153 research outputs found

    Searches for the Most Metal-Poor Candidates from SDSS and SEGUE

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    We report on efforts to identify large samples of very and extremely metal-poor stars based on medium-resolution spectroscopy and ugriz photometry obtained during the course of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), and its extension, SDSS-II, which includes the program SEGUE: Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration. To date, over 8000 stars with [Fe/H] <= -2.0 and effective temperatures in the range 4500K < T_eff < 7000K have been found, with the expected numbers in this temperature range to be well over 10,000 once SEGUE is completed. The numbers roughly double when one includes warmer blue stragglers and Blue Horizontal-Branch (BHB) stars in these counts. We show the observed low-metallicity tails of the Metallicity Distribution Functions for the cooler SDSS/SEGUE stars obtained thus far. We also comment on the confirmation of an inner/outer halo dichotomy in the Milky Way, and on how this realization may be used to direct searches for even more metal-poor stars in the near future.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, from the conference "First Stars III", held in July 200

    Extreme Enhancements of r-process Elements in the Cool Metal-Poor Main-Sequence Star SDSS J2357-0052

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    We report the discovery of a cool metal-poor, main-sequence star exhibiting large excesses of r-process elements. This star is one of two newly discovered cool subdwarfs (effective temperatures of 5000 K) with extremely low metallicity ([Fe/H]<-3) identified from follow-up high-resolution spectroscopy of metal-poor candidates from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. SDSS J2357-0052 has [Fe/H]=-3.4 and [Eu/Fe]=+1.9, and exhibits a scaled solar r-process abundance pattern of heavy neutron-capture elements. This is the first example of an extremely metal-poor, main-sequence star showing large excesses of r-process elements; all previous examples of the large r-process-enhancement phenomena have been associated with metal-poor giants. The metallicity of this object is the lowest, and the excess of Eu ([Eu/Fe]) is the highest, among the r-process-enhanced stars found so far. We consider possible scenarios to account for the detection of such a star, and discuss techniques to enable searches for similar stars in the future.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, ApJL in pres

    Possible Evidence for Metal Accretion onto the Surfaces of Metal-Poor Main-Sequence Stars

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    The entire evolution of the Milky Way, including its mass-assembly and star-formation history, is imprinted onto the chemo-dynamical distribution function of its member stars, f(x, v, [X/H]), in the multi-dimensional phase space spanned by position, velocity, and elemental abundance ratios. In particular, the chemo-dynamical distribution functions for low-mass stars (e.g., G- or K-type dwarfs) are precious tracers of the earliest stages of the Milky Way's formation, since their main-sequence lifetimes approach or exceed the age of the universe. A basic tenet of essentially all previous analyses is that the stellar metallicity, usually parametrized as [Fe/H], is conserved over time for main-sequence stars (at least those that have not been polluted due to mass transfer from binary companions). If this holds true, any correlations between metallicity and kinematics for long-lived main-sequence stars of different masses, effective temperatures, or spectral types must strictly be the same, since they reflect the same mass-assembly and star-formation histories. By analyzing a sample of nearby metal-poor halo and thick-disk stars on the main sequence, taken from Data Release 8 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, we find that the median metallicity of G-type dwarfs is systematically higher (by about 0.2 dex) than that of K-type dwarfs having the same median rotational velocity about the Galactic center. If it can be confirmed, this finding may invalidate the long-accepted assumption that the atmospheric metallicities of long-lived stars are conserved over time.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, ApJ accepted, comments welcom

    Very Metal-Poor Outer-Halo Stars with Round Orbits

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    The orbital motions of halo stars in the Milky Way reflect the orbital motions of the progenitor systems in which they formed, making it possible to trace the mass-assembly history of the Galaxy. Direct measurement of three-dimensional velocities, based on accurate proper motions and line-of-sight velocities, has revealed that the majority of halo stars in the inner-halo region move on eccentric orbits. However, our understanding of the motions of distant, in-situ halo-star samples is still limited, due to the lack of accurate proper motions for these stars. Here we explore a model-independent analysis of the line-of-sight velocities and spatial distribution of a recent sample of 1865 carefully selected halo blue horizontal-branch (BHB) stars within 30 kpc of the Galactic center. We find that the mean rotational velocity of the very metal-poor ([Fe/H] < -2.0) BHB stars significantly lags behind that of the relatively more metal-rich ([Fe/H] > -2.0) BHB stars. We also find that the relatively more metal-rich BHB stars are dominated by stars with eccentric orbits, as previously observed for other stellar samples in the inner-halo region. By contrast, the very metal-poor BHB stars are dominated by stars on rounder, lower-eccentricity orbits. Our results indicate that the motion of the progenitor systems of the Milky Way that contributed to the stellar populations found within 30 kpc correlates directly with their metal abundance, which may be related to their physical properties such as gas fractions. These results are consistent with the existence of an inner/outer halo structure for the halo system, as advocated by Carollo et al. (2010).Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, ApJ Letter accepted, comments welcom

    Understanding the early stages of galaxy formation using very metal-poor stars from the Hamburg/ESO survey

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    We explore the chemo-dynamical properties of a sample of very metal-poor (VMP) stars selected from the Hamburg/ESO survey, matched with Gaia EDR3, in the phase-space identified by the three integrals of motion (LzL_z, EE, I3I_3). Disk and halo orbits are separated by using the criteria defined in Carollo et al. (2021). We found 26 stars with [Fe/H]≤−2.5[Fe/H] \leq -2.5 possessing disk kinematics, of which 14 are extremely metal-poor. At these metallicities, the number of stars with disk kinematics is three times its retrograde counterpart. In the same range of metallicity we also identified 37 halo stars most tightly bound to the gravitational potential of the progenitor halo. The origin of these stars are investigated by comparing the observational results with simulated galaxies from the Aquarius Project and the IllustrisTNG simulations. We found two mechanisms of formation of VMP stars with disk kinematics: accretion from early satellites (which is dominant), and {\it in-situ} formation. These stars are very old, with ages > 12.5 Gyr (zz > 5), and they are α\alpha-enriched. Accretion and {\it in-situ} formation are also found for the retrograde counterparts with being accretion also the dominant mode. Contributing accreted satellites have stellar masses in the range [106−109][10^{6}-10^9] M_sun, and are very gas-rich. The most bound halo stars are the oldest detected with a median age of ~ 13.3 Gyr (zz ~ 11), and α\alpha-enriched. Our finding clearly show that very old, very metal-poor stars store important information on the first stages of assembly of our Galaxy and its halo.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (updated TNG50 citations

    Population Studies. XIII. A New Analysis of the Bidelman-MacConnell "Weak-Metal" Stars - Confirmation of Metal-Poor Stars in the Thick Disk of the Galaxy

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    A new set of very high signal-to-noise (S/N > 100/1), medium-resolution (R~3000) optical spectra have been obtained for 302 of the candidate "weak-metal" stars selected by Bidelman & MacConnell. We use these data to calibrate the recently developed generalization of the SEGUE Stellar Parameter Pipeline, and obtain estimates of the atmospheric parameters (Teff, log g , and [Fe/H]) for these non-SDSS/SEGUE data; we also obtain estimates of [C/Fe]. The new abundance measurements are shown to be consistent with available high-resolution spectroscopic determinations, and represent a substantial improvement over the accuracies obtained from the previous photometric estimates reported in Paper I of this series. The apparent offset in the photometric abundances of the giants in this sample noted by several authors is confirmed by our new spectroscopy; no such effect is found for the dwarfs. The presence of a metal-weak thick-disk (MWTD) population is clearly supported by these new abundance data. Some 25% of the stars with metallicities -1.8 < [Fe/H] <= -0.8 exhibit orbital eccentricities e < 0.4, yet are clearly separated from members of the inner-halo population with similar metallicities by their location in a Lindblad energy vs. angular momentum diagram. A comparison is made with recent results for a similar-size sample of RAVE stars from Ruchti et al. We conclude, based on both of these samples, that the MWTD is real, and must be accounted for in discussions of the formation and evolution of the disk system of the Milky Way.Comment: 45 pages, 14 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    CN anomalies in the halo system and the origin of globular clusters in the Milky Way

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    We explore the kinematics and orbital properties of a sample of red giants in the halo system of the Milky Way that are thought to have formed in globular clusters based on their anomalously strong UV/blue CN bands. The orbital parameters of the CN-stron
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