22 research outputs found

    Tenth Anniversary of the Postgraduate Study of Toxicology at Zagreb University 1994-2004

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    Hrvatsko toksikoloÅ”ko druÅ”tvo pokrenulo je 1993. godine postupak organizacije poslijediplomskog studija iz toksikologije te je 1994. godine Senat SveučiliÅ”ta prihvatio plan i program studija. Poslijediplomski znanstveni studij smjer Toksikologija uvrÅ”ten je u polje Biologija, područje Prirodne znanosti. U razdoblju od 1994./95. do 2003./04. studij su upisala 143 kandidata od kojih su 32 magistrirala.In 1993, the Croatian Toxicology Society initiated the postgraduate study of toxicology. The Senate of the University of Zagreb accepted the teaching programme in 1994. The study of toxicology is classified in the field of natural sciences - biology. From 1994/95 to 2003/04, 143 students were enrolled, of whom 32 obtained masterā€™s degrees

    Koncentracije selenija u tlu i pŔenici u okolici Koprivnice

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    This paper describes the findings of selenium measurement in three types of soil (semigley, pseudogley and hypogley) and in wheat grain cultivated in these types of soil in the vicinity of Koprivnica using hydrid atomic absorption spectrometry. The results showed relatively low selenium levels in all three types of soil (145-333 Āµg Se/kg dry weight) as well as the wheat grain (22-62 Āµg Se/kg dry weight). The analysis of covariance suggested that the concentration of selenium in soil, pH in KCl, and K2O affect the concentration of selenium in wheat grain. After the analysis was repeated using only selenium in soil, pH in KCl, and K2O as covariates, the selenium content in wheat grain was found to vary significantly with the type of soil. Although this study was performed in a small area in relation to the area of the country, it may be a good starting point for further investigation of selenium in Croatia.U tri tipa tla (semiglej, pseudoglej i hipoglej) i u zrnu pÅ”enice koja je uzgojena na tim tipovima tla u okolici Koprivnice ispitana je koncentracija selenija. Za analizu je primijenjena metoda hidridne tehnike atomske apsorpcijske spektrometrije. U tlu su određene i osnovne pedoloÅ”ke karakteristike (pH, sadržaj duÅ”ika, kalija, fosfora i humusa). U sva tri tipa tla i u zrnu pÅ”enice uzgojene na tim tipovima tla rezultati su pokazali relativno niske razine selenija (raspon za tlo:145-333 Āµg Se/kg suhe tvari; raspon za zrno pÅ”enice: 22-62 Āµg/kg suhe tvari). Tlo tipa pseudoglej i zrno pÅ”enice uzgojene na tom tipu tla sadržavali su viÅ”e selenija nego drugi tipovi tla. Između selenija u zrnu pÅ”enice i selenija u tlu te pH u KCl za sva tri tipa tla utvrđena je dobra pozitivna korelacija, s K2O pozitivna korelacija za tip tla pseudoglej i hipoglej, a negativna za tip tla semiglej. Druge korelacije nisu bile značajne. Analizom kovarijance utvrđeno je da koncentracija selenija u zemlji, pH u KCl i K2O određuju koncentraciju selenija u zrnu pÅ”enice. Nakon ponovljene analize kovarijance, kada su u modelu kao kovarijati zadržani samo selenij u zemlji, pH u KCl i K2O sadržaj selenija se značajno mijenjao u odnosu na tip tla. To upućuje na to da druge karakteristike (možda kemijski oblik selenija i/ili prisustnost sumpora) mogu utjecati na koncentraciju selenija u zrnu pÅ”enice. Iako je ovo ispitivanje obavljeno na maloj povrÅ”ini u odnosu na veličinu zemlje, ono može biti dobra znanstvena osnova za daljnja ispitivanja stanja selenija u Hrvatskoj

    A case of occupational nitrobenzene poisoning

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    Prikazano je profesionalno otrovanje nitrobenzcnom izazvana povećanom ekspozicijom parama zagrijanog nitrobenzena, Opisana je klinička i laboratorijska slika otrovanja i analiziran je uzrok otrovanja s obzirom na tehnoloÅ”ki proces.A case of occupational poisoning .in a worker exposed to the vapour of heated nitrobenzene is presented. Clinical and Iaboratory findings are analysed, and the cause of poisoning as regards the technological process is discussed

    Toxic methemoglobinemia in the manufacture of aniline dyes

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    Prikazana je toksična methernoglobinemija u proizvodnji anilinskih boja u jednom poduzeću kemijske industrije u Zagrebu. Analiza tehnoloÅ”kog procesa pokazala je, da je za konverziju hemoglobina u methemoglobin odgovorna vjerojatno boja: naphtol-blau schwarz 1OB s obzirom da ta boja sadrži anilin i p-nitroanIin, t. j. supstancije s izraženim methemoglobinskim efektom. Prodiskutirani su ostali simptomi otrovanja i laboratorijski nalazi i uspoređeni su s Iiteraturnim podacima o intoksikaciji amino i nitro derivatima benzena.Two cases of toxic methemoglohinemia in a chemical plant in Zagreb are reported. The analysis of the technological process has shown that the conversion from hemoglobin into methemoglobin was likely to be due to naphtol-blau schwarz 10B, a dye containing aniline and p-nitroaniline, i. e. the substances with a pronounced methemoglobin-forming effect. The symptoms of poisoning and laboratory findings are discussed and compared with literature data on intoxication due to amino and nitro benzene derivatives

    Environmental lead contamination and biological indices of increased lead absorption

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    U skupini stanovnika iz okolice talionice olova i u kontrolnoj skupini izvrÅ”ene su analize nekoliko bioloÅ”kih parametara, koji se mogu mijenjati pod utjecajem olova. Koncentracija olova u atmosferi oko talionice bila je za red veličine viÅ”a nego u drugim naseljima. Od 71 ispitanika iz okolice talionice, 37 nije bilo profesionalno eksponirana olovu (grupa I), dok su 34 ispitanika ili nekada radila na mjestima s povećanom ekspozicijom olovu ili i danas rade u neposrednoj blizini takvih profesionalnih izvora (grupa II). U usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom, u stanovnika iz okoĀ¬lice talionice koncentracije olova u krvi i delta-aminolevulinske kiseline u mokraći bile su značajno poviÅ”ene, dok je aktivnost dehidrataze delta-aminolevulinske kiseline u krvi bila značajno snižena. Za olovo i dehidratazu delta-aminolevulinske kiseline utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika između grupe I i grupe II, suglasno s razlikom u ekspoziciji olovu. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na korisnost određivanja olova u krvi, aktivnosti dehidrataze delta-aminolevulinske kiseline u krvi i koncentracije delta-aminolevulinske kiseline u mokraći, kao mjere za ekspoziciju olova iz okoline.A group of inhabitants living near a lead smelting plant and a control group were examined for several biological parameters that can be changed under the effect of lead. The atmospheric lead concentration around the lead smelting plant was by one order of magnitude higher than in other communities. Among 71 subjects from the vicinity of the lead smelting plant, 37 had never been occupationally exposed to lead (Group I), while 34 subjects used to work in places with the increased lead exposure for a longer or shorter period (Group II). Compared with the control group, in the inhabitants living near the lead smelting plant the blood lead and the urine delta-aminolevulinic acid were significantly increased, while the blood delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase was significantly decreased. A statistically significant difference in the blood lead and D-DALK activity between group I and group II was recorded in accordance with the difference in lead exposure. The results obtained prove the usefulness of the analysis of the above parameters as an indication of environmental lead exposure

    Activity of serum transaminase in occupational exposure to trichlorethylene

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    Ispitana je aktivnost serumske transaminaze u grupi od 20 radnika profesionalno eksponiranih trikloretilenu. Aktivnost transaminaze određivana je ujutro prije početka rada i na kraju smjene. Kod većeg dijela radnika SGPT bio je lagano poviÅ”en, a vrijednosti SGPT na kraju radne smjene statistički su značajno veće od vrijednost! na početku rada. Prihvati li se tumačenje da je utvrđeno poviÅ”enje aktivnosti SGPT izraz početnih lezija jetrenih stanica, mogao bi se izvesti zaključak da tehnički trikloretilen ima potencijalno lagani hepatotoksički učinak.The activity of serum transaminase in a group of 20 workers with occupational exposure to trichlorethylene was examined. The activity of transaminase was determined in the morning, before work, and at the end of the shift. In the majority of workers SGPT values were slightly increased. At the end of work the SGPT values were significantly higher than at the beginning of work. If the assumption that the evidenced increase of the activity of SGPT indicates the initial lesions of liver cells is accepted, it may be concluded from the results obtained in this study that technical trichlorethylene has a slight hepatotoxic effect

    Effect of various therapeutic doses of complexing agents on clinical and laboratory symptoms of lead poisoning

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    Prikazani su podaci o rezultatima liječenja 19 bolesnika otrovanih olovom s kompleksonom EDTA (Na2Ca EDTA). Bolesnici su liječeni kompleksonom u dozama koje su varirale od 2,4 g pa do 24 g na dan, odnosno od ukupno 6 g pa do cca 150 g. Komplekson se davao u infuziji 5%-glukoze, a ukupna dnevna doza je uvijek dijeljena na dva jednaka dijela: jutarnju i popodnevnu. Izlučivanje olova mokraćom i kretanje nivoa olova u krvi u toku terapije različitim dozama EDTA nije potvrdilo pretpostavku o boljem terapijskom učinku većih doza kompleksona. Sudeći barem po laboratorijskim nalazima, nema potrebe da se EDTA primjenjuje u dnevnim dozama koje su veće od dosad uobičajenih {2,4-4,8 g). Å to seĀ· tiče frekvencije doziranja lijeka, dobiveni rezultati govore isto tako u prilog već objavljenim iskustvima, da je najbolje aplicirati EDTA u kurama od 2-3 dana sa stankama od 5-7 dana između pojedinih kura. U saopćenju je obrazložena zbog čega se pokuÅ”avala s primjenom velikih doza EDTA i istaknuto je kao značajno stečeno iskustvoĀ·o odsustvu bilo kakvih toksičkih popratnih pojava u toku primijenjene terapije. Pokazalo se čak da i znakovi za postojanje bubrežnih lezija prije početka liječenja - i u uvjetima visokog doziranja lijeka - nisu sami po sebi zapreka da se poduzme liječenje s EDTA.Data are presented on the results of the treatment of 19 lead poisoned patients with the complexing agent EDTA. The preparation Mosatil forte Bayer {Na2Ca EDTA) was used. Daily doses varied from 2.4 to 24 g or from 6 to cca 150 g in total. EDT A was given to all the patients in an infusion of 5% glucose diluted from 0.24 to 2.4 g %, in relation to the amount of each dose. The total daily dose was always divided into two equal parts: a morning and an afternoon dose In the course of therapy, in addition to clinical symptoms, the following factors were analysed: elimination of lead in urine, blood lead level, the count of basophilic stippled cells, and the concentration of coproporphyrin in urine. Special attention was paid to the possible occurrence of nephrotoxic side-effects in connection with the use of complexing agents. With all the doses applied the drug produced a favourable clinical effect by diminishing the symptoms of poisoning. The data obtained on the elimination of lead in urine and the blood lead level are in accord with observations from literature, i. e. that EDT A removes from the body very quickly and that only a small part of the drug is used for the formation of chelates with lead. In view of that there is no need for EDT A to be administered in larger daily doses than those used so far (2.4-4.8 g). As to the administration schedule the results obtained also confirm the reports from literature, viz. that the best way of administering EDTA is a treatment lasting 2-3 days with intervals of 5-7 days between each treatment. The analysis of coproporphyrin in the urine and the number of basophilic stippled cells proved a valuable indicator of the therapeutical effect. The gradual introduction of unusually large doses of EDTA is explained by the favourable experience gained with such large doses in the treatment of a patient with severe lead encephalopathy. Although there is no ground for the need of a larger daily EDTA dose - at least judging by laboratory data on lead elimination and lead blood values - the experience obtained concerning the absence of any toxic side-effects in the course of the applied therapy is of great significance. Moreover, it has been proved that not even the symptoms of the existence of kidney lesions before the beginning of treatment are a contraindication for the administration of EDTA

    Pneumoconiosis due to the inhalation of hard metal dust

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    Prikazana su dva slučaja rijetke i malo poznate profesionalne bolesti, pneumokonioze uzrokovane tvrdim metalom, kod dvije radnice koje su radile na preradi tog metala. Autori daju podatke iz literature, kao i opis tehnoloÅ”kog procesa i kliničke i radioloÅ”ke nalaze kod svoje dvije bolesnice, pa te nalaze uspoređuju s podacima iz drugih zemalja.Two cases of hard metal disease are reported in two female workers engaged in the manufacture of hard metal by a process of powder metallurgy from tungsten and carbon with cobalt as a binder. The industrial process is outlined and the literature is reviewed. The clinical and radiographic features of the patients are presented and the findings are compared with those reported from other countries

    Effect of ecological factors on the appearance of toxic porphyria. I. alcoholism and D-DALA

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    Ispitana je aktivnost dehidrataze delta-aminolevulinske kiseline (DĀ¬DALK) kod kroničnih alkoholičara (N = 51) uz paralelno određivanje koncentracije delta-aminolevulinske kiseline (DALK) iz jednokratnog uzorka mokraće. Kod 12 bolesnika s kroničnim oboljenjem jetre, analizirano je u mokraći izlučivanje preteča hema i aktivnost D-DALK u krvi. Rezultati su pokazali, da je kod kroničnih alkoholičara viÅ”e od 50% ispitanika imalo sniženu D-DALK aktivnost, a izlučivanje DALK je bilo lagano povećana kod 14% ispitanika. U bolesnika s kroničnim bolestima jetre izlučivanje porfirina i njihovih preteča bilo je normalno, a aktivnost D-DALK je bila lagano inhibirana u 6 bolesnika. Iako dobiveni rezultati u grupi kroničnih alkoholičara govore u prilog djelovanja etilnog alkohola na aktivnost D-DALK. ipak se to ne može sa sigurnoŔću zaključiti, jer nisu isključeni i drugi poznati i potencijalni inhibitori tog enzima. Isto tako da bi se dao konačni sud o inhibiciji D-DALK kod kroničnih bolesti jetre potrebno je ispitati veći broj bolesnika s alkoholnim oÅ”tećenjem jetre.The activity of delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (D-DALA) in chronic alcoholics (N = 51) was analysed along with the parallel determination of the concentration of delta-amninolevulinic acid (DALA) in a single urine sample. In 12 patients with the chronic liver lesions the elimination of hem precursors in the urine and the activity of D-DALA in the blood were also analysed. The results have shown that in chronic alcoholics over 500/o of subjects had a reduced D-DALA activity, while the DALA elimination was slightly increased in 14% of subjects. In patients with chronic liver lesions the elimination of porphyrins and their precursors was normal while the activity of D-DALA was slightly inhibited in 6 patients. Although the results obtained in the group of chronic alcoholics speak for the effect of ethyl alcohol on the D-DALA activity, no conclusive statement is possible because some other known potential inhibitors of this enzyme cannot be ruled out. Also, in order to give a definite judgment about the inhibition of D-DALA in chronic liver diseases, it would be necessary to examine a larger number of patients with alcohol-induced liver lesions