165 research outputs found

    Benefits of Vine Leaf on Different Biological Systems

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    For centuries, the therapeutic benefits of grapes and other byproducts have been empirically used for medical purposes such as bleeding, pain, inflammation, nausea, diarrhea, gastroenteritis, or skin diseases. Moderated intake of the red wine improves parameters as blood lipids, endothelial dysfunction, platelet aggregation, and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease. However, few studies have been explored the potential benefits from vine byproducts. Vine leaves, a waste product from the vine, are also rich source of polyphenols and other therapeutic compounds. In this chapter, we explored the therapeutic properties from vine leaf in different biological systems

    Systematic review of the utility of the frailty index and frailty phenotype to predict all-cause mortality in older people

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    Background: Current guidelines for healthcare of community-dwelling older people advocate screening for frailty to predict adverse health outcomes, but there is no consensus on the optimum instrument to use in such settings. The objective of this systematic review of population studies was to compare the ability of the frailty index (FI) and frailty phenotype (FP) instruments to predict all-cause mortality in older people. Methods: Studies published before 27 July 2022 were identified using Ovid MEDLINE, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science and CINAHL databases. The eligibility criteria were population-based prospective studies of community-dwelling older adults (aged 65 years or older) and evaluation of both the FI and FP for prediction of all-cause mortality. The Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network’s Methodology checklist was used to assess study quality. The areas under the receiver operator characteristic curves (AUC) were compared, and the proportions of included studies that achieved acceptable discriminatory power (AUC>0.7) were calculated for each frailty instrument. The results were stratified by the use of continuous or categorical formats of each instrument. The review was reported in accordance with the PRISMA and SWiM guidelines. Results: Among 8 studies (range: 909 to 7713 participants), both FI and FP had comparable predictive power for all-cause mortality. The AUC values ranged from 0.66 to 0.84 for FI continuous, 0.60 to 0.80 for FI categorical, 0.63 to 0.80 for FP continuous and 0.57 to 0.79 for FP categorical. The proportion of studies achieving acceptable discriminatory power were 75%, 50%, 63%, and 50%, respectively. The predictive ability of each frailty instrument was unaltered by the number of included items. Conclusions: Despite differences in their content, both the FI and FP instruments had modest but comparable ability to predict all-cause mortality. The use of continuous rather than categorical formats in either instrument enhanced their ability to predict all-cause mortality

    Grape juice increases the BDNF levels but not alter the S100B levels in hippocampus and frontal cortex from male Wistar rats

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    Several studies have shown that a high consumption of vegetables and fruits is consistently associated with a low risk of oxidative stress-induced diseases, which includes some degenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer and Parkinson. Therefore, the objective of this study is to verify the effects of conventional and organic grape juice in the modulation of the neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and astrocytic markers protein (S100B) in hippocampus and frontal cortex of Wistar rats. In this study, 24 male Wistar rats were divided into three groups. To the first one, it was given organic purple grape juice; to the second, conventional grape juice, while the last one received only saline. After 30 days, all rats were sacrificed and hippocampus and frontal cortex were dissected. The animals that received organic and conventional grape juice showed, in frontal cortex, an elevated BNDF levels in relation to saline group. However, S100B levels did not change. These results showed that grape juices are able to modulate important marker in brain tissue, and could be an important factor to prevent brain diseases

    Prevalência de Enteroparasitoses em Escolares: Uma Revisão do Perfil Encontrado nas Diferentes Regiões do Brasil

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    Intestinal infections caused by protozoa and helminths are considered a major cause of diseases by infectious processes in the world. The present study aims to conduct a survey regarding the recent years of the prevalence of intestinal parasites in school children in various cities in Brazil, identifying which species are most commonly found and the regions that require greater dedication in this area. The analyzed studies showed that the Northern and Northeastern regions presented a higher prevalence of intestinal parasites, however, in the Southeast, results were encouraging with low levels of contamination by parasites compared to all regions in Brazil. As for intestinal parasites, the most common, found in all Brazilian regions, was Ascaris lumbricoides followed by Giardia lamblia. Therefore, one can conclude that the high prevalence of intestinal parasites in children found in some places in Brazil can demonstrate the need for greater care with basic sanitation and personal hygiene, both in households and in the places of study. These data show the importance of conducting educational programs that will develop personal awareness of parents, families and children themselves.Infecções intestinais causadas por helmintos e protozoários são consideradas uma das maiores causas de agravos por processos infecciosos no mundo. O presente estudo tem como objetivo realizar um levantamento referente aos últimos anos da prevalência de parasitas intestinais em crianças no período escolar de diversas cidades do Brasil, identificando quais as espécies mais encontradas e as regiões que necessitam de maior dedicação nesta área. Por meio dos estudos analisados, verificou-se que as regiões com maior prevalência de parasitas intestinais foram o Norte e Nordeste; entretanto, na região Sudeste os resultados foram animadores, com baixos índices de contaminação por parasitas, comparados com os de todas as regiões do Brasil. Quanto aos parasitas intestinais, os mais comuns encontrados em todas as regiões brasileiras foram o Ascaris lumbricoides e o Giardia lamblia. Portanto, pode-se concluir que a alta prevalência de enteroparasitoses encontrada em crianças de alguns locais do Brasil pode demonstrar a necessidade de maior cuidado com as condições de saneamento básico e higiene pessoal, tanto nos domicílios como nos locais de estudo. Com os dados apresentados, mostrase a importância da realização de programas educativos que venham a desenvolver a consciência pessoal dos pais, familiares e das próprias crianças

    O Laboratório Clínico e os Erros Pré-Analíticos

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    Os laboratórios de medicina diagnóstica auxiliam nas decisões médicas frente aos pacientes. Por essa razão os médicos e pacientes necessitam ter confiança e segurança nos laudos fornecidos pelos laboratórios clínicos. Porém, a fase do laboratório conhecida como pré-analítica, vem sendo apontada por diferentes estudos, como a grande responsável pelos erros laboratoriais. A principal razão para a alta frequência de erros nesta fase do processo está na dificuldade de controlar as variáveis pré-analíticas e em realizar melhoria nos processos, pois diversas variáveis encontram-se no preparo do paciente e no momento da coleta e identificação de amostras biológicas. Esta fase é mais suscetível a erros devido ser uma fase onde a maioria dos processos não é automatizada, envolvendo atividades manuais. Para alcançar as metas de redução dos erros e aumentar a segurança e confiabilidade dos processos pré-analíticos, se faz necessário implantar atividades que visem à educação continuada de todos os profissionais envolvidos nos processos de obtenção e manipulação de amostras biológicas

    Clinical laboratory and pre-analytical errors

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    Os laboratórios de medicina diagnóstica auxiliam nas decisões médicas frente aos pacientes. Por essa razão os médicos e pacientes necessitam ter confiança e segurança nos laudos fornecidos pelos laboratórios clínicos. Porém, a fase do laboratório conhecida como pré-analítica, vem sendo apontada por diferentes estudos, como a grande responsável pelos erros laboratoriais. A principal razão para a alta frequência de erros nesta fase do processo está na dificuldade de controlar as variáveis pré-analíticas e em realizar melhoria nos processos, pois diversas variáveis encontram-se no preparo do paciente e no momento da coleta e identificação de amostras biológicas. Esta fase é mais suscetível a erros devido ser uma fase onde a maioria dos processos não é automatizada, envolvendo atividades manuais. Para alcançar as metas de redução dos erros e aumentar a segurança e confiabilidade dos processos pré-analíticos, se faz necessário implantar atividades que visem à educação continuada de todos os profissionais envolvidos nos processos de obtenção e manipulação de amostras biológicas.Medical diagnostic laboratories can assist with medical decision making. For this reason, delivering reliable laboratory results is essential to providing physicians and patients with a sense of trust and safety. However, currently available evidence demonstrates that most laboratory errors are identified in the pre-analytical phase of the total testing process. The high frequency of errors at this stage is mainly attributable to the difficulty in monitoring all pre-analytical variables and in implementing improvement processes, particularly because several variables involve patient preparation and specimen collection and identification. This phase is more susceptible to errors because most pre-analytical steps involve manual rather than automated activities. To achieve the goal of error reduction and to increase the safety and reliability of pre-analytical processes, it is necessary to implement continuing education programs for all professionals involved in the process of collection and handling of biological samples

    Osteoarticular and musculoskeletal disorders, chronic pain, quality of life and physical activity level distributed by age and gender in elderly people participating in a water aerobics program

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    The study aims to describe osteoarticular and musculoskeletal disorders, chronic pain, quality of life (QOL) and physical activity level (PAL) distributed by age group and gender in the elderly. The design was quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional. The non-probabilistic sample, for convenience, comprised 101 elderly people, over 60 years old, who regularly participate in water aerobics activities in the municipality of Dois Irmãos, RS. The instruments used were: Multidimensional Pain Assessment Scale, Survey of Pain Attitudes, IPAQ and EUROHIS-QOL. Descriptive frequency analyzes were performed, which showed the predominance of women in water aerobics activities, most frequently in the age group of 70 years. Similarly, the presence of osteoarticular and musculoskeletal disorders and chronic pain intensity (moderate and severe) were more expressive in females and in the age group of 70 years. The distribution of QOL and pain intensity in relation to age, gender and PAL shows in the age group of 60 years, the male, irregularly active with higher average, with higher occurrence of pain (moderate) in the active elderly. Active females, on the other hand, show better QOL scores and higher pain intensity in irregularly active aspect. In conclusion, the actions promoted by the municipality have a positive impact on QOL. However, there is a need for greater involvement of participants to achieve more adequate levels of regular physical activity, taking into account the significant presence of pain complaints in females and in the age group of 70 years

    A prática clínica de Terapia Ocupacional em tempos de pandemia: a intervenção precoce através da telessaúde

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    Contextualização: Frente aos desafios impostos pela pandemia da COVID-19, a Telessaúde se destaca por possibilitar a continuidade do cuidado a distância. Processo de Intervenção: Trata-se de uma Análise da Prática, com o objetivo de relatar intervenções clínicas da Terapia Ocupacional em Intervenção Precoce, através da teleconsulta e do telemonitoramento, com crianças e seus pais/cuidadores (as). Análise crítica da prática: O estudo aponta a Telessaúde como uma importante ferramenta para terapeutas ocupacionais que trabalham com Intervenção Precoce, destacando as potencialidades para o apoio do desenvolvimento infantil, bem como as dificuldades dessa modalidade. Síntese das considerações: A prática considera a continuidade da utilização da Telessaúde após o período da pandemia, tendo em vista os resultados positivos no processo de cuidado. Além disso, destaca o papel das crianças como sujeitos ativos no processo de tratamento. Ademais, aponta a relevância da Telessaúde no processo de formação profissional através de intervenções inovadoras.Palavras-chave: Desenvolvimento Infantil. Terapia Ocupacional. Telessaúde. Telemonitoramento. Pandemia Abstract Contextualization: Faced with the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Telehealth stands out for allowing the continuity of care at a distance. Intervention Process: This work is a Practice Analysis, with the objective of reporting clinical interventions of Occupational Therapy in Early Intervention through teleconsultation and telemonitoring with children and their parents/caregivers. Critical analysis of the practice: The study points to Telehealth as an important tool for occupational therapists who work with Early Intervention, highlighting the potential for supporting child development, as well as the difficulties of this modality. Summary of considerations: The practice considers the continuity of Telehealth usage after the pandemic period, given the positive results in the care process. Moreover, it highlights the role of children as active subjects in the treatment process. Furthermore, it points out the relevance of Telehealth in the professional training process through innovative interventions.Keywords: Child Development. Occupational Therapy. Telehealth. Telemonitoring. Pandemic Resumen Contextualización: Delante de los desafíos impuestos por la pandemia del COVID-19, la Telesalud se destaca por posibilitar la continuidad del cuidado a distancia. Proceso de intervención: Se trata de un Análisis de la Práctica, con el objetivo de relatar intervenciones clínicas de la Terapia Ocupacional en Atención Temprana a través de la Teleconsulta y del Telemonitoreo con niños y sus padres/niñeras. Análisis crítico de la práctica: El estudio apunta la Telesalud como una importante herramienta para terapeutas ocupacionales que trabajan con Atención Temprana, destacando las potencialidades para el apoyo del desarrollo infantil, así como las dificultades de esa modalidad. Resumen de consideraciones: La práctica considera la continuidad de la utilización de la Telesalud tras el periodo de pandemia, teniendo en cuenta los resultados positivos en el proceso de cuidado. Añadido a eso, destaca el papel de los niños como sujetos activos en el proceso de tratamiento. Además, apunta la relevancia de la Telesalud en el proceso de formación profesional a través de intervenciones innovadoras.Palabras clave: Desarrollo Infantil. Terapia Ocupacional. Telesalud. Telemonitorización. Pandemia

    Incidência e fatores de risco associados à falha na ventilação não invasiva em pacientes pediátricos

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    Objective: To determine the risk factors associated with failure in noninvasive mechanical ventilation (NIV) in a pediatric intensive care unit. Methods: Retrospective cohort from medical records of patients admitted to the Pediatric ICU of a Hospital in Caxias do Sul, between May 2017 and October 2019, who used NIV. Results: The incidence of NIV failure was 33%. Asthma patients, post-extubation use, continuous use, closure at night, final SIMV modality, ventilatory parameters, initial PEEP, and final FIO2 were also associated with failure. In vital signs, the initial SBP and the final RF were significant. After multivariate analysis, final SIMV modality, closing at night, final PIP, and final RF were associated with NIV failure. Conclusion: SIMV final ventilatory modality, as well as NIV closure at night, higher final PIP and higher final RF are risk factors for NIV failure.Introdução: Suporte ventilatório é usado para o tratamento de pacientes com insuficiência respiratória aguda (IRpA) ou crônica agudizada.  Objetivo foi determinar os fatores de risco associados à falha na VNI em uma unidade de terapia intensiva pediátrica.Métodos: Coorte retrospectiva a partir de prontuários de pacientes admitidos na unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) Pediátrica de um Hospital de Caxias do Sul, entremaio de 2017 e outubro de 2019, que utilizaram VNI.Resultados: Incidência de falha na VNI foi de 33%. Asma (RR = 1,36; IC95% = 1,08- 1,72), uso de VNI em pacientes pós-extubação (RR = 1,97; IC95% = 1,17-3,29), uso contínuo da VNI (RR = 2,44; IC95% = 1,18-5,05), encerramento à noite (RR = 2,52; IC95% = 1,53-4,14), modalidade final ventilação mandatória intermitente sincronizada (SIMV) (RR = 4,20; IC95% = 2,20-7,90), pressão expiratória positiva final (PEEP) no início da ventilação (6,8 ± 1,1; p < 0,01) e fração inspiratória de O2 (FIO2) final (53,10 ± 18,50; p < 0,01) foram associados à falha. Adicionalmente, pressão arterialsistólica (PAS) inicial (118,68 ± 18,68 mmHg; p = 0,02), frequência respiratória inicial (FR) (47,69 ± 14,76; p = 0,28) e final (47,54 ± 14,76; p < 0,01) foram associados a falha.Conclusão: Modalidade ventilatória final SIMV, demostra ser o melhor preditor de risco de falha, seguido do turno em que a VNI é finalizada, onde à noite existe maior risco de falha. Foram preditores de falha, porém com menor robustez, a pressão positiva inspiratória (PIP) final e a FR final