4 research outputs found

    Landscape condition influences energetics, reproduction, and stress biomarkers in grizzly bears

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    Abstract Environmental change has been shown to influence mammalian distribution, habitat use, and behavior; however, few studies have investigated the impact on physiological function. This study aimed to determine the influence of landscape condition on the expression of target proteins related to energetics, reproduction, and stress in grizzly bears. We hypothesized that changes in landscape condition explains protein expression. Skin biopsies were collected from free-ranging grizzly bears in Alberta, Canada from 2013–2019 (n = 86 individuals). We used an information theoretic approach to develop 11 a priori candidate generalized linear mixed models to explain protein expression. We compared models using Akaike Information Criteria (AICc) weights and averaged models with ΔAICc < 2 for each protein. Food resources, represented by increased distance to coal mines and decreased crown closure, positively influenced energetic proteins (adiponectin and alpha-1-acid glycoprotein). Proteins related to reproduction (ceruloplasmin and serpin B5) were positively associated with increased wetland and upland food resources in addition to movement, but negatively associated with increased distance to roads. One stress related protein, complement C3, was positively influenced by increased percent conifer. Given the need to detect emerging threats to wildlife, we suggest the assessment of physiological function will lead to improved monitoring of species in rapidly changing landscapes

    Unlocking the Potential of High-Throughput Experimentation for Electrochemistry with a Standardized Microscale Reactor

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    Organic electrochemistry has emerged as an enabling and sustainable technology in modern organic synthesis. Despite the recent renaissance of electrosynthesis, the broad adoption of electrochemistry in the synthetic community and, especially in industrial settings, has been hindered by the dearth of general, standardized platforms for high-throughput experimentation (HTE). Herein, we disclose the design of the HTe-Chem, a high-throughput microscale electrochemical reactor that is compatible with existing HTE infrastructure, and enables rapid evaluation of a broad array of electrochemical reaction parameters. Utilizing the HTe-Chem to accelerate reaction optimization, reaction discovery, and chemical library synthesis is illustrated using a suite of oxidative and reductive transformations under constant current, constant voltage, and electrophotochemical conditions

    Elucidating the role of the gut microbiota in the physiological effects of dietary fiber.

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    Dietary fiber is an integral part of a healthy diet, but questions remain about the mechanisms that underlie effects and the causal contributions of the gut microbiota. Here, we performed a 6-week exploratory trial in adults with excess weight (BMI: 25-35 kg/m) to compare the effects of a high-dose (females: 25 g/day; males: 35 g/day) supplement of fermentable corn bran arabinoxylan (AX; n = 15) with that of microbiota-non-accessible microcrystalline cellulose (MCC; n = 16). Obesity-related surrogate endpoints and biomarkers of host-microbiome interactions implicated in the pathophysiology of obesity (trimethylamine N-oxide, gut hormones, cytokines, and measures of intestinal barrier integrity) were assessed. We then determined whether clinical outcomes could be predicted by fecal microbiota features or mechanistic biomarkers. AX enhanced satiety after a meal and decreased homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), while MCC reduced tumor necrosis factor-α and fecal calprotectin. Machine learning models determined that effects on satiety could be predicted by fecal bacterial taxa that utilized AX, as identified by bioorthogonal non-canonical amino acid tagging. Reductions in HOMA-IR and calprotectin were associated with shifts in fecal bile acids, but correlations were negative, suggesting that the benefits of fiber may not be mediated by their effects on bile acid pools. Biomarkers of host-microbiome interactions often linked to bacterial metabolites derived from fiber fermentation (short-chain fatty acids) were not affected by AX supplementation when compared to non-accessible MCC. This study demonstrates the efficacy of purified dietary fibers when used as supplements and suggests that satietogenic effects of AX may be linked to bacterial taxa that ferment the fiber or utilize breakdown products. Other effects are likely microbiome independent. The findings provide a basis for fiber-type specific therapeutic applications and their personalization. Clinicaltrials.gov, NCT02322112 , registered on July 3, 2015. Video Abstract