331 research outputs found

    Ideal triangulations and geometric transitions

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    Thurston introduced a technique for finding and deforming three-dimensional hyperbolic structures by gluing together ideal tetrahedra. We generalize this technique to study families of geometric structures that transition from hyperbolic to anti de Sitter (AdS) geometry. Our approach involves solving Thurston's gluing equations over several different shape parameter algebras. In the case of a punctured torus bundle with Anosov monodromy, we identify two components of real solutions for which there are always nearby positively oriented solutions over both the complex and pseudo-complex numbers. These complex and pseudo-complex solutions define hyperbolic and AdS structures that, after coordinate change in the projective model, may be arranged into one continuous family of real projective structures. We also study the rigidity properties of certain AdS structures with tachyon singularities.Comment: 44 pages, 15 figures, typos corrected, minor expositional changes, accepted for publication in the Journal of Topolog

    Convex cocompact actions in real projective geometry

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    We study a notion of convex cocompactness for (not necessarily irreducible) discrete subgroups of the projective general linear group acting on real projective space, and give various characterizations. A convex cocompact group in this sense need not be word hyperbolic, but we show that it still has some of the good properties of classical convex cocompact subgroups in rank-one Lie groups. Extending our earlier work arXiv:1701.09136 from the context of projective orthogonal groups, we show that for word hyperbolic groups preserving a properly convex open set in projective space, the above general notion of convex cocompactness is equivalent to a stronger convex cocompactness condition studied by Crampon-Marquis, and also to the condition that the natural inclusion be a projective Anosov representation. We investigate examples.Comment: 77 pages, 6 figures. Added appendix. Removed section on Anosov right-angled reflection groups, which will appear as a separate pape

    Limits of geometries

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    A geometric transition is a continuous path of geometric structures that changes type, meaning that the model geometry, i.e. the homogeneous space on which the structures are modeled, abruptly changes. In order to rigorously study transitions, one must define a notion of geometric limit at the level of homogeneous spaces, describing the basic process by which one homogeneous geometry may transform into another. We develop a general framework to describe transitions in the context that both geometries involved are represented as sub-geometries of a larger ambient geometry. Specializing to the setting of real projective geometry, we classify the geometric limits of any sub-geometry whose structure group is a symmetric subgroup of the projective general linear group. As an application, we classify all limits of three-dimensional hyperbolic geometry inside of projective geometry, finding Euclidean, Nil, and Sol geometry among the limits. We prove, however, that the other Thurston geometries, in particular H2×R\mathbb{H}^2 \times \mathbb{R} and SL⁡2R~\widetilde{\operatorname{SL}_2 \mathbb{R}}, do not embed in any limit of hyperbolic geometry in this sense.Comment: 40 pages, 2 figures. new in v2: figure 2 added, minor edits to Sections 1,2,

    Higher signature Delaunay decompositions

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    A Delaunay decomposition is a cell decomposition in R^d for which each cell is inscribed in a Euclidean ball which is empty of all other vertices. This article introduces a generalization of the Delaunay decomposition in which the Euclidean balls in the empty ball condition are replaced by other families of regions bounded by certain quadratic hypersurfaces. This generalized notion is adaptable to geometric contexts in which the natural space from which the point set is sampled is not Euclidean, but rather some other flat semi-Riemannian geometry, possibly with degenerate directions. We prove the existence and uniqueness of the decomposition and discuss some of its basic properties. In the case of dimension d = 2, we study the extent to which some of the well-known optimality properties of the Euclidean Delaunay triangulation generalize to the higher signature setting. In particular, we describe a higher signature generalization of a well-known description of Delaunay decompositions in terms of the intersection angles between the circumscribed circles.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure
