2 research outputs found

    Engineered Toxins “Zymoxins” Are Activated by the HCV NS3 Protease by Removal of an Inhibitory Protein Domain

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    The synthesis of inactive enzyme precursors, also known as “zymogens,” serves as a mechanism for regulating the execution of selected catalytic activities in a desirable time and/or site. Zymogens are usually activated by proteolytic cleavage. Many viruses encode proteases that execute key proteolytic steps of the viral life cycle. Here, we describe a proof of concept for a therapeutic approach to fighting viral infections through eradication of virally infected cells exclusively, thus limiting virus production and spread. Using the hepatitis C virus (HCV) as a model, we designed two HCV NS3 protease-activated “zymogenized” chimeric toxins (which we denote “zymoxins”). In these recombinant constructs, the bacterial and plant toxins diphtheria toxin A (DTA) and Ricin A chain (RTA), respectively, were fused to rationally designed inhibitor peptides/domains via an HCV NS3 protease-cleavable linker. The above toxins were then fused to the binding and translocation domains of Pseudomonas exotoxin A in order to enable translocation into the mammalian cells cytoplasm. We show that these toxins exhibit NS3 cleavage dependent increase in enzymatic activity upon NS3 protease cleavage in vitro. Moreover, a higher level of cytotoxicity was observed when zymoxins were applied to NS3 expressing cells or to HCV infected cells, demonstrating a potential therapeutic window. The increase in toxin activity correlated with NS3 protease activity in the treated cells, thus the therapeutic window was larger in cells expressing recombinant NS3 than in HCV infected cells. This suggests that the “zymoxin” approach may be most appropriate for application to life-threatening acute infections where much higher levels of the activating protease would be expected

    Design Principles for Bispecific IgGs, Opportunities and Pitfalls of Artificial Disulfide Bonds

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    Bispecific antibodies (bsAbs) are antibodies with two binding sites directed at different antigens, enabling therapeutic strategies not achievable with conventional monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Since bispecific antibodies are regarded as promising therapeutic agents, many different bispecific design modalities have been evaluated, but as many of them are small recombinant fragments, their utility could be limited. For some therapeutic applications, full-size IgGs may be the optimal format. Two challenges should be met to make bispecific IgGs; one is that each heavy chain will only pair with the heavy chain of the second specificity and that homodimerization be prevented. The second is that each heavy chain will only pair with the light chain of its own specificity and not with the light chain of the second specificity. The first solution to the first criterion (knobs into holes, KIH) was presented in 1996 by Paul Carter’s group from Genentech. Additional solutions were presented later on. However, until recently, out of >120 published bsAb formats, only a handful of solutions for the second criterion that make it possible to produce a bispecific IgG by a single expressing cell were suggested. We present a solution for the second challenge—correct pairing of heavy and light chains of bispecific IgGs; an engineered (artificial) disulfide bond between the antibodies’ variable domains that asymmetrically replaces the natural disulfide bond between CH1 and CL. We name antibodies produced according to this design “BIClonals”. Bispecific IgGs where the artificial disulfide bond is placed in the CH1-CL interface are also presented. Briefly, we found that an artificial disulfide bond between VH position 44 to VL position 100 provides for effective and correct H–L chain pairing while also preventing the formation of wrong H–L chain pairs. When the artificial disulfide bond links the CH1 with the CL domain, effective H–L chain pairing also occurs, but in some cases, wrong H–L pairing is not totally prevented. We conclude that H–L chain pairing seems to be driven by VH–VL interfacial interactions that differ between different antibodies, hence, there is no single optimal solution for effective and precise assembly of bispecific IgGs, making it necessary to carefully evaluate the optimal solution for each new antibody