24 research outputs found

    Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of European Catfish (Silurus glanis) Flesh

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    Quantitative and qualitative flesh production in the Silurus glanis species was comparatively studied between two fish groups: one from aquaculture (AG) and the other from a natural environment, the Prut River (RG). Morphometry was carried out on the fish, and then biometric and conformational indices were calculated. Better values were found in the aquaculture catfish. The Fulton coefficient was 0.82 in the Prut River fish and 0.91% in the farmed ones. The fleshy index reached 19.58% in the AG fish and 20.79% in the RG fish, suggesting better productive capabilities in the AG fish. Postslaughter, the flesh yield and its quality were assessed at different moments throughout the refrigeration period (0–15 days), and chemical compound loss occurred. In the AG samples, the water content decreased by 8.87%, proteins by 27.66%, and lipids by 29.58%. For the RG samples, the loss reached 8.59% in water, 25.16% in proteins, and 29%in lipids. By studying the fatty acids profile and sanogenic indices, good levels of PUFA (31–35%) were found, and the atherogenic index reached 0.35–0.41 while the thrombogenic index ranged between 0.22 and 0.27. Consequently, it can be stated that fish origin and especially the refrigeration period influence the flesh proximate composition and nutritional value of European catfish

    Qualitative and Nutritional Evaluation of Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) Meat Production

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    Polyodon spathula is a valuable species of sturgeon native to North America that has acclimatized very well in Europe. Detailed knowledge of the quantitative and qualitative productive performance of paddlefish meat is of interest. Through this article, we aimed to highlight the chemical composition, cholesterol, and collagen content of fillets issued from paddlefish aged two and three summers and to highlight, as well as the nutritional value, the profile of fatty acids and amino acids, the sanogenic indices and the biological value of proteins for the epaxial and hypaxial muscle groups. The chemical analysis of the fillets by age indicated slightly higher values in summer three, compared to summer two: +5.32% dry matter, +0.89% protein, +41.21% fat, therefore +10.94% gross energy and for collagen by 2.94%; instead, for water, minerals and the W/P ratio the values were lower by 1.52%, 10.08%, and 2.29%. The nutritional assessment revealed that paddlefish has a meat with high PUFA content (approx. 22% of total fatty acids) and good values of sanogenic indices (Polyunsaturation Index = 7.01–8.77; Atherogenic Index = 0.57; Thrombogenic Index = 0.38–0.39; Hypocholesterolemic Fatty Acids = 33.01–41.34; Hypocholesteromic/Hypercolesteromic Fatty Acids ratio = 1.9). Also, the proteins of these fish are of good quality for young and adult consumers (EAA index = 156.11; Biological Value = 158.46; Nutritional Index (%) = 28.30) and good enough for children (Essential Amino Acids Index = 96.41; Biological Value = 93.39; Nutritional Index (%) = 17.45)

    Research regarding effect of monosodium glutamate on health of laboratory mice

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    Utilization of food additives represents a technique which is more and more present in modern food industry but this one doesn’t have always favourable effects on human organism but on contrary. The study carried out by us aimed to present the impact of one of the most controversial food additives, monosodium glutamate, on organism of laboratory mice and implicit on human organism. Research were carried out on three mice batches, each with 10 individuals, from which one was the control batch LM and two experimental batches LE1 and LE2. Mice from LM received specific nourishment and the animals belonging to the other two batches received besides that specific food different doses of monosodium glutamate, respectively 3% at batch LE1 and 5% for batch LE2. Experimental mice have enjoyed water at their discretion during the whole research period. Research took place during a period of 28 days. In the whole period has been monitored feed consumption, dynamic of corporal mass, and at the end were gathered blood samples for study of some haematological indexes and some parameters connected with blood biochemistry. At the end of the study we observed that MSG induced higher corporal mass gains with 38.4–59.4% at mice from experimental batches face to the ones from control batch, and feed consumption was higher with 7.5–13.8% at experimental batches face to the same reference batch – fact which leads to obesity. Blood analysis show the fact that at animals from experimental batches was recorded a qualitative degradation of blood and very high deviations for the majority of analysed sanguine biochemical parameters. Those aspects show a severe degradation of mice’s health state which formed the experimental batches

    Animal Nutrition and Productions

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    Analysis of Phylogeny and Genetic Diversity of Endangered Romanian Grey Steppe Cattle Breed, a Reservoir of Valuable Genes to Preserve Biodiversity

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    Since 2000, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has been drawing attention to the increasing numerical decline of Podolian cattle, which include the Romanian Grey Steppe. Currently, this breed is endangered, numbering under 100 heads across the territory of the entire country. Due to its qualities of rusticity, adaptability, and increased resistance to diseases and severe climate conditions, the Grey Steppe is considered a valuable genetic reserve for improving livestock production. This study aimed to quantify the genetic diversity of a population of 32 cattle from the area of N-E Moldova through the analysis of two mitochondrial markers, cytochrome b and the d-loop, which have been proven to be relevant to studies of genetic diversity and phylogeny. The results obtained based on the statistical analysis of the data using nucleotide sequence analysis software (DnaSP, SeaView, MegaX, PopArt, etc.) demonstrated that the breed belonged to the ancestral P′QT haplogroup, with direct descent from Bos taurus primigenius. Within this haplogroup, five cattle were identified, which could be used in the selection of crosses, with the aim of preserving valuable genetic resources for the improvement of other cattle breeds and the protection of biodiversity

    Phenolic and Total Flavonoid Contents and Physicochemical Traits of Romanian Monofloral Honeys

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    Since ancient times, honey has been appreciated not only for its sensorial traits, but also for the observed effects in rejuvenation and treatment against several bad health conditions, when used externally or internally, along with other beehive products, such as pollen, propolis and royal jelly. Today, it is known that such effects are generated by compounds bearing antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidative features (enzymes, polyphenolic molecules). The purpose of this study was to assess the total phenolic and flavonoid contents of 28 samples of Romanian raw monofloral honey (acacia; linden; rapeseed, sunflower and mint), and to establish their correlations with several qualitative parameters. Pearson’s test revealed a strong positive correlation between total phenolic content and total flavonoids (r = 0.76) and color intensity (r = 0.72). For total flavonoid content, correlations were strongly positive with color intensity (r = 0.81), ash content (r = 0.76) and electrical conductivity (r = 0.73). The relevant levels of polyphenols and flavonoids identified in the analyzed honey types demonstrate its antioxidant potential, with essential nutritional and sanogenic features in human nutrition

    The Occurrence of Aflatoxins in Nuts and Dry Nuts Packed in Four Different Plastic Packaging from the Romanian Market

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    Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by various fungi. A very important category of mycotoxins are aflatoxins, considered to be the most dangerous in humans. Aflatoxin B1, well known as a favorable factor in the occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma in humans, is the most controversial of all mycotoxins. Aflatoxins, found in naturally contaminated food, are resistant to degradation by heat. Current food processing practices and conventional storage conditions do not completely eliminate aflatoxin contamination from the food supply chain. Long storage food products—such as peanuts, pistachio, nuts in general, and dried fruits—are susceptible to aflatoxins contamination. The type of plastic material can influence the concentration of aflatoxins during storage due to the permeability to gas and moisture exchange with the external milieu. Nuts in general and dried fruits are consumed in large quantities worldwide. Therefore, herein we investigated the effect of plastic material on the total aflatoxins and aflatoxin B1 content in 64 samples of nuts and dried fruits packed and stored in low-density polyethylene (LDPE), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), and polyethylene terephthalate (PET). The method consisted in a cleanup procedure using immunoaffinity columns coupled with RIDASCREEN FAST immunoenzymatic competitive assays based on the ELISA technique. Collected data were subjected to statistical analysis and multiple comparisons tests were applied. From the total analyzed samples, 14.06% exceeded the maximum admitted European levels for total aflatoxins. The highest concentrations of total aflatoxins were obtained from samples packed in LDPE, followed by PP, PE, and PET. Aflatoxin B1 was detected in all samples packed in LDPE, PP, and PE. Most of the samples packed in PET had concentrations <1 µg/kg. These results indicate that nuts in general packed and stored in LDPE are more prone to contamination with aflatoxins, while PET is more suitable for maintaining the quality and safety of these products

    The chemical composition and polluants content of some ecological and conventional green forage sources for dairy cow feed

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    The quality of feed is very important in dairy milk production. The aim of the current paper was a comparative characterisation in terms of crude chemical composition, Ca and P, heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu), nitrates, nitrites and pesticides, for the natural meadow and green alfalfa, cultivated in ecological and conventional systems, utilised for feeding dairy cows. Sampling and analysis were performed according to established standards and working methods: drying for dry matter (DM); calcination for crude ash (C Ash); Kjeldahl method for crude protein (CP); Soxhlet method for crude fat or ether extract (EE), spectrophotometry for P, nitrates and nitrites; atomic absorption spectrometry for Ca, Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn; gas-chromatography for pesticides. For alfalfa, the highest values in the ecological system were for C Ash (12.68%), EE (2.50%), NFE (35.78%) and Ca (1.79%). For the natural meadow, the highest values in the ecological system were for DM (25.72%), OS (89.32%), EE (2.76%), NFE (45.27%) and Ca (0.70%). The toxic heavy metal content was below the limits allowed (1 mg/kg Cd and 30 mg/kg Pb). For Pb the values determined from the two feeds were between 0.06 mg/kg and 0.16 mg/kg and for Cd between 0.007 mg/kg and 0.02 mg/kg. The pesticides residuum was under the detection limit of 0.05 mg/kg DM for organo-chlorinated pesticides and 0.001 mg/kg for organo-phosphoric pesticides. All the studied forages were safe regarding pollutants (heavy metals, nitrites, nitrates and pesticides), but statistical differences existed between the production systems, such that the ecological system seems to be better

    A Clean-Label Formulation of Fortified Yogurt Based on Rhododendron Flower Powder as a Functional Ingredient

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    The world-wide-dispersed Rhododendron is a tiny, evergreen plant with vivid red or pale pink blossoms that is a member of the Ericaceae family and is well-known for its stunning flowers. To improve yogurt’s nutritional profile and sensory qualities, this study investigates an innovative application of Rhododendron flower powder (RFP). The potential health benefits of Rhododendron flowers, which are a rich source of bioactive compounds such as polyphenols and antioxidants, have attracted attention. Consequently, the physicochemical, phytochemical, and sensory qualities of fortifying yogurt with RFP at various concentrations were studied. The results showed that the texture and color of the yogurt were highly influenced by the addition of RFP. The addition of this functional ingredient also resulted in a significant increase in the yogurt’s polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity. These findings demonstrate the suitability of RFP in yogurt formulations as a functional food ingredient, being a good source of phenolics

    Effects of Dairy Cows Management Systems on the Physicochemical and Nutritional Quality of Milk and Yogurt, in a North-Eastern Romanian Farm

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    The study’s objective was to investigate changes in the fatty acid composition of cow milk in general and in 80 Romanian Spotted cows’ husbandry and feeding systems in particular (grazing–GC group vs. stabulation–SC group). The ultimate objective was to determine if the changes that happened in the milk also transferred to the finished product. Also, the influence of the quality of raw milk produced by both systems was evaluated when yogurt was made from it. The milk was gathered in May, July and September and used for both the yogurt-making process and the study, which lasted from May to October. In comparison to milk from SC, milk from grazed caws had larger percentages of fat and dry matter throughout the summer (GC) season. Moreover, pasture-based rations (MGC) contained more PUFA than MCS did. Data research revealed that not only do factors such as milk origin and initial quality have a substantial impact on yogurt quality parameters, but also technologies such as milk fermentation have a considerable impact on the fatty acid profile of yogurt. In comparison to cows kept permanently in stables, grazed cows (MGC) had fat with a lower concentration of saturated fatty acids and a higher proportion of rumenic, vaccenic and oleic acids (MSC). When fresh milk is processed into yogurt and other dairy products, the fatty acid profiles alter, with saturated fatty acids predominating over unsaturated ones. The findings show that pasture-fed cows have a positive impact on milk quality, particularly in terms of fatty acid profile, as well as on yogurt’s ultimate nutritional and dietary quality