8 research outputs found

    Resiliensi pelajar komunitas Kawruh Jiwa dalam menghadapi pandemi COVID-19

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    Excessive information about COVID-19 comes and goes, causing panic and psychological pressure. It takes awareness of reality and resilience in dealing with uncertain conditions. This study aimed to determine the resilience of the Kawruh Jiwa community students in facing a pandemic. The Phenomenology descriptive qualitative research method with data collection techniques using semi-structured interviews and literature review. The informants of this study were two people aged 51 and 45 years who were determined using a probability sampling technique. The data were analyzed thematically by understanding, analyzing and determining the aposterior coding theme. The results of this study reveal that the teachings of Kawruh Jiwa have a role of self-control when facing reality that is faced with mikir leres (think right), ngudari raribet (unravel commotion), mengenal rasa (recognize feelings), tatag (be steadfast) dan mawas diri (be vigilantly applied) by Kawruh Jiwa students can develop resilience when facing the COVID-19 pandemic.Simpang siur Informasi tentang COVID-19 menimbulkan kepanikan dan tekanan psikologis. Kesadaran terhadap realitas dan resiliensi penting dalam menghadapi situasi yang tidak menentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui resiliensi para pelajar komunitas Kawruh Jiwa dalam menghadapi pandemi. Metode penelitian kualitatif fenomenologi deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara semi terstruktur dan kajian literatur. Informan penelitian ini dua orang yang dengan usia 51 dan 45 tahun.  Data dianalisis secara tematik, dengan memahami, menganalisis dan menentukan tema coding apriori. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkap bahwa ajaran Kawruh Jiwa memiliki peran kontrol diri saat menghadapi realita yang dihadapi dengan cara mikir leres (berpikir benar), ngudari raribet (memecahkan masalah), mengenal rasa (mengenal rasa sendiri dan orang lain), tatag (tangguh) dan mawas diri (introspeksi diri) yang diterapkan oleh pelajar Kawruh Jiwa dapat mengembangkan resiliensi ketika menghadapi pandemi COVID-19

    Analisis Survei Kepuasan Masyarakat terhadap Pelayanan Publik Bidang Sosial di Kabupaten Jember

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     Public service is the right of every citizen that must be fulfilled because the state is obliged to provide a number of services to fulfill the basic rights of its citizens. One of the efforts to improve the quality of public services as contained in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 25 of 2000 concerning the National Development Program, all government agencies to conduct a survey on the community satisfaction index as a benchmark for assessing the level of service quality and the success of service delivery that has been implemented. done. This study aims to determine the level of satisfaction and performance of the Social Service for various types of services in the social sector based on the satisfaction index with the application of appropriate survey methods. In addition, this activity is also a way to take an inventory of various complaints and suggestions from the community. The survey results can be used as the basis for improving and improving the quality of services formulated in the follow-up plan or framework and policies by the Social Service. The study uses a quantitative approach and a qualitative approach. The quantitative approach uses the census method, while the qualitative approach uses in-depth interviews and observation methods. Respondents are people who receive public services in the social sector at the Social Service of Jember Regency. The variables used in the work of Compiling the Community Satisfaction Index (IKM) are the community's Perception and Expectation of the 9 elements of the community satisfaction index as stipulated in the PAN RB Ministerial Regulation Number 14 of 2017. The Community Satisfaction Index (IKM) value of total services the social sector in Jember Regency is 85.6 which is in category B with the quality of service performance is good

    Analisis penagaruh biaya promosi terhadap peningkatan penjualan pada penerbit paramadina

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    Pengaruh pajak hiburan terhadap anggaran pendapatan dan belanja daerah DKI Jakarta

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