656 research outputs found

    Embedded Banking Security Level Index and Aimed Control Template for Banking Systems – Implementation Evaluation Using the Vroom-Yetton-Jago Contingency Model

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    An embedded Banking Security Level Index (B-SLI) and Aimed Control (AC) scheme for banking systems is proposed in this paper. In this design the B-SLI and AC anti money laundering techniques are fused together and used in sequence to expose a threat and subsequently ameliorate the security level of banking. The potential implementation of the B-SLI/AC template is then evaluated using the Vroom-Yetton-Jago contingency model. Study concludes that the B-SLI/AC scheme can be implemented as a focused collaborative effort that will increase the reporting entities willingness to commit to the anti money laundering effort. This approach draws on our previous research and it is part of the Idei_822 project.

    Operation on text entities

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    There are defined level of orthogonality for text entities. There are built orthogonal entities. There are identified operations on orthogonal entities and for each operation there are speci-fied the proprieties and the signification from applicability point of view. There is described software use to implement operations with structured entities.Text entity, orthogonality, operation.


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    Structured entities, derivative entities and their order are presented. The orthogonality metric for structured and derivative entities is build. This metric is implemented. The sets of structured entities and first order derivative entities will be evaluated and analyzed.structured entities, derivative entities, metric, sets.

    The development of computer science oriented towards the citizen

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    The concept of informational application oriented to the citizen is defined. The quality characteristics for the informational applications developed under the conditions of computer science oriented towards the citizen are settled and the structure of the development cycle for these applications is presented. The conditions of existence for applications oriented towards the citizen are defined. Strategies on medium and long term are structured.distributed applications, metric units, orientation towards the citizen, strategies.

    The Development of Citizen Oriented Informatics

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    We define the concept of citizen-oriented computer application. Quality characteristics are set for computer applications developed in the conditions of citizen-oriented computing and outline the development cycle for these applications. It defines the conditions of existence for citizen-oriented applications. Average and long-term strategies are elaborated.Distributed Applications, Metrics, Citizen-Orientation, Strategies

    Orthogonally Based Digital Content Management Applicable to Projects-bases

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    There is defined the concept of digital content. The requirements of an efficient management of the digital content are established. There are listed the quality characteristics of digital content. Orthogonality indicators of digital content are built up. They are meant to measure the image, the sound as well as the text orthogonality as well. Projects-base concept is introduced. There is presented the model of structuring the content in order to maximize orthogonality via a convergent iterative process. The model is instantiated for the digital content of a projects-base. It is introduced the application used to test the model. The paper ends with conclusions.digital, quality, orthogonality, projects-bases


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    Services are the most important contributor to the GDP and also the most important job generator. Countries development, usually, is based on the services sector. The present paper is aiming to highlight the influence of the number of active enterprises in services on exports. The paper is based on a model generated using data provided by Eurostat, for 25 EU countries and for 4 services categories. Generated in Eviews 4.1, the model is correctly specified, with a R-squared value of 0.65, and revealed a validated influence of the number of enterprises active in Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods and in Real estate, renting and business activities on exports.enterprise, services, exports, European Union


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    The main objective of the paper is to update the chorology data for the plant taxa within Oltenia, which are characterized by high sozological degree. The present paper highlights some of the vascular plants that have undergone changes in their spreading area, or the disappearance from certain stations mentioned in the field literature and in the herbarium of the University of Craiova (C.R.A.), as well as those taxa for which new chorological data are presented: Acanthus balcanicus Heywood & I. Richardson, Aphanes australis Holub, Carex secalina Willd. ex Wahlenb., Dianthus trifasciculatus Kit. in Schult, Hordeum bulbosum L., Salvia sclarea L., Silene borysthenica (Gruner) Walters, Alyssum montanum L. subsp. gmelinii (Jord.) Em. Scmid in Hegi, Medicago polymorpha L., Rumex tuberosus L., Trifolium michelianum Savi și Fimbristylis bisumbellata (Forssk.) Bubani


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    Migration represented and represents a very important phenomenon at global level, taking into consideration besides its demographic implications, its extremely diverse implications such as socio-economic, socio-cultural, territorial, or environmental. This represents, probably, the main reason why the research on migration is interdisciplinary, having strong connections with sociology, political sciences, history, economics, geography, demography, psychology, or low, among others. All these disciplines target different aspects of population migration, and a proper comprehension of the phenomenon implies a contribution from the part of all of them. Although migration represents a phenomenon manifested since ancient times, it has never been such an universal or significant phenomenon from the socio-economical or political perspective, as it is in present times. International migration has both a negative and positive impact on both provider and receiving countries, in general playing a very important role in the structure and dimension of the population of a country. Romania is not an exception to the previously expressed statement; furthermore, after the fall of the communist regime, migration became for Romania one of the most important socio-economical phenomena. The present paper aims at analyzing in a descriptive manner the international migration phenomenon in Romania between 1991 and 2008, from quantitative perspective. Based on data identified in the \"Statistical Yearbook of Romania" - 2008 and 2009 editions - the analysis revealed the fact that both immigration and emigration flows registered oscillatory evolutions in the analysed period, but the general trend of immigration was of increasing, while the one of emigration was of decreasing. Immigration was dominated by the presence of males, of persons aged between 26 and 40 and of persons coming from the Republic of Moldova. On the other side, in the case of emigration the significant presence of females, of persons aged between 26 and 40, of persons of Romanian nationality and of those who preferred as main destination country Italy, was remarkable.international migration, immigration, emigration, Romania