1,583 research outputs found

    Fractionation of nitrogen isotopes by animals: a further complication to the use of variations in the natural abundance of ¹⁵N for tracer studies

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    A study of the fractionation of nitrogen isotopes in the diet by cattle is described and the results discussed. Compared with the diet, urine had a lower ratio of ¹⁵N to ¹⁴N, but faeces, blood and milk all had a higher ratio. It is argued that the use of natural ¹⁵N as a tracer in grazed ecosystems is more complicated than was at first thought

    Denitrification by rhizobia: A possible factor contributing to nitrogen losses from soils

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    The intensive pastoral farming system on which New Zealand animal production is based is almost completely dependent upon the rhizobium-legurne symbiosis for the fixed nitrogen required for pasture production. The average annual fixation has been measured as 184 kg nitrogen/ha in developed lowland pastures Hoglund et cii., 1979 and about 13 kg nitrogen/ha in poorly developed bill country pastures (Grant and Lambert, 1979). From these figures it can be estimated that rhizobia in New Zealand pastures fix in excess of one million tonnes of nitrogen an nually. The current annual application of fertilizer nitrogen to pastures is about 12 500 tonnes (O'Connor, 1979)

    The Glory That Excelleth

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    Our inquiry relates to the subjective aspects of the question - that is, to the emotions and estimates of the subject of the two experiences [sanctification / justification]. For we freely admit that justification, when viewed objectively in its relation to the Divine law and to future destiny, is the greater work, in asmuch as it changes the relation of the soul to the moral government of God, ... But we are not discussiing this view of the subject. We are inquiring into the inward experiences of the subjects of these operations of the Holy Spirit.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/ecommonsatsdigitalresources/1068/thumbnail.jp

    Daily Timed Sexual Interaction Induces Moderate Anticipatory Activity in Mice

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    Anticipation of resource availability is a vital skill yet it is poorly understood in terms of neuronal circuitry. Rodents display robust anticipatory activity in the several hours preceding timed daily access to food when access is limited to a short temporal duration. We tested whether this anticipatory behavior could be generalized to timed daily social interaction by examining if singly housed male mice could anticipate either a daily novel female or a familiar female. We observed that anticipatory activity was moderate under both conditions, although both a novel female partner and sexual experience are moderate contributing factors to increasing anticipatory activity. In contrast, restricted access to running wheels did not produce any anticipatory activity, suggesting that an increase in activity during the scheduled access time was not sufficient to induce anticipation. To tease apart social versus sexual interaction, we tested the effect of exposing singly housed female mice to a familiar companion female mouse daily. The female mice did not show anticipatory activity for restricted female access, despite a large amount of social interaction, suggesting that daily timed social interaction between mice of the same gender is insufficient to induce anticipatory activity. Our study demonstrates that male mice will show anticipatory activity, albeit inconsistently, for a daily timed sexual encounter

    Place of paranoid states in psychiatric classification with special reference to "paranoid schizophrenia"

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    The problem of the classification of what are generally designated the paranoid states of schizophrenia has been discussed. In a brief historical sketch some theories regarding the nature of the schizophrenic and paranoid ps ychoseshay.e been reviewed, and some of the more outstanding landmarks in the evolution of our understanding of them has been dealt with. In particular, reference has been made to the work of Kraepelin, Bieuler,and Meyer and the more recent contri- butions of Mapother, White, Macfie Campbell, and Henderson and Gillespie . The division of this material into the schizophrenic and paranoid reaction types following the psychobiological approach has been considered the soundest and the most practical basis for the differentiation of cases and for a clearer understanding of their nature. By comparing and contrasting these reaction types, from the point of view of personality, reactive tendencies, psychopathology, symptoms and course, important differ- ences are brought out in the light of which the case material is examined and reassessed. The problem resolved itself into deciding to which of these reaction types i.he paranoid states most closely approximate. The relation of these states to the affective psychoses has been examined, and their response to physical methods of treatment, as shown by current literature, considered CONCLUSIONS: (1) Paranoid states are more closely allied to the paranoid reaction type than to the schizophrenic reaction type for the following reasons:- - (a) The pre -psychotic personality is rather differ- ent from the schizoid type and approximates more closely to the paranoid makeup, with fre- quent appearance of latent homosexual trends. (b) The social adaptability, as indicated by the school and work record and general adjustment, indicates a degree of maturity and personality integration seldom found in pre -schizophrenic states. (c) The age of onset is usually later than in the schizophrenic reaction type. (d) The clinical picture is introduced by paranoid delusions which continue dominant throughout its course in contrast to the schizophrenic reaction type, where delusions are secondarily determined by affective delapidation. (e) There is little to indicate personality disintegration and mental deterioration after illnesses of several years,of the kind that is seen in the schizophrenic reaction type after illnesses of two or three years and often very much earlier. (f) A common constellation of reactive tendencies whose pattern is predominantly paranoid can be traced throughout the life histories and psychotic developments. (2) Confirmation of the contention that paranoid states involve a different process from schizophrenia is obtained by a reference to the literature in regard to the newer physical methods of treatment in such conditions . There it is found that with insulin, electric convulsions, and prefrontal leucotomy the best results are claimed in the paranoid states. (3) The association of paranoid and affective disorders is here demonstrated, and it is tentatively suggested that this association may be stronger than has been generally realised. This relationship may in part determine the more favourable response to physical therapy so frequently found in paranoid states

    Sizes of Order Statistical Events of Stationary Processes

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    Given a process {X1}, any permutation δ : [1, n] → [1, n] determines an order statistical event A(δ) are needed to form a union whose probability exceeds 1 - ε? This question is answered in the case of stationary ergodic processes with finite entropy

    Multi-mode ultra-strong coupling in circuit quantum electrodynamics

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    With the introduction of superconducting circuits into the field of quantum optics, many novel experimental demonstrations of the quantum physics of an artificial atom coupled to a single-mode light field have been realized. Engineering such quantum systems offers the opportunity to explore extreme regimes of light-matter interaction that are inaccessible with natural systems. For instance the coupling strength gg can be increased until it is comparable with the atomic or mode frequency ωa,m\omega_{a,m} and the atom can be coupled to multiple modes which has always challenged our understanding of light-matter interaction. Here, we experimentally realize the first Transmon qubit in the ultra-strong coupling regime, reaching coupling ratios of g/ωm=0.19g/\omega_{m}=0.19 and we measure multi-mode interactions through a hybridization of the qubit up to the fifth mode of the resonator. This is enabled by a qubit with 88% of its capacitance formed by a vacuum-gap capacitance with the center conductor of a coplanar waveguide resonator. In addition to potential applications in quantum information technologies due to its small size and localization of electric fields in vacuum, this new architecture offers the potential to further explore the novel regime of multi-mode ultra-strong coupling.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure


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