610 research outputs found

    A study of the relative effect of the community college on transfer students: achievement and satisfaction

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cumulative semester credit hour achievement and student satisfaction with the North Iowa Area Community College (NIACC) experience on transfer student academic achievement at graduation from a baccalaureate-granting institution. In addition, this study determined transfer student satisfaction with their NIACC preparation as individuals, for the work place, as citizens, and as family members;Specifically, the study sample included first-time transfer students who first enrolled at NIACC between the fall 1981 and summer 1983 semesters inclusive, and had both an ACT composite score and a high school cumulative grade point average listed on their NIACC permanent student record. A total of 566 transfer students were selected on the basis of these criteria. A survey mailed to each sampled student resulted in 32 undeliverable surveys and 327 returns or 61.24 percent;Data analyses included descriptive, chi-Square, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation, and Analysis of Variance statistical tests. The results of this investigation did not fully support the general hypothesis that the effect of the community college on the transfer student varies with the amount of exposure to the community college environment. Rather, the findings suggested that the quantity of semester credit hours earned at the community college had little or no relationship on selected student outcomes

    Wage Shocks and the Technological Substitution of Low-Wage Jobs

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    We extend the task-based empirical framework used in the job polarization literature to analyze the susceptibility of low-wage employment to technological substitution. We find that increases in the cost of low-wage labor, via minimum wage hikes, lead to relative employment declines at cognitively routine occupations but not manually-routine or non-routine low-wage occupations. This suggests that low-wage routine cognitive tasks are susceptible to technological substitution. While the short-run employment consequence of this reshuffling on individual workers is economically small, due to concurrent employment growth in other low-wage jobs, workers previously employed in cognitively routine jobs experience relative wage losses

    Wage Shocks and the Technological Substitution of Low-wage Jobs

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    We extend the task-based empirical framework used in the job polarization literature to analyze the susceptibility of low-wage employment to technological substitution. We find that increases in the cost of low-wage labor, via minimum wage hikes, lead to relative employment declines at cognitively routine occupations but not manually-routine or non-routine low-wage occupations. This suggests that low-wage routine cognitive tasks are susceptible to technological substitution. While the short-run employment consequence of this reshuffling on individual workers is economically small, due to concurrent employment growth in other low-wage jobs, workers previously employed in cognitively routine jobs experience relative wage losses

    Dual diagnosis: a community perspective

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    This report presents a community inquiry project concerned with addressing Dual Diagnosis needs in the urban communities of Finglas and Cabra, North Dublin. The study was funded by the Social Inclusion/ Addiction Service, CH09, Health Service Executive and Finglas/Cabra Local Drug & Alcohol Task Force. This Participatory Action Research study involved a process in which the research participants were in partnership with the research team for the duration of the study. This project had two research cycles over a nine-month period. In the first month of the study, the community research group (CRG) was established to oversee, support and participate in the research process. This group included members of the community such as service users, their family members and service providers. Throughout this inquiry, central to all activities, was the importance of ensuring that there was a shared community conversation about the local Dual Diagnosis needs. This study achieved this using Participatory Action Research methods. The first cycle comprised of an Open Dialogue Community Forum and three focus groups. Participants included local residents, service users, community representatives, local health, and social care professionals. During this cycle, participants shared personal experiences of Dual Diagnosis and the difficulties in accessing appropriate treatment and care, which often lacks compassion for individuals seeking help. Family members spoke about the effect Dual Diagnosis has had on their own and on their relatives’ lives. Professionals shared their experiences of working and supporting clients with Dual Diagnosis. Findings in this cycle mirrored those from the international literature. For example, no joined up policy, restricted and inappropriate service access, limited family support, a lack of intra agency collaboration, organisational struggles for professionals to liaise across services and agencies in relation to collaborative care. Cycle two focused on how the communities and local organisations can provide effective care for people with Dual Diagnosis and their families, along with required government directives. A second Open Dialogue Forum identified the required actions at community, organisational and governmental level. The findings are summarised across three main domains: Community response; Organisational requirements; Governmental responsibility. This research provides a community insight into the impact of Dual Diagnosis. It highlights ways to address Dual Diagnosis through a series of interconnecting actions supported by governmental and policy change. Additionally, the findings have implications for the two communities and national policy makers. Notably, this work contributes to the dialogue surrounding the unmet needs of those who experience Dual Diagnosis. Of particular relevance to this research is the process by which the community was galvanised and the representative stakeholders brought together in dialogue. Crucially, this process was deemed a significant outcome of this research in that it facilitated the emergence of mutually agreed findings. The community stakeholders can now establish a process towards enacting the required changes to develop provision for people with Dual Diagnosis and their families. This research demonstrates that the community experience of Dual Diagnosis is complex and impactful. Importantly, it appears that there are systemic issues effecting the two communities’ ability to respond to Dual Diagnosis. It is rare for research to present the shared voices of service users, their families and those they seek help from about the impact of a challenging condition like Dual Diagnosis. This collective voice needs acknowledgment as it is grounded in the shared desire to address the needs of those with Dual Diagnosis from a community and local organisational level while signposting both policy and operational changes to drive and facilitate this

    The Ebola Epidemic: A Public Health Emergency of International Concern

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    On August 8, 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Margaret Chan declared the West Africa Ebola crises a “public health emergency of international concern,” triggering powers under the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR). The most affected West African states have attempted classic public health measures with varied success, including quarantine and isolation, social distancing, risk communication, and travel restrictions. These have involved a trade off between population health and human rights; sometimes to the disadvantage of both. At the same time, the countries’ health systems and human resources are fragile, impeding an effective response. Beyond the public health and humanitarian implications, this crisis has raised controversial ethical issues concerning the withholding or providing early access to investigational therapies, the preference given to foreign aid workers, and the disproportionate impact of Ebola on domestic health care workers. The WHO director-general’s declaration of a public health emergency of international concern underscores the urgency of a coordinated international response and the imperative of raising the health systems capacity of low-income states. However, the current outbreak demonstrates how global governance has suffered from a lack of binding international commitment to sustainable capacity building and technical assistance in low-income states

    Pressure-Induced Effects on the Structure of the FeSe Superconductor

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    A polycrystalline sample of FeSe, which adopts the tetragonal PbO-type structure (P4/nmm) at room temperature, has been prepared using solid state reaction. We have investigated pressure-induced structural changes in tetragonal FeSe at varying hydrostatic pressures up to 0.6 GPa in the orthorhombic (T = 50 K) and tetragonal (T = 190 K) phases using high resolution neutron powder diffraction. We report that the structure is quite compressible with a Bulk modulus around 31 GPa to 33 GPa and that the pressure response is anisotropic with a larger compressibility along the c-axis. Key bond angles of the SeFe4 pyramids and FeSe4 tetrahedra are also determined as a function of pressure