adults

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    The aim of this study was to determine the intake of total dietary fibre, soluble and insoluble dietary fibre, as well as their food sources. Additionally, a relationship between dietary fibre intake and intake of foods that do not contain dietary fibre was examined. Forty-five adult subjects (22-52 yr; 28 women and 17 men) took part in the study. A method of 7-day weighed dietary records was used. An average daily total dietary fibre intake for the whole group was 21.0 g, i.e. 2.6 g/MJ. The mean soluble dietary fibre intake was 7.5 g. Cereals and products made the greatest contribution to daily dietary fibre intake (45% total, 53% soluble and 40% insoluble dietary fibre). This group of subjects had a mean daily consumption of fruits and vegetables of 482 g, and 241 g of cereals. Aside to an expected higher intake of fruits, vegetables and cereals, subjects with high intake of total dietary fibre (4th quartile), also had a higher intake of meat and products and fats and oils, as opposed to subjects from the lowest quartile of total dietary fibre intake. Daily intake of total dietary fibre is best correlated with intakes of vegetables (without potatoes) and cereals

    Calcium Intake, Food Sources and Seasonal Variations in Eastern Croatia

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    The objective of this study was to examine the quantity of calcium intake among adults, the sources of calcium, differences among seasons, as well as the differences between sexes, correlation with body mass index (BMI), and age. The study included 161 healthy volunteers from the eastern part of Croatia. Each subject completed three food frequency questionnaires (FFQ) with 150 items, at an interval of 3ā€“4 months. The mean calcium intake for whole population for all three FFQs was 965 mg/day. At the same time, the quantity of calcium for all subjects was 14.2 mg/kg, women 14.5 mg/kg, and men 13.6 mg/kg, respectively. There was an inverse relation between calcium intake and age for men (r=ā€“0.32 p=0.028), but not for women. Correlation between calcium intake and BMI was negative, but not significantly. Milk and dairy products were the main source of calcium. Marginally low mean calcium intake goes to show the needful to educate the population