7 research outputs found
Cartograf铆a social como metodolog铆a participativa y colaborativa de investigaci贸n en el territorio afrodescendiente de la cuenca alta del r铆o Cauca
Este articulo explora las oportunidades y los desaf铆os de la cartograf铆a social como metodolog铆a participativa y colaborativa de investigaci贸n para caracterizar los conflictos socioambientales en tres territorios de la cuenca alta del rio Cauca, al suroccidente de Colombia. El texto esta organizado en cinco partes: (i) introducci贸n al articulo, (ii) descripci贸n del problema y del contexto de investigaci贸n, (iii) presentaci贸n del contexto etnogr谩fico y decisiones metodol贸gicas, (iv) reflexi贸n sobre el proceso y los productos cartogr谩ficos, y (v) conclusiones sobre los principales desaf铆os metodol贸gicos identificados durante el desarrollo de esta investigaci贸n
Los saberes del monte Desindustrializaci贸n, crisis y reinvenci贸n campesina en Andagoya, Choc贸 (1974-1991)
Esta investigaci贸n estudia la crisis econ贸mica y social que experimentaron los empleados afrodescendientes de la Compa帽铆a Minera Choc贸 Pac铆fico cuando 茅sta dej贸 de existir. Se pregunta por las acciones que emprendieron los obreros habitantes de Andagoya para afrontar la crisis y evitar una situaci贸n de hambruna. Por medio de m茅todos etnogr谩ficos e hist贸rico-documentales, describe y contrasta dos de estas acciones: (1) la acci贸n sindical, con la cual los obreros buscaron, sin 茅xito, reactivar la empresa y mantener su condici贸n de clase trabajadora; y (2) la acci贸n campesina, con la cual se articularon al trabajo en terrenos agr铆colas y minas no industriales. Finalmente, demuestra que el grupo de obreros afrodescendientes que trabajaron en la Choc贸 Pac铆fico lograron articularse al sistema de producci贸n campesina, gracias a que mantuvieron los v铆nculos culturales que los un铆an a la sociedad regional. Este complejo cultural incluye formas de organizaci贸n social y saberes t茅cnicos particulares, que son adaptaciones de los pueblos afrodescendientes a las condiciones regionales del Choc贸.Abstract. This research studies the economic and social crisis that touched the Afro-descendent employees of the Choc贸 Pacific Mining Company when it ceased to exist. It looks at the actions that the workers residing in Andagoya undertook to confront the crisis and avoid famine. Using ethnographic and historic documentation methods, it describes and compares two of these actions: (1) union action through which workers sought, without success, to revive the company and maintain their condition as the working class; and (2) peasant action through which workers were able to articulate agricultural labor and work in non-industrial mines. Finally it demonstrates that the group of workers of African descent who worked in the Choc贸 Pacific region were able to articulate themselves with the peasant production system thanks to the cultural links they had maintained that united society regionally. This cultural complex includes forms of social organization and particular technical knowledge, which are adaptations of the peoples of African descent to the regional conditions of Choc贸.Maestr铆
Social Cartography as a Participative and Collaborative Research Methodology in the Upper Basin of the Cauca River
This article explores the opportunities and challenges given by social cartography as a participatory and collaborative methodology to characterize the socio-environmental conflicts in three areas of the upper basin of the Cauca River, Colombia. The text is organized in five parts: (i) introduction to the article, (ii) description of the problem and the research context, (iii) presentation of the ethnographic context and methodological decisions, (iv) reflection on the cartographic process and products, and (iv) conclusions on the main methodological challenges identified during the development of the research
Social Cartography as a Participative and Collaborative Research Methodology in the Upper Basin of the Cauca River
This article explores the opportunities and challenges given by social cartography as a participatory and collaborative methodology to characterize the socio-environmental conflicts in three areas of the upper basin of the Cauca River, Colombia. The text is organized in five parts: (i) introduction to the article, (ii) description of the problem and the research context, (iii) presentation of the ethnographic context and methodological decisions, (iv) reflection on the cartographic process and products, and (iv) conclusions on the main methodological challenges identified during the development of the research
Agroindustria y extractivismo en el Alto Cauca. Impactos sobre los sistemas de subsistencia Afrocampesinos y resistencias (1950-2011)
La agroindustria y el extractivismo han generado un profundo cambio en las pr谩cticasecon贸micas tradicionales del Alto Cauca en Colombia en detrimento de los sistemas socio-econ贸micos de subsistencia de la poblaci贸n local Afro-campesina. El intenso conflictoarmado y la migraci贸n forzada han acompa帽ado la instauraci贸n de estos modelos de acumulaci贸npor despojo. Utilizando una metodolog铆a de investigaci贸n participativa, este art铆culoanaliza cr铆ticamente la disputa por el acceso y la propiedad sobre la tierra y los bienesambientales del territorio, rescatando el punto de vista de comunidades Afrodescendientesy organizaciones sociales que han resistido desde la colonia y hasta nuestros d铆as para defendersus pueblos y territorios.Agroindustry and extractivism have generated profound changes in the traditional economic practices in the Alto Cauca in Colombia, to the detriment of the socio-economic
livelihood systems of the local Afro-descendent farmer population. Intense armed conflict and forced migration have accompanied the establishment of models of accumulation by dispossession. Utilizing a participatory research methodology, this article critically
analyzes the dispute over access to and ownership of the land and environmental assets
of the territory. Thus, it aims to foreground the perspective of the Afro-descendent
communities and social organizations that have, since the colonial period and continuing
to the present day, defended their peoples and territories through resistanc