16 research outputs found

    Effectiveness and characteristics of a new technology to reduce ammonia, carbon dioxide, and particulate matter pollution in poultry production with artificial turf floor

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    Ammonia (NH3), carbon dioxide (CO2), and particulate matter (PM) are three major aerial pollutants that threaten the health of workers and animals in poultry production. An experiment was conducted in four laying hen rooms, with 735 to 740 hens per room, to study a new technology using artificial turf (AstroTurf®) floor for mitigation of the three pollutants. Air was sampled at three locations in each room to measure ammonia and carbon dioxide concentrations with an Innova 1412 multi-gas monitor for 83 days. Particulate matter was measured at one location at bird height in each room using a Dylos DC1700 Air Quality Monitor for 35 days. Ventilation rates in all rooms were monitored with RM Young anemometers. Compared with two wood shavings rooms, the two artificial turf rooms significantly (p\u3c0.01) reduced concentrations of ammonia by 51.0%, carbon dioxide by 13.5%, small particles by 77.5%, and large particles by 83.6%. They also significantly (p\u3c0.01) reduced ammonia and carbon dioxide emission rates by 38.4% and 8.3%, respectively. The artificial turf rooms’ lower ammonia concentrations and emissions were a result of lower manure pH. The artificial turf rooms also retained more nitrogen in manure. Lower carbon dioxide concentrations and emissions were partially attributed to less carbon dioxide released from manure. Lower PM concentrations were related to reduced PM sources on floor surfaces. Artificial turf rooms had smaller in-room ammonia and carbon dioxide concentration gradients. Artificial turf is a promising new technology to improve indoor air quality in and reduce pollutant emissions from poultry production

    Application of open field, tonic immobility, and attention bias tests to hens with different ranging patterns

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    Assessment of negative affective states is a key component of animal welfare research. In laying hens, excessive fearfulness results in reduced production and increased sensitivity to stress. Fearfulness can be defined as a response to a known threat, but anxiety is a response to an unknown threat and may have similar negative consequences. The open field test and tonic immobility test are commonly applied to measure fearfulness in laying hens. An attention bias test that measured individual hen’s responses to playback of a conspecific alarm call in the presence of food was recently pharmacologically validated using an anxiogenic drug but was confounded by the hen’s typical motionless response in a novel environment. The current study used 56-week old free-range layers to further assess the validity of an attention bias test to differentiate ranging treatment groups in comparison with the open field and tonic immobility tests. The selected hens varied in their range use patterns as tracked by radio-frequency identification technology. ‘Indoor’ hens did not access the range and ‘outdoor’ hens ranged daily; previous research has confirmed higher fearfulness in hens that remain indoors. The tonic immobility test did not differentiate ranging groups (P = 0.34), but indoor birds were slower to first step (P = 0.03) and stepped less (P = 0.02) in the open field test. The attention bias test occurred in an isolated wooden box using a conspecific alarm call playback (a threat) and mixed grain (a positive stimulus). The behavioural response of latency to resume eating following playback of the alarm call was measured to differentiate the anxiety states of the indoor and outdoor ranging birds. Before the attention bias test could occur, birds had to be habituated to the test box across three separate 5-minute sessions to increase the willingness to feed within the novel test environment. All birds ate faster across time (P < 0.001) but the indoor birds were slower to eat than the outdoor birds (P < 0.001). In this study, the latency to resume eating following an alarm call was determined to be a poor measure for highly anxious birds as they failed to eat at all. Forty-six percent of indoor hens were excluded for not eating across the 5-minute test. Of the birds that did eat, only 7% of indoor hens ate following playback of the alarm call, compared with 36% of outdoor hens. This repetition of an attention bias test for laying hens highlights the challenges in assessing hens with extreme fearful/anxious responses and that information may be missed when non-performing hens are excluded from behavioural tests. We suggest that latency to eat in a novel arena without any alarm call playback is an informative measure of anxious state that can be applied to all hens but consideration must be made of potential differences in food motivation

    Using Radio-Frequency Identification Technology to Measure Synchronised Ranging of Free-Range Laying Hens

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    Free-range laying hen systems provide individuals a choice between indoor and outdoor areas where range use may be socially influenced. This study used radio-frequency identification technology to track the ranging of individually-tagged hens housed in six experimental free-range pens from 28 to 38 weeks of age (46&#8315;50 hens/pen). All daily visits to the range were used to study group behaviour. Results showed that 67.6% (SD = 5.0%) of all hen movements through the pop-holes outdoors or indoors were following the movement of another hen (&#8216;pop-hole-following&#8217;) compared to only 50.5% of movements in simulated random data. The percentage overlap in time that all combinations of hen pairs within each pen spent simultaneously outdoors or indoors showed a median value of overlap greater than the 90th percentile of random data. Pens housing hens that had been provided variable enrichments from 4 to 21 days (n = 3 pens) showed higher &#8216;pop-hole-following&#8217; behaviour and a higher percentage of hen-pair association compared to hens reared in non-enriched conditions (n = 3 pens). These results show that birds in each free-range pen were primarily a cohesive flock and early enrichment improved this social cohesiveness. These results have implications for understanding free-range flock-level behaviour

    Minimal effects of ultraviolet light supplementation on egg production, egg and bone quality, and health during early lay of laying hens

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    Chicken vision is sensitive to ultraviolet (UV) light containing the UVA spectrum, while UVB plays a key role in the endogenous production of vitamin D3. However, commercially available light sources are typically deficient in the UV spectrum and thus may not adequately fulfill the lighting requirements of indoor-housed laying hens. We hypothesized that supplementary UVB light may improve egg production and egg quality, and bone health during early lay relative to UVA supplementation or standard control lighting. To investigate the effects of UV light supplementation, an experiment was conducted on 252 ISA Brown hens during 16 to 27 weeks of age. Birds were housed in eighteen pens (14 hens/pen) under three different light treatment groups each with six replications: (i) UVO: standard control lighting with LED white light, (ii) UVA: control lighting plus supplemental daylight with an avian bulb, and (iii) UVA/B: control lighting plus a supplemental full spectrum reptile bulb containing both UVA and UVB wavelengths. Hen-day egg production and egg quality, blood parameters including plasma Ca and P, and serum 25(OH)D3, and hen body weight and external health scoring were measured at different age points; while bone quality was assessed at the end of the experiment at 27 weeks. Data were analyzed in JMP® 16.0 using general linear mixed models with α level set at 0.05. Results showed that UVA and UVA/B supplemented birds reached sexual maturity (50% production) 3 and 1 day earlier, respectively, than control birds. There was a trend for UV lights to increase hen-day egg production (P = 0.06). Among egg quality traits, only eggshell reflectivity and yolk index were affected by UV lights (P = 0.02 and 0.01, respectively); however, most of the egg quality traits changed over age (all P  0.05). A significant interaction was observed between light treatment and age for the number of comb wounds (P = 0.0004), with the UV supplemented hens showing more comb wounds after 24 weeks. These results demonstrated that supplemental UVA/B light had minimal effects on egg production and egg quality, whereas, UVA/B exposure may increase vitamin D3 synthesis during the early laying period. The optimum duration of exposure and level of intensity needs to be determined to ensure these benefits

    The influence of pharmacologically-induced affective states on attention bias in sheep

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    When an individual attends to certain types of information more than others, the behavior is termed an attention bias. The occurrence of attention biases in humans and animals can depend on their affective states. Based on evidence from the human literature and prior studies in sheep, we hypothesized that an attention bias test could discriminate between pharmacologically-induced positive and negative affective states in sheep. The test measured allocation of attention between a threat and a positive stimulus using key measures of looking time and vigilance. Eighty 7-year-old Merino ewes were allocated to one of four treatment groups; Anxious (m-chlorophenylpiperazine), Calm (diazepam), Happy (morphine) and Control (saline). Drugs were administered 30 min prior to attention bias testing. The test was conducted in a 4 × 4.2 m arena with high opaque walls. An approximately life-size photograph of a sheep was positioned on one wall of the arena (positive stimulus). A small window with a retractable opaque cover was positioned on the opposite wall, behind which a dog was standing quietly (threat). The dog was visible for 3 s after a single sheep entered the arena, then the window was covered and the dog was removed. Sheep then remained in the arena for 3 min while behaviors were recorded. Key behaviors included time looking toward the dog wall or photo wall, duration of vigilance behavior and latency to become non-vigilant. In contrast with our hypothesis, no significant differences were found between treatment groups for duration of vigilance or looking behaviors, although Anxious sheep tended to be more vigilant than Control animals (P < 0.1) and had a longer latency to become non-vigilant (P < 0.001). A total of 24 of 80 animals were vigilant for the entire test duration. This censoring of data may explain why no differences were detected between groups for vigilance duration. Overall, a lack of difference between groups may suggest the test cannot discriminate positive and negative states in sheep. We suggest that the censoring of vigilance duration data, the use of insufficient drug doses, the potential influence of background noise and the age of the sheep may explain a lack of difference between groups. Due to these potential effects, it remains unclear whether the attention bias test can detect positive states in sheep

    Spatial Cognition and Range Use in Free-Range Laying Hens

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    Radio-frequency identification tracking shows individual free-range laying hens vary in range use, with some never going outdoors. The range is typically more environmentally complex, requiring navigation to return to the indoor resources. Outdoor-preferring hens may have improved spatial abilities compared to indoor-preferring hens. Experiment 1 tested 32 adult ISA Brown hens in a T-maze learning task that showed exclusively-indoor birds were slowest to reach the learning success criterion (p &lt; 0.05). Experiment 2 tested 117 pullets from enriched or non-enriched early rearing treatments (1 pen replicate per treatment) in the same maze at 15–16 or 17–18 weeks. Enriched birds reached learning success criterion faster at 15–16 weeks (p &lt; 0.05) but not at 17–18 weeks (p &gt; 0.05), the age that coincided with the onset of lay. Enriched birds that were faster to learn the maze task showed more range visits in the first 4 weeks of range access. Enriched and non-enriched birds showed no differences in telencephalon or hippocampal volume (p &gt; 0.05). Fear may reduce spatial abilities but further testing with more pen replicates per early rearing treatments would improve our understanding of the relationship between spatial cognitive abilities and range use

    An attention bias test to assess anxiety states in laying hens

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    Fear is a response to a known threat, anxiety is a response to a perceived threat. Both of these affective states can be detrimental to animal welfare in modern housing environments. In comparison to the well-validated tests for assessing fear in laying hens, tests for measuring anxiety are less developed. Perception of a threat can result in an attention bias that may indicate anxious affective states in individual hens following playback of an alarm call. In Experiment 1, an attention bias test was applied to hens that differed in their range access to show that hens that never ranged were more vigilant (stretching of the neck and looking around: P < 0.001) and slower to feed following the second alarm call playback (P = 0.01) compared with hens that ranged daily. All hens showed a reduction in comb temperature following the first alarm call (P < 0.001). In Experiment 2, an open field test was used to determine an effective dose of 2 mg/kg for the anxiogenic drug meta-Chlorophenylpiperazine (m-CPP) in adult laying hens. Hens dosed with 2 mg/kg showed reduced locomotion compared with a saline solution (P < 0.05). In Experiment 3, 2 mg/kg m-CPP or saline was administered to adult hens previously habituated to the open field arena to pharmacologically validate an attention bias test as a measure of anxiety. Hens dosed with m-CPP were slower to feed (P = 0.02) and faster to vocalize following a second alarm call playback (P = 0.03) but these hens did not exhibit the same vigilance behavior as documented in Experiment 1. The m-CPP hens also spent more time stepping and vocalizing (both P < 0.001) than the saline hens. An attention bias test could be used to assess anxiety. However, behavioral responses of hens may vary depending on their age or test environment familiarity, thus further refinement of the test is required. In these tests, 2 mg/kg of m-CPP resulted in motionless behavior when the environment was novel, but more movement and vocalizing when the environment was familiar. The extreme behavioral phenotypes exhibited by individually-tested birds may both be indicators of negative states

    Impact of on-range choice feeding with black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) on flock performance, egg quality, and range use of free-range laying hens

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    Semi-intensive free-range farm systems are common in Australia, and these systems frequently practise on-range feeding. The objective of this study was to investigate the benefit of on-range choice feeding on flock performance, egg quality, and range use of free-range laying hens using black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens, BSF). A total of 160 mature ISA brown laying hens, previously determined to range daily, were allocated to a control group (control) or a treatment group (BSF) with various replicates depending on the parameter investigated. All hens were fed ad libitum indoors with a wheat-soy based diet formulated according to breed requirements. Black soldier fly hens were offered dried BSF larvae ad libitum on the range. Body weight, feed intake, BSF intake, egg production, feed conversion ratio, internal and external egg quality parameters, and individual range use using radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology was evaluated. Black soldier fly hens consumed on average 15 ± 1.7 g BSF larvae/hen per day. There were no differences between BSF and control hens for any of the performance parameters obtained (P > 0.05). Egg weight, shell weight, and shell thickness of eggs from BSF hens were significantly lower (P = 0.003, P = 0.001, and P = 0.004, respectively) than those of eggs from control hens. Egg yolk colour was significantly paler in eggs from BSF hens (P  0.05) except for BSF hens showing longer total maximum time for a single visit to the range (P = 0.011). In conclusion, the average intake of BSF larvae indicated a good level of acceptance. Feed formulation should be adjusted for the intake of the choice fed source. The impact of choice-feeding on range use was minor. Keywords: Behaviour, Chicken, Insect protein, Nutrition, Poultry, Radio-frequency identificatio