7 research outputs found

    Changing organizational culture in terms of information and communications technologies

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    Organizational change can be considered a genuine moment of evolution and development of the entire organization and decision of change is closely related to the company's mission, the objectives that wish to achieve in order to ensure their competitive advantage. At the same time, information and communication technologies as well as growing competition, changes in both production methods and organizational structures of companies. New forms of organization and management models based on different concepts and skills involving clear needs of employees with new skills, new roles, behaviors and values. It appears, therefore, a new culture of the organizationorganization, organizational culture, communications technologies

    Quality and organization in romanian health institutions

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    Noting the growing importance of quality and organization in Romanian medical institutions, we studied the employee opinion on the intra-hospital care environment in terms of organization of medical work and service quality. The research was based on questionnaire, conducted by interviewing all department employees TBC section from Vaslui County Emergency Hospital during 10 to 15 May 2010. The research results reveal the following conclusions: medical equipment is often physically and morally spent, the existing infrastructure is insufficient: many patients reported to a reduced number of beds, restrictions on resources utilization due to the difficult economic conditions, low salaries lead to lower interest properly carried out activities


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    Impactul corticoterapiei inhalatorii (CSI) asupra curbei de creştere staturo-ponderale pe termen lung la copiii cu astm bronşic rămâne o problemă controversată. Obiectivul studiului a fost de a evalua infl uenţa CSI administrată pe termen lung (2 ani) asupra parametrilor de creştere (talie, greutate, indice de masă corporală – IMC) la copiii cu astm bronşic. Metodă: au fost selectaţi pentru studiu 76 de copii (5-18 ani) cu astm persistent uşor – sever care au primit corticoterapie inhalatorie asociat cu bronhodilatator cu durată lungă de acţiune sau/şi montelukast sodic conform GINA 2006. Au fost urmărită în dinamică relaţia doză CSI – curbă de creştere, iar datele obţinute comparate cu cele ale unui lot martor (75 de cazuri) folosind scorul z. Rezultate: datele obţinute în urma folosirii CSI pe o perioadă de 2 ani la copii astmatici în diferite trepte de severitate indică o încetinire a curbei de creştere statuare mai ales în al doilea an al studiului (p = 0,012), fără a infl uenţa semnifi cativ statistic greutatea sau IMC. Nu s-a găsit o corelaţie între doza de CSI administrată (mică, medie, mare) şi curba taliei, a greutăţii şi valoarea IMC. Concluzii: CSI administrată perioadă lungă de tip ar putea afecta ritmul de creştere statuară la copiii astmatici în orice treaptă de severitate a bolii şi indiferent de doza administrată, fără a afecta semnifi cativ greutatea sau IM


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    The small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are at the top of European strategies and policies, a key factor for growth, employment and economic performance. The economic and financial crisis of 2008 has affected the SME sector in Romania and the Republic of Moldova, whose development was different from that of most European countries. Therefore, it requires a sustained effort to overcome these gaps and realistic development strategies of the SME sector in Romania and Moldova, proposed by the specialized agencies of the two countries. Following a process of critical analysis and interpretation of national and international databases, we investigated the small and medium enterprises sector in Romania and Moldova in order to identify solutions to support the SME sector in the two countries

    Organizational Structure and Management in Romanian Health System

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    The health system in Romania in a continuous transformation from a centralized system (type Semashko) exists before 1989 year to one based on social health insurance (type Bismark). This paper examines the management and the organizational structure of the health system in Romania, and the relations between them in the context of the Health Reform Law.management, organizational structure, health system

    Entrepreneurship Education through Successful Entrepreneurial Models in Higher Education Institutions

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    In higher education institutions, entrepreneurship learning based on successful entrepreneurial role models may promote education for sustainable development. Several theoretical perspectives, such as the human capital theory, the entrepreneurial self-efficacy and self-determination theory, argue that entrepreneurship education is positively correlated with entrepreneurial intentions of students, as it provides adequate know-how and skills and motivates them to develop their entrepreneurial careers. In entrepreneurship education programmes, exposure to successful entrepreneurial models could be a significant factor for stimulating students’ confidence in their ability to start a business and for improving their attitudes towards entrepreneurship. This study aims (i) to identify characteristics viewed by students as being specific to a successful entrepreneur, (ii) to establish the influence of exposure to successful entrepreneurial role models (chosen by students) during entrepreneurship education classes on student entrepreneurial intentions, and (iii) to assess how such exposure influences the attitudes of students towards entrepreneurship. For this purpose, the authors ran a pilot experiment with 30 graduate students enrolled in a Business Creation course using a research methodology that combined qualitative techniques with quantitative measures. Content and statistical analyses were utilised to examine differences in student entrepreneurial intentions and attitudes towards entrepreneurship after being exposed to successful entrepreneurial models. Our study provides evidence that entrepreneurship education based on successful entrepreneurial role models may positively influence the entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions of students and could lead to higher orientation of student perception towards social benefits of entrepreneurship (new jobs) compared to financial ones (high income). However, our findings stress that if educators want to improve the efficiency of education focused on developing entrepreneurial skills, graduate programmes should be designed differently for business and non-business students, since studying successful entrepreneurial stories impacts these two groups differently


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    Abstract: The small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are at the top of European strategies and policies, a key factor for growth, employment and economic performance. The economic and financial crisis of 2008 has affected the SME sector in Romania and the Republic of Moldova, whose development was different from that of most European countries. Therefore, it requires a sustained effort to overcome these gaps and realistic development strategies of the SME sector in Romania and Moldova, proposed by the specialized agencies of the two countries. Following a process of critical analysis and interpretation of national and international databases, we investigated the small and medium enterprises sector in Romania and Moldova in order to identify solutions to support the SME sector in the two countrie