28 research outputs found

    Optimisation de la production de cartilage in vitro pour des études pharmacologiques de molécules anti-arthrosiques

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    Dans ce travail, nous avons déterminé le meilleur protocole pour la préparation d'un tissu en ingénierie du cartilage afin d'étudier les effets potentiels anti-arthritiques et/ou anti-arthrosiques de molécules comme les insaponifiables d'avocat/soja (ASU). Pour cette étude nous avons utilisé des chondrocytes articulaires de veaux et une lignée de chondrocytes murins (MC615), respectivement ensemencés dans des éponges de collagène ou en culture en monocouche. Les cultures ont reçu ASU (1, 3 ou 10 g/ml) tous les jours et/ou IL-1 (0,1 ; 0,25 ; 0,5 ; 1 ; 5 ou 20 ng/ml) pour 1 ou 3 jours. Pour les chondrocytes de veaux, nous avons sélectionné une culture de 15 jours en éponge de collagène ensemencée par 107 de cellules. Ce modèle montrait une prolifération cellulaire minimale, un dépôt de GAGs maximal et une haute expression de COL2A1, d'agrécanne et de COMP. En présence d'IL-1 , nous avons observé une diminution de COL2A1, de l'agrécanne et de COL1A1 et une augmentation d'IL-1Ra, de TIMP-1, de MMP-1 (450 fois), MMP-3 (54 fois), MMP-13 (60 fois), ADAMTS-4 (54 fois) et ADAMTS-5 (10 fois). Au niveau protéique, une augmentation dose dépendante de la MMP-1 et de la MMP-13 a été détectée avec moins de 15% sous leurs formes actives. Le traitement par ASU n'a pas modifié l'expression des MMPs mais a permis d'inhiber l'activité de la protéine MMP-13 (zymographie 2D+DTT) par les chondrocytes de veaux activés via IL-1 . Pour les cultures de MC615, nous avons observé un niveau d'expression de MMP-13 similaire et une légère augmentation de son activité avec IL-1 par rapport au contrôle. Le traitement par ASU, en présence d'IL-1 , n'a pas modifié l'expression et l'activité de la MMP-13LYON1-BU.Sciences (692662101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Propriétés diélectriques en haute fréquence du collagène

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    Nous avons mesuré l’incrément diélectrique, Δε, de la fraction acido-soluble du collagène (extrait du tendon de queue de rat) en solution dans l’acide acétique dilué. Lorsque la concentration en protéine est inférieure il 0,2 g/l environ, Δε varie linéairement avec F–1/2 pour des fréquences F allant de 20 kHz à 10 MHz. Après traitement thermique du collagène (entre 60 et 100 °C), on retrouve une relaxation comparable à celle des protéines globulaires. On suggère que la loi de dispersion caractéristique en F–1/2 (déjà trouvée pour les solutions diluées de DNA) traduit un mécanisme de polarisation contrôlé par un phénomène de diffusion

    Ultrastructural organization of type XI collagen in fetal bovine epiphyseal cartilage.

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    International audienceType XI collagen was localized with polyclonal antibodies specific for alpha 1 (XI) and alpha 2 (XI) chains in the resting zone of epiphyseal cartilage from calf fetuses. The immunofluorescence technique was used on sections of cartilage, and the immunogold labelling technique for electron microscopy on fibrils isolated from cartilage and, for the first time, in situ on blocks of cartilage fractured in liquid nitrogen. Immunofluorescence showed that without pepsin treatment the staining of type XI collagen was restricted to the pericellular zones; after pepsin treatment, the staining was co-distributed with that of type II collagen. Immunoelectron microscopy performed on isolated fibrils and on cartilage blocks showed that after disruption of fibrils with pepsin, type XI collagen was labelled on small filaments on the fibrils. When the fibrils were not disrupted, labelling was observed in situ only at the ends of the fibrils or on cross-sections of some fibrils. These results indicate that type XI collagen is located inside type II collagen fibrils in fetal bovine epiphyseal cartilage, as already postulated for embryonic chicken sterna.Type XI collagen was localized with polyclonal antibodies specific for alpha 1 (XI) and alpha 2 (XI) chains in the resting zone of epiphyseal cartilage from calf fetuses. The immunofluorescence technique was used on sections of cartilage, and the immunogold labelling technique for electron microscopy on fibrils isolated from cartilage and, for the first time, in situ on blocks of cartilage fractured in liquid nitrogen. Immunofluorescence showed that without pepsin treatment the staining of type XI collagen was restricted to the pericellular zones; after pepsin treatment, the staining was co-distributed with that of type II collagen. Immunoelectron microscopy performed on isolated fibrils and on cartilage blocks showed that after disruption of fibrils with pepsin, type XI collagen was labelled on small filaments on the fibrils. When the fibrils were not disrupted, labelling was observed in situ only at the ends of the fibrils or on cross-sections of some fibrils. These results indicate that type XI collagen is located inside type II collagen fibrils in fetal bovine epiphyseal cartilage, as already postulated for embryonic chicken sterna

    Distribution and organization of the elastic system fibres in healthy human gingiva. Ultrastructural and immunohistochemical study.

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    International audienceThe ultrastructural distribution and organization of the elastic system fibres, i.e. oxytalan, elaunin and elastic fibres, were studied by transmission electron microscopy and by an immunohistochemical method for the detection of elastin in healthy human gingiva. The morphological distribution of these fibres was characterized by the presence of oxytalan, elaunin and elastic fibres, respectively, in the upper, medium, and deep layers of gingival connective tissue. Anti-elastin antibody reacted with microfibrils and amorphous material of the elastic system fibres throughout the gingival connective tissue. These findings were interpreted as indicating that the microfibrils were associated with small amounts of elastin at their surface.The ultrastructural distribution and organization of the elastic system fibres, i.e. oxytalan, elaunin and elastic fibres, were studied by transmission electron microscopy and by an immunohistochemical method for the detection of elastin in healthy human gingiva. The morphological distribution of these fibres was characterized by the presence of oxytalan, elaunin and elastic fibres, respectively, in the upper, medium, and deep layers of gingival connective tissue. Anti-elastin antibody reacted with microfibrils and amorphous material of the elastic system fibres throughout the gingival connective tissue. These findings were interpreted as indicating that the microfibrils were associated with small amounts of elastin at their surface

    Immunolocalization of type IX collagen in normal and spontaneously osteoarthritic canine tibial cartilage and isolated chondrons.

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    International audienceOBJECTIVE: The pericellular localization of type IX collagen in avian and mammalian hyaline cartilages remains controversial, while its distribution during osteoarthritic degeneration is poorly understood. This study aimed to compare and contrast the immunohistochemical distribution of type IX collagen in normal mature and spontaneously osteoarthritic canine tibial cartilage. DESIGN: Thick vibratome sectioning techniques were evaluated and compared with isolated chondrons using a range of streptavidin-linked probes in combination with light, confocal and transmission electron microscopy. RESULTS: In normal intact samples, type IX collagen was concentrated in the pericellular microenvironment, while a weaker extracellular reaction around each chondron separated the territorial matrix from the unstained interterritorial matrix. Further differentiation was evident in isolated chondrons where the fibrous pericellular capsule stained more intensely than the tail and interconnecting segments between columnated chondrons. Two regions of type IX reactivity were identified in osteoarthritic tissue: an intensely stained superficial reactive region below the eroding margins, and normal deep layer cartilage where pericellular staining persists. The superficial reactive region was characterized by chondron swelling and chondrocyte cluster formation, a loss of pericellular type IX staining, and a significant increase in matrix staining between clusters. Disintegration and loss of fibrillar collagens was evident in both the swollen microenvironment and adjacent territorial matrices. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that changes in type IX distribution, expansion of the pericellular microenvironment and chondrocyte proliferation represent key elements in the chondron remodeling and chondrocyte cluster formation associated with osteoarthritic degeneration.OBJECTIVE: The pericellular localization of type IX collagen in avian and mammalian hyaline cartilages remains controversial, while its distribution during osteoarthritic degeneration is poorly understood. This study aimed to compare and contrast the immunohistochemical distribution of type IX collagen in normal mature and spontaneously osteoarthritic canine tibial cartilage. DESIGN: Thick vibratome sectioning techniques were evaluated and compared with isolated chondrons using a range of streptavidin-linked probes in combination with light, confocal and transmission electron microscopy. RESULTS: In normal intact samples, type IX collagen was concentrated in the pericellular microenvironment, while a weaker extracellular reaction around each chondron separated the territorial matrix from the unstained interterritorial matrix. Further differentiation was evident in isolated chondrons where the fibrous pericellular capsule stained more intensely than the tail and interconnecting segments between columnated chondrons. Two regions of type IX reactivity were identified in osteoarthritic tissue: an intensely stained superficial reactive region below the eroding margins, and normal deep layer cartilage where pericellular staining persists. The superficial reactive region was characterized by chondron swelling and chondrocyte cluster formation, a loss of pericellular type IX staining, and a significant increase in matrix staining between clusters. Disintegration and loss of fibrillar collagens was evident in both the swollen microenvironment and adjacent territorial matrices. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that changes in type IX distribution, expansion of the pericellular microenvironment and chondrocyte proliferation represent key elements in the chondron remodeling and chondrocyte cluster formation associated with osteoarthritic degeneration

    Analysis of types I, II, III, IX and XI collagens synthesized by fetal bovine chondrocytes in high-density culture.

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    International audienceOBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken in order to determine phenotypic modulation of the chondrocytes more closely in high-density culture conditions and to clarify the role of ascorbate. Levels of five collagen types were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively, and their distribution was observed in the cell layer and the culture medium. DESIGN: Types I, II, III, IX and XI collagens, synthesized by fetal bovine chondrocytes in high-density culture, were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively by direct measurement of radiolabeled collagens separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and by specific radioimmunoassays. RESULTS: Under the experimental conditions used in this study (0.6 x 10(6) cells/cm2), chondrocytes did not proliferate in the absence of ascorbate, whereas a twofold increase in cell number was observed in the presence of ascorbate at day 14. Cartilage-specific collagens (types II, IX and XI) were synthesized throughout the culture period (up to 47 days), as was type III collagen, which appeared as early as day 1 and was essentially present in the culture medium. Partial dedifferentiation of chondrocytes was demonstrated by the synthesis of type I collagen, which was detected by day 2 in culture medium containing ascorbate, and by day 6 without ascorbate. After 33 days of culture, a threefold increase in type I collagen synthesis was observed in culture medium with ascorbate, reaching 66% of the type II collagen content of the cell layer. One month of culture marked the onset of a progressive decrease in the synthesis of all collagen types. CONCLUSIONS: Under these high-density culture conditions, fetal bovine chondrocytes undergo a time and ascorbate-dependent program of partial dedifferentiation. This system provides a simple model for studying the initial mechanisms of chondrocytes dedifferentiation.OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken in order to determine phenotypic modulation of the chondrocytes more closely in high-density culture conditions and to clarify the role of ascorbate. Levels of five collagen types were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively, and their distribution was observed in the cell layer and the culture medium. DESIGN: Types I, II, III, IX and XI collagens, synthesized by fetal bovine chondrocytes in high-density culture, were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively by direct measurement of radiolabeled collagens separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and by specific radioimmunoassays. RESULTS: Under the experimental conditions used in this study (0.6 x 10(6) cells/cm2), chondrocytes did not proliferate in the absence of ascorbate, whereas a twofold increase in cell number was observed in the presence of ascorbate at day 14. Cartilage-specific collagens (types II, IX and XI) were synthesized throughout the culture period (up to 47 days), as was type III collagen, which appeared as early as day 1 and was essentially present in the culture medium. Partial dedifferentiation of chondrocytes was demonstrated by the synthesis of type I collagen, which was detected by day 2 in culture medium containing ascorbate, and by day 6 without ascorbate. After 33 days of culture, a threefold increase in type I collagen synthesis was observed in culture medium with ascorbate, reaching 66% of the type II collagen content of the cell layer. One month of culture marked the onset of a progressive decrease in the synthesis of all collagen types. CONCLUSIONS: Under these high-density culture conditions, fetal bovine chondrocytes undergo a time and ascorbate-dependent program of partial dedifferentiation. This system provides a simple model for studying the initial mechanisms of chondrocytes dedifferentiation

    Wound healing of human skin transplanted onto the nude mouse. II. An immunohistological and ultrastructural study of the epidermal basement membrane zone reconstruction and connective tissue reorganization.

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    International audienceThe reconstruction of human epidermis during healing of human skin wounded after grafting onto the nude mouse was described in a previous paper (M. Demarchez, P. Sengel, and M. Prunieras, 1986, Dev. Biol. 113, 90-96). The regeneration of the epidermal basement membrane zone (BMZ) and the reorganization of the connective tissue are the subjects of the present study. They were investigated by two complementary methods: electron microscopy to analyze the BMZ reorganization, and indirect immunofluorescence with species-specific and cross-reacting antibodies directed against laminin, bullous pemphigoid antigen, mouse or human collagens of types I or IV, human elastic fibers, fibronectin, fibrin, actin, and human vimentin, to examine the species origin and distribution of BMZ and connective tissue components during the regeneration process. It is reported that grafted human skin preserves its own immunological markers not only in the epidermis but also in the BMZ and dermis as well, and that, after injury, its regeneration proceeds according to the following sequence of overlapping events: production of a mouse granulation tissue; reepidermization by human cells; reconstruction of a BMZ with human characteristics; formation of a human neodermis. It is concluded that human skin grafted onto the nude mouse is able to regenerate its three structural compartments, namely, the epidermis, BMZ, and dermis. Interestingly, it appeared, also, that the connective tissue regeneration would be a two-step mechanism including the sequential formation of two tissues of distinct sources, namely, a granulation tissue and a neodermis.The reconstruction of human epidermis during healing of human skin wounded after grafting onto the nude mouse was described in a previous paper (M. Demarchez, P. Sengel, and M. Prunieras, 1986, Dev. Biol. 113, 90-96). The regeneration of the epidermal basement membrane zone (BMZ) and the reorganization of the connective tissue are the subjects of the present study. They were investigated by two complementary methods: electron microscopy to analyze the BMZ reorganization, and indirect immunofluorescence with species-specific and cross-reacting antibodies directed against laminin, bullous pemphigoid antigen, mouse or human collagens of types I or IV, human elastic fibers, fibronectin, fibrin, actin, and human vimentin, to examine the species origin and distribution of BMZ and connective tissue components during the regeneration process. It is reported that grafted human skin preserves its own immunological markers not only in the epidermis but also in the BMZ and dermis as well, and that, after injury, its regeneration proceeds according to the following sequence of overlapping events: production of a mouse granulation tissue; reepidermization by human cells; reconstruction of a BMZ with human characteristics; formation of a human neodermis. It is concluded that human skin grafted onto the nude mouse is able to regenerate its three structural compartments, namely, the epidermis, BMZ, and dermis. Interestingly, it appeared, also, that the connective tissue regeneration would be a two-step mechanism including the sequential formation of two tissues of distinct sources, namely, a granulation tissue and a neodermis

    Antibodies to types I, II, IX, and XI collagen in the serum of patients with rheumatic diseases.

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    International audienceAntibodies to native types I, II, IX, and XI collagen were measured, using a 125I-solid-phase radioimmunoassay, in serum from 104 patients with rheumatic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, Paget's disease, or osteoarthritis). In all disease groups, antibodies to type II collagen occurred with greater frequency than antibodies to type I collagen (11-35% versus 5-23%). Antibodies to type XI collagen were the most frequent: They were present in approximately 50% of the patients in the rheumatoid arthritis, Paget's disease, and osteoporosis groups. Antibodies to type IX collagen were found at a high frequency in the rheumatoid arthritis group only (44%). Analysis of the clinical data suggested that the presence of antibodies to collagen was associated with disease that was less severe or of shorter duration.Antibodies to native types I, II, IX, and XI collagen were measured, using a 125I-solid-phase radioimmunoassay, in serum from 104 patients with rheumatic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, Paget's disease, or osteoarthritis). In all disease groups, antibodies to type II collagen occurred with greater frequency than antibodies to type I collagen (11-35% versus 5-23%). Antibodies to type XI collagen were the most frequent: They were present in approximately 50% of the patients in the rheumatoid arthritis, Paget's disease, and osteoporosis groups. Antibodies to type IX collagen were found at a high frequency in the rheumatoid arthritis group only (44%). Analysis of the clinical data suggested that the presence of antibodies to collagen was associated with disease that was less severe or of shorter duration

    Biochemical changes in the cartilage in experimental arthrosis

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