324 research outputs found

    Spazi di giustizia

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    La citt\ue0 come luogo di produzione di giustizia/ingiustizia. (si tratta di articolo su sito WEB

    La religione nello spazio pubblico. Prender forma di spazi. Una riflessione filosofica

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    Il contributo, che si colloca nel panorama del dibattito filosofico-teologico, porta in esso in modo originale le riflessioni di teoria della giustizia, in particolare declinandole secondo la dimensione della spazialit\ue0 e arrivando quindi a discutere nodi teorici del nesso "spazialit\ue0" e "religioni"

    Per la coscienza di luogo

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    This essay proposes a reflection on the dimension of human beings\u2019 allocation, which is considered as constitutive, and shows the fecundity of a way of being in the world capable of \u201cconsciousness of place.\u201d On the one hand, following up on the criticism of some interpretations of \u201cplace\u201d that understand it as a closed, defined, and consistent entity, the author pursues a different understanding within the phenomenological-hermeneutic play that relates limit and transgression. On the other hand, the author indicates how a consideration of the human being as \u201cdweller,\u201d that is, as the entity that has an essential familiarity with place, does not preclude the possibility of thinking the human ability for transcendence; such a consideration even enables authentically transgressive practices insofar as they are capable of standing within the bond from which they set out

    La comunitĂ  che ha luogo

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    Il contributo cerca di mostrare quanto sia importante la dimensione del luogo per l'esistere di comunitĂ , anche al tempo della rete, e come questo non debba condurre ad indulgere a forme di chiuso tribalism

    Human Dwelling: A Philosophical Question Concerning Place and Space

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    Il contributo vuole mettere in luce che l'allocazione \ue8 per l'essere umano un trascendentale. A questo proposito si avvale di un approccio fenomenologico-ermeneutico

    Molecular and Coarse-Grained Modeling to Characterize and Optimize Dendrimer-Based Nanocarriers for Short Interfering RNA Delivery

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    Dendrimer nanocarriers are unique hyper-branched polymers with biomolecule-like properties, representing a promising prospect as a nucleic acid delivery system. The design of effective dendrimer-based gene carriers requires considering several parameters, such as carrier morphology, size, molecular weight, surface chemistry, and flexibility/rigidity. In detail, the rational design of the dendrimer surface chemistry has been ascertained to play a crucial role on the efficiency of interaction with nucleic acids. Within this framework, advances in the field of organic chemistry have allowed us to design dendrimers with even small difference in the chemical structure of their surface terminals. In this study, we have selected two different cationic phosphorus dendrimers of generation 3 functionalized, respectively, with pyrrolidinium (DP) and morpholinium (DM) surface groups, which have demonstrated promising potential for short interfering RNA (siRNA) delivery. Despite DP and DM differing only for one atom in their chemical structure, in vitro and in vivo experiments have highlighted several differences between them in terms of siRNA complexation properties. In this context, we have employed coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation techniques to shed light on the supramolecular characteristics of dendrimer-siRNA complexation, the so-called dendriplex formations. Our data provide important information on self-assembly dynamics driven by surface chemistry and competition mechanisms

    Citt\ue0 e cittadinanza

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    Il testo si interroga su un tema classico della riflessione filosofico-politica: la citt\ue0, come forma di insediamento e modo di abitare dell'umano, oggi pi\uf9 che mai attuale in un contesto di crescente urbanizzazione della popolazione mondiale. Definendo la citt\ue0 uno lo 'stare insieme tra estranei' all'interno di configurazioni spaziali che assumono caratteri anche simbolici, si approfoniscono le ragioni di una critica al paradigma teorico dei diritti di cittadinanza, di cui pur si riconosce il passato emancipatorio.// The text examines a classic issue of political-philosophical thinking: the city as form of settlement and mode of human dwelling. Nowadays the theme has acquired an increasing relevance, in a context of growing urbanization of world population. By defining the city as a \u201ctogetherness among strangers\u201d within a spatial configuration that acquires also symbolic meanings, the text deepens the reasons for a criticism of the theoretical paradigm of citizenship rights, while recognizing its emancipative past

    Rappresentanza e democrazia deliberativa

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    Il contributo riflette sulle pratiche deliberative interrogando come esse vengano a qualificare la democrazia e la rappresentanza. Si tratta di prendere in considerazione situazioni complesse, non solo per il darsi di diverse concezioni e pratiche rispetto a che cosa debba intendersi quando si parla di democrazia, ma anche perch\ue9 si tratta di processi che, al di l\ue0 della possibilit\ue0 di rubricarli attraverso concettualit\ue0 e categorie pi\uf9 o meno consolidate, possono avvenire secondo finalit\ue0, prospettive e modalit\ue0 di attuazione anche molto diverse. Questo richiede perci\uf2 che si eserciti sempre anche una considerazione in contesto, che precisi condizioni di possibilit\ue0, obiettivi, soggetti coinvolti e possa rendere conto delle relative inclusioni ed esclusioni. Si tratta di evitare atteggiamenti ideologici, mentre si esige un continuo esercizio di rielaborazione teorica, di chiarificazione concettuale e riarticolazione riflessiva di questioni centrali per la democrazia

    Climate Change and Biodiversity in West Africa Sahel: A Review

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    Climate change has many effects on biodiversity. Few studies have focused on the consequences of climate change on biodiversity in West Africa Sahel which is one of the most sensitive regions to climate change. Thus, this study examined the different effects of climate change on biodiversity in West Africa Sahel to guide climate policies. The authors used Google Scholar, Mendeley, ResearchGate, Science-direct, and selected websites of institutions in West Africa and the Sahel for the literature review, with selected keywords in French and English via Boolean operators from 2000 to 2022. The results identified many manifestations of climate change such as drought, lightning, floods, high winds, heavy rains, diseases, extreme heat, and conflicts that affect living things in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in these regions. For example, 15,000 animals died in Niger and 26,000 in Mali due to flood-related events. In Burkina, 41 people died, 112 injured, and 12,378 households were left homeless in 13 regions. In Senegal, water stress in the basin is increasingly close to 5,800 m3 per person per year. Demographic pressure and planned irrigation projects along Niger and Senegal Rivers have resulted in a significant 25%- 60% decline in flows over the past 30 years, causing increasingly severe low flows, frequent interruptions in water flows, drying up of reservoirs and reduced water supply to cities. Rainwater harvesting, afforestation, soil fertility regeneration practices and crop diversification are some biodiversity restoration activities limiting climate change effects in the Sahelian countries of West Africa. These practices have contributed to strengthening the resilience of ecosystems in most of communities. However, priority should be given to policies that raise communities’ awareness on the importance of biodiversity conservation and take sustainable and innovative measures to deal with the consequences of floods, droughts, and heat waves, which are the most severe
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