7 research outputs found


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    Este artigo apresenta a experiência do ÉA Vila, um projeto de extensão da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, no desenvolvimento de atividades de Educação Ambiental em dois espaços distintos: a Escola Municipal Tenente Antônio João e a ONG Olhar do Mangue. Ressaltam-se as experiências relativas ao ensino da Matemática, abordando-se as metodologias e, especificamente, formas de planejamento e bases teóricas utilizadas. A partir desta descrição, percebe-se o potencial papel da Educação Ambiental no processo de aprendizado da Matemática tanto em ambientes formais quanto informais

    The estimation of the uncertainty associated with rating curves of the river Ivinhema in the state of Paraná/Brazil

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    The estimation of the uncertainty associated with stage-discharge relations is a challenge to the hydrologists. Bayesian inference with likelihood estimator is a promissory approach. The choice of the likelihood function has an important impact on the capability of the model to represent the residues. This paper aims evaluate two likelihood functions with DREAM algorithm to estimate specific non-unique stage-discharge rating curves: normal likelihood function and Laplace likelihood function. The result of BaRatin is also discussed. The MCMC of the DREAM and the BaRatin algorithm have been compared and its results seem consistent for the studied case. The Laplace likelihood function presented as good results as normal likelihood function for the residues. Other gauging stations should be evaluated to attend more general conclusions

    The estimation of the uncertainty associated with rating curves of the river Ivinhema in the state of Paraná/Brazil

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    The estimation of the uncertainty associated with stage-discharge relations is a challenge to the hydrologists. Bayesian inference with likelihood estimator is a promissory approach. The choice of the likelihood function has an important impact on the capability of the model to represent the residues. This paper aims evaluate two likelihood functions with DREAM algorithm to estimate specific non-unique stage-discharge rating curves: normal likelihood function and Laplace likelihood function. The result of BaRatin is also discussed. The MCMC of the DREAM and the BaRatin algorithm have been compared and its results seem consistent for the studied case. The Laplace likelihood function presented as good results as normal likelihood function for the residues. Other gauging stations should be evaluated to attend more general conclusions

    Mudança no uso e cobertura do solo e sua influência na temperatura de superfície: um

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    The strong rhythm of urbanization that the world is seeing in the last years has interfered in the biogeochemical cycles of the planet. One of the principal reasons for this influence is the change in the Earths energy balance, that interferes, both the hydrologic cycles and the atmosphere circulation, as the life quality of population with increases or decreases of temperature. The aim of the present work is to measure the variation in temperature caused by the change of the soil use, principally over urban areas. The study area chosen was the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro (MRRJ) and Landsat 5 images over the region for the years 1988 and 2007 were analyzed. The methodology is based on creating and comparing image of soil use and land-surface temperature for both dates. The Bhattacharya method present in the computational code SPRING 4.3 was utilized for the soil use classification in the present study. After the proposed inter-temporal classification, the results were compared and a map of land-cover change was generated. In addition, the land-surface temperature map was estimated based on a mono-window channel algorithm used to correct the atmospheric effects on band 6 of the sensor TM of the satellite Landsat 5. The results indicate a urbanization in the north and west regions of Rio de Janeiro, in the municipalities of the Baixada Fluminense, and also in the axis Niterói Itaboraí. The mean temperatures in these areas that suffered urbanization presented alterations between 1988 and 2007 indicating the effective interference of the soil use in the land-surface temperature regulation.Pages: 752-75