11 research outputs found

    Critical Review of Main Cosmogonic Theories

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    Big Bang theory postulates the red shift of light coming from distant galaxies is caused by the Doppler Effect.  Like Platos astronomy, Big Bang theory has to be continuously propped up by countless patches in order to deal with new observations.  Platos astronomy required countless epicycles within epicycles.  Big Bang requires patches such as dark energy, dark matter, cosmic inflation, accelerating expansion of the Universe and countless revisions of Hubbles constant.  In addition, this theory and the fundamental law of mass and energy conservation are mutually exclusive; according to Big Bank all energy and mass appeared suddenly out of nothing.  There are of course Big Bang versions that try not to contradict the conservation law.  Such theories postulate a multi-verse populated by an infinite number of Universes or an infinite number of Universe instances.  In other words, either the most basic law of physics or Occams razor must be rejected in the most outrageous manner possible because otherwise the Doppler Effect cannot be used to explain the cosmic red shift.  For these reasons, some astronomers promoted the stationary Universe theory and assumed that photons lose a significant amount of energy while traversing intergalactic distances and therefore suffer a red shift.  This assumption is the basis of all Tired Light theories.  According to Tired Light, photon energy loss is caused by collisions with other objects such as gas molecules or dust.  As a result, this theory was quickly dismissed, because this loss mechanism cannot explain the broadening of supernova spectra, the variable rate of photon frequency decay and the fact that the image of distant objects is not blurred.  Subsequently other versions of Tired Light theories were ignored because supposedly any other loss mechanism is not compatible with GTR field equations.  According to these equations, when the photon structure is ignored, the energy momentum-tensor of a photon moving freely through space is constant.   Experiments with laser beams show this conclusion is not exactly true.  Therefore even free photons actually lose some minute amount of energy.   What physical mechanism may explain this loss?  A simple experiment with a common object will immediately reveal this mechanism.  Internal interactions are the main mechanism responsible for the gradual dampening of spring oscillations and loss of energy, not collisions with other objects.   When damping of photon oscillations caused by internal friction is considered, a new version of Tired Light can be formulated; a version that is validated by all astronomic observations without recourse to any patches and without rejecting the law of energy and mass conservation or Occams razor

    Length Contraction with Speed Explained as a Relativistic Doppler Effect

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    In this paper the authors show that the mechanism of length contraction is simple and can be explained by the wave feature of body micro-components. From this point of view, the length contraction with speed perceived by a fixed observer is a Doppler relativistic effect

    Mass Increase with Speed Explained as a Relativistic Doppler Effect

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    In this paper the authors show that the mechanism of mass increase is simple and  can be explained by the wave feature of body micro-comps. From this point of view, the mass increase with speed perceived by a fixed observer is a Doppler relativistic effect

    An Explanation for the Equality between Inertia and Gravitational Mass

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    The mechanism causing the equality of inertia and gravitational mass of a body, which was demonstrated experimentally by Eotvos in 1909 is still unexplained although this equality is the basis of Einsteins General Theory of Relativity (GTR). Using consequences of GTR, this paper explains why the inertia mass is equally to the gravitational mass. The two masses are equal because the mechanism that produces the inertia Ëœforce of a body is the same with the 'mechanism' that produces the gravitational force of the same body

    Modern Mythology and Science

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    Space Technology for Reduction of Desert Areas on Earth and Weather Control

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    In precedent papers the authors presented the idea of a space system composed of two opposite parabolic mirrors (large and small) having the same focal point. This system is able to concentrate solar power in a strong light beam having irradiance of hundreds or thousands of times stronger than the solar irradiance on Earth's orbit. The system can be placed on a Sun synchronous orbit around the Earth or on the Earth’s orbit around the Sun at a distance of several hundred km from ground. When the concentrated light beam is directed toward the Earth surface it can locally melt, vaporize or decomposes tones of ground in its elements. This is happening because when the ground is hit by the light beam, ground temperature can reach thousands of degrees Celsius. At such temperatures the matter is decomposed into constitutive elements. For example, the silicate oxides which are frequently found in the composition of desert ground are decomposed into oxygen and silicon. Similarly, other oxides release oxygen and other type of oxides or constitutive elements. A network of deep and large channels can be dug in this way in hot deserts as Sahara. When these channels are connected with the seas & oceans, a network of water channels is created in those deserts. In this way, the local climate of deserts will change because channel water is vaporized during daytime when air temperature reaches 50ºC and condenses during nighttime when air temperature is around 0ºC. Presence of clouds over the hot deserts can lead to a reduction of ground temperature and rain follows. The channel water can be desalinized for producing drinking water and for irrigation using simple equipment. In addition to these advantages, channel deserts can be a solution for melting of polar ice calottes and flooding of seaside areas that are inhabited areas. On the other hand, the system composed of two opposite mirrors can be used for strength decreasing or deviation of hurricanes and tornados. The power of these meteorological phenomena increased in the last time due to global warming producing disasters of tens of billions of dollars. The hurricane is a thermal engine working in Carnot cycle. Due to this fact, although the difference between the cold source temperature (temperature of high atmosphere) and hot source temperature (temperature of ocean surface) is of only 100 °C, the thermal efficiency is ηt=0.333 leading to increasing of hurricane's total energy at extremely high levels. The cold source can be heated through vaporizing the system of clouds of hurricane formed in the high atmosphere by the concentrated light beam directed from space. In this way the energy of hurricane or tornado no longer increases and damages produced at ground level are limited. Another possibility is to vaporize locally the hurricane's eye-wall for its deviation far away of dense populated areas

    Passenger Spaceplanes and Airplanes that Have Variable Configuration for Sonic Boom Reduction

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    In the last time, the interest for passenger space plane, supersonic passenger aircraft and supersonic business jets is increasing. For reducing sonic boom effects at ground level, some companies proposed airplanes having fuselage with small traversal section or having curved fuselage. This paper presents a new practical method for exciting vibrations in the leading edge of wing, tail and airplane's nose surfaces in order to scatter the shock wave and to reduce the sonic boom impact at ground level. The leading edges of wing, tail and airplane nose are covered with thin elastic fairings made of carbon fiber composite material which are separated through small gaps by the adjacent surfaces of wing, tail and nose. When the aircraft flies over populated areas, compressed air bleed from the engine compressors excites the vibration of carbon fiber fairings. The air is released through calibrated nozzles and directly impinges on the fairing surface generating their vibration. Thus, the shock waves are scattered and the impact of sonic boom on ground is much reduced

    A Thermal-Solar System for De-Orbiting of Space Debris

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    This paper presents a system for removal of space debris, which can be placed on geocentric, heliocentric or Sun-synchronous orbit. The system is composed of two parabolic mirrors, a large one and a small one. The concave face of the large parabolic mirror is oriented toward the concave face of the small parabolic mirror. Sunlight is focused by the large parabolic mirror in its focal point. Then, the light rays are reflected by the small parabolic mirror (which has the same focal point as the large parabolic mirror) and form parallel rays directed along the axis. A guide-tube having a honeycomb structure plated with gold is attached to the convex side of the large parabolic mirror within a spherical articulation. Elastic lens filled with liquid are placed at the end of this guide tube. The guide-tube is normally closed by a gold platted shutter. When the shutter is opened, the light coming from Sun is focused by lens in one focal point onto target debris. The high power of focused light locally vaporizes/ionizes the debris material. The thrust created in this way de-orbits the space debris pushing it toward the Earth surface

    Maximum Mixing Times of Methane and Air

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