77 research outputs found

    Employment rate prognosis on the basis of the development environment trend displayed by years-clusters

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    The authors analyze the dynamics of the employment rate in Romania and propose a forecast model for it. In the paper we start with the hypothesis that the dynamics of the employment rate has a specific trend displayed by years-clusters differentiated on the value and the sign of the dynamics indexes of the phenomena by which we define the economic environment. The forecast method that we propose takes into consideration the environment conditions in which the studied phenomenon evolves and it implies the use of statistical methods of multivariate analysis (Principal Component Analysis and Discriminant Analysis). The application of such a forecast method supposes an algorithm that implies several stages: (1) the evaluation and synthesis of the inter-relations among the phenomena by which we describe the development environment employment rate dynamics; (2) the identification of the years-cluster to which the desired forecast horizon is classified; (3) the estimation of the employment rate dynamics for the specified forecast horizon. The proposed forecast model, examining the development environment of the influence factors, may be used for simulating forecast alternatives that can be considered for founding the economic development strategies.employment rate, transition, Romania, influence factors, principal component analysis, discriminant analysis


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    In order to ensure the competitiveness, the innovation and the jobs in the industrial sector it is crucial to solve the problems concerning the secure, reliable and constant access to raw materials. In a world characterized by an able legislation, the resources’ efficiency on the global economy might motivate the industrial competitiveness and reach the environment objectives of every country. Access and sustainable management of raw materials, requires the adoption/optimization of some decisions based on multicriteria analysis of situations considered. Due to the diversity and complexity of decision problems that are going to solve by the managers in the extraction, preparation, storage and transportation unit of extractive industry, the paper presents a systematization of them according to certain criteria or elements

    The analysis of risk factors associated with women\u27s urinary incontinence; literature review

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    Urinary incontinence (UI) is a common condition among women. Approximately 50% of them had an involuntary loss of urine at least once in their lifetime. It can be present during sexual activity, contributing to sexual dysfunction and often associated with anxiety or even depression, thus having a negative impact on the quality of life. The incidence of UI is related to the existence of predisposing factors. The best known are: age, weight, family history, race/ ethnicity, number of pregnancies and mode of birth, history of genitourinary interventions and factors related to ordinary habits: smoking, caffeine consumption, oral contraceptives. Studies on middle-aged women have revealed that BMI, parity, age, hysterectomy, smoking, race/ ethnicity and diabetes are factors often associated with urinary incontinence. Future studies are needed to further explore the risk factors for urinary incontinence


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    The tomato is known as a major source of important nutrients including lycopene, B-carotene, flavonoids and vitamin C. Since the discovery that lycopene has anti-oxidative and anti-cancer properties, tomato is considered a protective food, therefore it acquired great popularity among consumers.Fruit growth and ripening are the result of multiple physiological and metabolical processes that occur during the plant development. Researches regarding the intensity of photosynthesis, as well as the content in assimilatory pigments, dry matter and water in leaves have been made on some tomato hybrids cultivated in protected spaces in different stages of growth: leaf stage, flowering stage and fruiting stage. It was noted that the evolution of physiological and biochemical parameters vary depending on type of tomato hybrid and on the phenological phase

    Особенности диагностики и лечения муцинозных опухолей яичников

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     Introduction: Ovarian tumors occupy a special place in gynecological pathology due to their great diversity, diagnostic difficulties, specifying their evolutionary nature, establishing the prognosis and treatment. Ovarian mucinous tumors are a group of rare formations, with a cell of as yet undefined origin, but with an apparent progression from benign to borderline and carcinoma. The treatment of a benign ovarian tumor is surgical. Material and methods. The research in question was performed on a group of 50 patients, who were treated in the gynecology department of the IMSP Oncological Institute of the Republic of Moldova, with the diagnosis of mucinous ovarian tumors. Results. The study analyzed data on the diagnosis and treatment of mucinous ovarian tumors. The clinical diagnosis showed a unilateral ovarian involvement in 41 cases (82%) compared to the bilateral one registered in 9 patients (18%). All tumors were large and irregularly shaped. In the case of laboratory diagnosis in assessing the benign or malignant tumor potential, the tumor marker CA-125 was performed, in 41 patients the index was within the norm range from 0-35U / ml and only in 9 cases were there insignificant increases of 50-100U / ml. Ultrasonographic diagnosis is an important method in detecting mucinous ovarian tumors. The treatment of patients is surgical and, depending on the appearance of the tumor intraoperatively and age, they had a radical or less radical character. Conclusions. The most common clinical signs were fullness in the pelvis, dysuria, pain in the lumbar or sacral region. As usual, the mucous ovarian tumors are large. The CA-125 tumor marker was in most cases within the normal range. Imaging investigations are informative and some of them applied to all patients in the study. Endoscopic diagnostic methods are less informative in mucinous ovarian tumors due to bulky formations and the risk of effusion of the mucin into the abdominal cavityIntroducere. Tumorile ovariene ocupă un loc aparte în patologia ginecologică prin marea lor diversitate, prin dificultățile de diagnostic, precizarea caracterului lor evolutiv, stabilirea prognosticului și a tratamentului. Tumorile mucinoase ovariene reprezintă un grup de formațiuni rare, cu o celulă de origine încă nedefinită, dar cu o progresie aparentă de la benignă la limită și la carcinom. Tratamentul unei tumori ovariene benigne este chirurgical. Material și metode. Cercetarea în cauză a fost efectuată pe un lot de 50 paciente, care au fost tratate în secția Ginecologie a IMSP Institutul Oncologic din Republica Moldova, cu diagnosticul de tumori ovariene mucinoase. Rezultate. În studiu au fost analizate date referitoare la diagnosticul și tratamentul tumorilor ovariene mucinoase. Diagnosticul clinic a evidențiat o afectare ovariană unilaterală în 41 de cazuri (82%) față de cea bilaterală înregistrată la 9 paciente (18%). Toate tumorile au fost de dimensiuni mari și cu forme neregulate. În cazul diagnosticului de laborator în aprecierea potențialului tumoral de tip benign sau malign s-a efectuat markerul tumoral CA-125, la 41 paciente indicele a fost în limitele normei de la 0-35U/ml și numai în 9 cazuri s-au evidențiat majorări nesemnificative de la 50-100U/ml. Diagnosticul ultrasonografic este o metodă importantă în depistarea tumorilor ovariene mucinoase. Tratamentul pacientelor este chirurgical și, în dependență de aspectul tumorii intraoperator și vârstă, au avut un caracter radical sau mai puțin radical. Concluzii. Cele mai frecvente semne clinice apărute au fost senzație de plenitudine în pelvis, disurie, dureri în regiunea lombară sau sacrală. Ca de obicei tumorile ovariene mucinoase sunt de dimensiuni mari. Markerul tumoral CA-125 în majoritatea cazurilor a fost în limitele normei. Investigațiile imagistice sunt informative și unele din ele aplicate la toate pacientele din studiu. Metodele endoscopice de diagnostic sunt mai puțin informative în tumorile ovariene mucinoase din cauza formațiunilor voluminoase și riscului de revărsare în cavitatea abdominală a mucinei. Tratamentul tumorilor ovariene mucinoase este exclusiv chirurgical unde vârsta a dictat volumul operatorВведение. Опухоли яичников занимают особое место в гинекологической патологии из-за их большого разнообразия, трудностей диагностики, уточнения их эволюционного характера, установления прогноза и лечения. Муцинозные опухоли яичников представляют собой группу редких образований с клетками, происхождение которых еще не определено, но с очевидным прогрессированием от доброкачественных к пограничным и карциномам. Лечение доброкачественной опухоли яичника хирургическое. Материал и методы. Данное исследование проводилось на группе из 50 пациентов, которые лечились в гинекологическом отделении Института онкологии IMSP Республики Молдова, с диагнозом муцинозные опухоли яичников. Результаты. В исследовании проанализированы данные по диагностике и лечению муцинозных опухолей яичников. При клиническом диагнозе выявлено что одностороннее поражение яичников чаще в 41 случае, что составило 82% по сравнению с двусторонним поражением у 9 пациентами в 18%. Все опухоли большие и неправильной формы. В случае лабораторной диагностики при оценке возможности доброкачественной или злокачественной опухоли онкомаркер СА-125 был в пределах нормы от 0-35 Ед / мл у 41 пациенток (82%), и только в 9 случаях был повышен с 50 -100 Ед/мл. УЗИ диагностика важный метод выявления муцинозных опухолей яичников. Лечение больных хирургическое и в зависимости от возраста и опухоли во время операции решается вопрос об радикальности. Выводы. Наиболее частыми клиническими признаками были ощущение полноты в тазу, дизурия, боли в поясничной или крестцовой области. Как правило, муцинозные опухоли яичников имеют большие размеры. Онкомаркер СА-125 в большинстве случаев был в пределах нормы. Рентгенологические исследования информативны, и некоторые из них применимы ко всем пациентам в исследовании. Эндоскопические методы диагностики менее информативны при муцинозных опухолях яичников из-за объемных образований и риска попадания муцина в брюшную полость. Лечение муцинозных опухолей яичников является исключительно хирургическим и возраст имеет значение в определение объема операци

    The customized therapeutic approach of a giant pancreatic pseudocyst. A case report and literature review

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    Giant pancreatic pseudocysts are considered those cysts whose dimensions exceed 10 cm and are sporadically reported in the literature. Although there are multiple treatment modalities, there are currently no treatment guidelines or consensus on the best therapeutic approach for giant pancreatic pseudocysts. We report the case of a 32-year-old male patient with a giant pancreatic pseudocyst after an episode of acute pancreatitis, which was treated by internal surgical drainage through cyst-jejunal anastomosis. This surgical procedure was followed by the formation of a retroperitoneal abscess which was resolved by ultrasound-guided drainage. The subsequent evolution of the patient was favorable, without other complications. Given their complex anatomical relations, the treatment of giant pseudocysts requires strategies adapted to the local conditions. The optimal choice of the operative time and of the therapeutic strategy is based on clinical considerations and the effectiveness of the method used can be assessed by a long-term follow-up

    Employment rate prognosis on the basis of the development environment trend displayed by years-clusters

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    The authors analyze the dynamics of the employment rate in Romania and propose a forecast model for it. In the paper we start with the hypothesis that the dynamics of the employment rate has a specific trend displayed by years-clusters differentiated on the value and the sign of the dynamics indexes of the phenomena by which we define the economic environment. The forecast method that we propose takes into consideration the environment conditions in which the studied phenomenon evolves and it implies the use of statistical methods of multivariate analysis (Principal Component Analysis and Discriminant Analysis). The application of such a forecast method supposes an algorithm that implies several stages: (1) the evaluation and synthesis of the inter-relations among the phenomena by which we describe the development environment employment rate dynamics; (2) the identification of the years-cluster to which the desired forecast horizon is classified; (3) the estimation of the employment rate dynamics for the specified forecast horizon. The proposed forecast model, examining the development environment of the influence factors, may be used for simulating forecast alternatives that can be considered for founding the economic development strategies

    Employment rate prognosis on the basis of the development environment trend displayed by years-clusters

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    The authors analyze the dynamics of the employment rate in Romania and propose a forecast model for it. In the paper we start with the hypothesis that the dynamics of the employment rate has a specific trend displayed by years-clusters differentiated on the value and the sign of the dynamics indexes of the phenomena by which we define the economic environment. The forecast method that we propose takes into consideration the environment conditions in which the studied phenomenon evolves and it implies the use of statistical methods of multivariate analysis (Principal Component Analysis and Discriminant Analysis). The application of such a forecast method supposes an algorithm that implies several stages: (1) the evaluation and synthesis of the inter-relations among the phenomena by which we describe the development environment employment rate dynamics; (2) the identification of the years-cluster to which the desired forecast horizon is classified; (3) the estimation of the employment rate dynamics for the specified forecast horizon. The proposed forecast model, examining the development environment of the influence factors, may be used for simulating forecast alternatives that can be considered for founding the economic development strategies

    Intestinal dysbiosis – a new treatment target in the prevention of colorectal cancer

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    The gastrointestinal microbiome contains at least 100 trillion microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi), whose distribution varies from the mouth to the rectum spatially and temporally throughout one\u27s lifetime. The microbiome benefits from advancing research due to its major role in human health. Studies indicate that its functions are immunity, metabolic processes and mucosal barrier. The disturbances of these functions, dysbiosis, influence physiology, lead to diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, obesity and colon tumorigenesis. The third most common form of cancer, colorectal cancer, is the result of many factors and genes, and although the link between dysbiosis and this type of cancer is poorly characterized, it has been shown that some bacterial species and their metabolites have a critical role in developing colorectal cancer. Also, gut microbiota plays a role in the inflammatory response and immune process perturbations during the progression of colorectal cancer. Some new technologies, such as metagenome sequencing, facilitated the progress by analyzing the metabolic and genetic profile of microbiota, revealing details about the bacterial composition, host interactions, and taxonomic alterations. This review summarizes the studies regarding the link between gut microbiota and colorectal cancer, targeting new therapeutic strategies

    The obstetrical management of HIV-positive pregnancy

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    The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is a real public health problem in both developing and developed countries. HIV infection has not been treated efficiently for a long time, with HIV-positive women at increased risk of transmitting the infection to their newborns. Without the appropriate treatment, the evolution of the infection is relatively fast. Due to the antiretroviral treatment, the progression of the disease is blocked during the period of asymptomatic infection, and the risk of neonatal transmission is very low. HIV-positive patients undergoing antiretroviral therapy develop undetectable viremia and, in such situations, patients no longer have a risk of transmitting the infection. The antiretroviral medication is a combination of several classes of drugs (protease inhibitors, nucleoside and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, integrase inhibitors and CCR5 inhibitors) whose aim is to stop the viral replication at different stages. The infection is most often transmitted in the perinatal period, so it is very important that we know the maternal viremia and choose the type of birth with the lowest risk of transmitting the infection to the fetus. For this reason, any HIV-positive patient with detectable viremia at childbirth should receive treatment during labor and delivery, with a nucleoside or non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor that crosses the fetal-placental barrier