13 research outputs found

    Assistive technology in Korea: Findings from the 2017 National Disability Survey

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    Purpose: Explicitly monitoring the need, use and satisfaction of assistive product (AP) provision is essential to support population health and healthy longevity in ageing/aged countries, like Korea. We present findings from the 2017 Korea National Disability Survey (NDS) on AP access and compare them to international averages, introducing Korea’s data into the wider coherence of global AP research. Materials and methods: Using data from Korea’s 2017 NDS, surveying 91,405 individuals, we extracted and calculated AP access indicators, including needing, having, using and being satisfied with 76 unique APs, by functional difficulty and product type. We compared satisfaction and unmet need between the National Health Insurance System (NHIS) and alternative provision services. Results: Prosthetics and orthotics had high rates of under-met need, and lower satisfaction rates, from 46.9% to 80.9%. Mobility APs overall had higher rates of under-met need. There was either low (<5%) or no reported need for most digital/technical APs. Among main products, those provided through the NHIS had lower unmet need (26.4%) than through alternative providers (63.1%), though satisfaction rates were similar (p < .001). Conclusions: The Korean survey findings align with global averages calculated in the Global Report on Assistive Technology. Low reported needs for certain APs may reflect low awareness about how these products could benefit users, emphasizing the importance of data collection at each stage of the AP provision process. Recommendations to expand access to APs are given for people, personnel, provision, products, and policy

    Assistive technology access in longitudinal datasets: a global review

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    Functional limitations become more prevalent as populations age, emphasising an increasingly urgent need for assistive technology (AT). Critical to meeting this need trajectory is understanding AT access in older ages. Yet few publications examine this from a longitudinal perspective. This review aims to identify and collate what data exist globally, seeking all population-based cohorts and repeated cross-sectional surveys through the Maelstrom Research Catalogue (searched May 10, 2022) and the Disability Data Report (published 2022), respectively. Datasets incorporating functional limitations modules and question(s) dedicated to AT, with a wave of data collection since 2009, were included. Of 81 cohorts and 202 surveys identified, 47 and 62 meet inclusion criteria, respectively. Over 40% of cohorts were drawn from high-income countries which have already experienced significant population ageing. Cohorts often exclude participants based on pre-existing support needs. For surveys, Africa is the most represented region (40%). Globally, 73% of waves were conducted since 2016. 'Use' is the most collected AT access indicator (69% of cohorts and 85% of surveys). Glasses (78%) and hearing aids (77%) are the most represented AT. While gaps in data coverage and representation are significant, collating existing datasets highlights current opportunities for analyses and methods for improving data collection across the sector

    Harmonising Assistive Technology Assessment Data: A Case Study in Nepal

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    There is a practical demand to maximise existing data to understand and meet the assistive technology (AT) needs in dynamic populations. Harmonisation can generate new insight by integrating multiple datasets that were not previously comparable into a single longitudinal dataset. We harmonised AT assessment data from three population-based surveys collected several years apart in Nepal: the Living Conditions of Persons with Disabilities (2014-2015), the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (2019), and the rapid Assistive Technology Assessment (2022). The harmonised dataset demonstrates a method that can be used for unifying AT surveys in other settings and conducting trend analyses that are necessary for monitoring a population's dynamic AT needs. We set out to explore AT data's potential for harmonisation, and learned there is indeed value in this approach for situating disparate datasets, though the methodology proposed will need further validation

    Assistive technology access in longitudinal datasets: a global review

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    Functional limitations become more prevalent as populations age, emphasising an increasingly urgent need for assistive technology (AT). Critical to meeting this need trajectory is understanding AT access in older ages. Yet few publications examine this from a longitudinal perspective. This review aims to identify and collate what data exist globally, seeking all population-based cohorts and repeated cross-sectional surveys through the Maelstrom Research Catalogue (searched May 10, 2022) and the Disability Data Report (published 2022), respectively. Datasets incorporating functional limitations modules and question(s) dedicated to AT, with a wave of data collection since 2009, were included. Of 81 cohorts and 202 surveys identified, 47 and 62 meet inclusion criteria, respectively. Over 40% of cohorts were drawn from high-income countries which have already experienced significant population ageing. Cohorts often exclude participants based on pre-existing support needs. For surveys, Africa is the most represented region (40%). Globally, 73% of waves were conducted since 2016. 'Use' is the most collected AT access indicator (69% of cohorts and 85% of surveys). Glasses (78%) and hearing aids (77%) are the most represented AT. While gaps in data coverage and representation are significant, collating existing datasets highlights current opportunities for analyses and methods for improving data collection across the sector

    Responding to the coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic with innovative data use: The role of data challenges

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    Innovative, responsible data use is a critical need in the global response to the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Yet potentially impactful data are often unavailable to those who could utilize it, particularly in data-poor settings, posing a serious barrier to effective pandemic mitigation. Data challenges, a public call-to-action for innovative data use projects, can identify and address these specific barriers. To understand gaps and progress relevant to effective data use in this context, this study thematically analyses three sets of qualitative data focused on/based in low/middle-income countries: (a) a survey of innovators responding to a data challenge, (b) a survey of organizers of data challenges, and (c) a focus group discussion with professionals using COVID-19 data for evidence-based decision-making. Data quality and accessibility and human resources/institutional capacity were frequently reported limitations to effective data use among innovators. New fit-for-purpose tools and the expansion of partnerships were the most frequently noted areas of progress. Discussion participants identified building capacity for external/national actors to understand the needs of local communities can address a lack of partnerships while de-siloing information. A synthesis of themes demonstrated that gaps, progress, and needs commonly identified by these groups are relevant beyond COVID-19, highlighting the importance of a healthy data ecosystem to address emerging threats. This is supported by data holders prioritizing the availability and accessibility of their data without causing harm; funders and policymakers committed to integrating innovations with existing physical, data, and policy infrastructure; and innovators designing sustainable, multi-use solutions based on principles of good data governance

    Seeking information about assistive technology: Exploring current practices, challenges, and the need for smarter systems

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    Ninety percent of the 1.2 billion people who need assistive technology (AT) do not have access. Information seeking practices directly impact the ability of AT producers, procurers, and providers (AT professionals) to match a user's needs with appropriate AT, yet the AT marketplace is interdisciplinary and fragmented, complicating information seeking. We explored common limitations experienced by AT professionals when searching information to develop solutions for a diversity of users with multi-faceted needs. Through Template Analysis of 22 expert interviews, we find current search engines do not yield the necessary information, or appropriately tailor search results, impacting individuals’ awareness of products and subsequently their availability and the overall effectiveness of AT provision. We present value-based design implications to improve functionality of future AT-information seeking platforms, through incorporating smarter systems to support decision-making and need-matching whilst ensuring ethical standards for disability fairness remain

    Estimating need and coverage for five priority assistive products: a systematic review of global population-based research.

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    INTRODUCTION: To improve access to assistive products (APs) globally, data must be available to inform evidence-based decision-making, policy development and evaluation, and market-shaping interventions. METHODS: This systematic review was undertaken to identify studies presenting population-based estimates of need and coverage for five APs (hearing aids, limb prostheses, wheelchairs, glasses and personal digital assistants) grouped by four functional domains (hearing, mobility, vision and cognition). RESULTS: Data including 656 AP access indicators were extracted from 207 studies, most of which (n=199, 96%) were cross-sectional, either collecting primary (n=167) or using secondary (n=32) data. There was considerable heterogeneity in assessment approaches used and how AP indicators were reported; over half (n=110) used a combination of clinical and self-reported assessment data. Of 35 studies reporting AP use out of all people with functional difficulty in the corresponding functional domains, the proportions ranged from 4.5% to 47.0% for hearing aids, from 0.9% to 17.6% for mobility devices, and from 0.1% to 86.6% for near and distance glasses. Studies reporting AP need indicators demonstrated >60% unmet need for each of the five APs in most settings. CONCLUSION: Variation in definitions of indicators of AP access have likely led to overestimates/underestimates of need and coverage, particularly, where the relationship between functioning difficulty and the need for an AP is complex. This review demonstrates high unmet need for APs globally, due in part to disparate data across this sector, and emphasises the need to standardise AP data collection and reporting strategies to provide a comparable evidence base to improve access to APs

    A scoping review of digital fabrication techniques applied to prosthetics and orthotics: Part 1 of 2—Prosthetics

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    Background: Traditionally, the manufacture of prostheses is time-consuming and labor-intensive. One possible route to improving access and quality of these devices is the digitalizing of the fabrication process, which may reduce the burden of manual labor and bring the potential for automation that could help unblock access to assistive technologies globally. Objectives: To identify where there are gaps in the literature that are creating barriers to decision-making on either appropriate uptake by clinical teams or on the needed next steps in research that mean these technologies can continue on a pathway to maturity. Study design: Scoping literature review. Methods: A comprehensive search was completed in the following databases: Allied and Complementary Medicine Database, MEDLINE, Embase, Global Health Archive, CINAHL Plus, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Association for Computing Machinery, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and Engineering Village, resulting in 3487 articles to be screened. Results: After screening, 130 lower limb prosthetic articles and 117 upper limb prosthetic articles were included in this review. Multiple limitations in the literature were identified, particularly a lack of long-term, larger-scale studies; research into the training requirements for these technologies and the necessary rectification processes; and a high range of variance of production workflows and materials which makes drawing conclusions difficult. Conclusions: These limitations create a barrier to adequate evidence-based decision-making for clinicians, technology developers, and wider policymakers. Increased collaboration between academia, industry, and clinical teams across more of the pathway to market for new technologies could be a route to addressing these gaps

    Measuring assistive technology supply and demand: A scoping review.

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    The supply of and market demand for assistive products (APs) are complex and influenced by diverse stakeholders. The methods used to collect AP population-level market data are similarly varied. In this paper, we review current population-level AP supply and demand estimation methods for five priority APs and provide recommendations for improving national and global AP market evaluation.Abstracts resulting from a systematic search were double-screened. Extracted data include WHO world region, publication year, age-groups, AP domain(s), study method, and individual assessment approach.497 records were identified. Vision-related APs comprised 65% (n = 321 studies) of the body of literature; hearing (n = 59), mobility (n = 24), cognitive (n = 2), and studies measuring multiple domains (n = 92) were proportionately underrepresented. To assess individual AP need, 4 unique approaches were identified among 392 abstracts; 45% (n = 177) used self-report and 84% (n = 334) used clinical evaluation. Study methods were categorized among 431 abstracts; Cross-sectional studies (n = 312, 72%) and secondary analyses of cross-sectional data (n = 61, 14%) were most common. Case studies illustrating all methods are provided.Employing approaches and methods in the contexts where they are most well-suited to generate standardized AP indicators will be critical to further develop comparable population-level research informing supply and demand, ultimately expanding sustainable access to APs