4,716 research outputs found

    Bis{2-(5-hydr­oxy-2-[1-(hydroxy­imino)eth­yl]phenolato-κ2 O 1,N}nickel(II) N,N-dimethyl­formamide disolvate

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    The Ni atom of the title complex, [Ni(C8H8NO3)2]·2C3H7NO, lies on a center of inversion in a square-planar N2O2 coordination environment. An intra­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bond exists between the oximic hydr­oxy group of one ligand and the metal-coordinated O atom of the symmetry-related ligand. The dimethyl­formamide solvent mol­ecules are connected to the phenolate groups of the complex via O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds

    Bis(benzyl phenyl sulfoxide-κO)dichloridodiphenyl­tin(IV)

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    The mol­ecule of the title compound, [Sn(C6H5)2Cl2(C13H12OS)2], has crystallographic twofold symmetry. The SnIV atom is six-coordinate within a distored octa­hedral geometry defined by a C2Cl2O2 donor set

    Chinese Firms’ Political Connection, Ownership, and Financing Constraints

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    We empirically examine some listed Chinese firms’ political connection, ownership, and financing constraints. Politically-connected firms display no financing constraints whereas firms without connection experience significant constraints. Non-connected family-controlled firms bear greater constraints than non-connected state-owned firms.Political connection; investments; financing constraints; Chinese firms

    Evidence for a Functional Interaction between Integrins and G Protein-activated Inward Rectifier K+ Channels

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    Heteromultimeric G protein-activated inward rectifier K+ (GIRK) channels, abundant in heart and brain, help to determine the cellular membrane potential as well as the frequency and duration of electrical impulses. The sequence arginine-glycine-aspartate (RGD), located extracellularly between the first membrane-spanning region and the pore, is conserved among all identified GIRK subunits but is not found in the extracellular domain of any other cloned K+ channels. Many integrins, which, like channels, are integral membrane proteins, recognize this RGD sequence on other proteins, usually in the extracellular matrix. We therefore asked whether GIRK activity might be regulated by direct interaction with integrin. Here, we present evidence that mutation of the RGD site to RGE, particularly on the GIRK4 subunit, decreases or abolishes GIRK current. Furthermore, wild-type channels can be co-immunoprecipitated with integrin. The total cellular amount of expressed mutant GIRK channel protein is the same as the wild-type protein; however, the amount of mutant channel protein that localizes to the plasma membrane is decreased relative to wild-type, most likely accounting for the diminished GIRK current detected. GIRK channels appear to bind directly to integrin and to require this interaction for proper GIRK channel membrane localization and function

    Financial liberalization and financing constraints: some evidence from panel data of listed Chinese firms

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    This paper examines the impact of recent financial liberalization in China on the financing constraints and investment of publicly-listed Chinese firms. Two continuous indices are constructed to measure the evolution and intensity of financial reforms: a financial liberalization index and a capital control index. Dynamic panel GMM method is used to estimate firms’ financing constraints in an Euler-equation investment model. The results indicate that while smaller firms face significant financing constraints than larger firms, financial liberalization has raised the financing constraints for the latter and failed to relieve the constraints for the former. It appears financial reforms in China have subjected larger firms to greater market discipline but the reforms probably have not been profound enough to benefit smaller firms.Financial liberalization; investments; financing constraints; Chinese firms

    The Evolving Influence of Diversity and Media in Virtual Organizations

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    Virtual organizations are important to enable collaboration and enhance interaction among a diverse set of people regardless of their temporal and spatial dispersion. Some research has assumed that communication media will mask traditional elements of diversity while other research suggests mediated teams simply pay attention to different cues. The relationships among the media, team member diversity (broadly defined) and outcomes have not been examined. This research in progress seeks to understand how various components of diversity enhance, inhibit, or are overcome in virtual organizations. The goal of this study is to understand how virtual organizations evolve over time, with a particular eye toward understanding the role of diversity in this process, thus enabling us to identify the conditions under which virtual organizations will be successful. Guided by social change, diversity, attribution, and media theories, we propose a theoretical framework with a set of research questions and hypotheses

    Regional Capital Mobility in China: 1978-2006

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    We examine cross-region capital mobility in China and track how the degree of mobility has changed over time. The effects of fiscal and redistributive activities of different levels of government in China on private capital mobility are taken into account. Our results indicate that there was a significant improvement in capital mobility over time in China, particularly for private capital in the more developed regions. The central and provincial governments, via their taxation, spending, and transfers, loosen the relationship between private saving and investment and appear to promote capital mobility, particularly for less developed regions. There are considerable differences between more and less developed regions in terms of the degree of capital market integration and the improvement in capital mobility over time. The results have important policy implications on global re-balancing as well as regional development gap and risk-sharing within China.Feldstein-Horioka; Chinese cross-region capital mobility; saving-investment relationship; Chinese capital market integration
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