3 research outputs found

    Karijes u djece u javnim vrtićima u Sarajevu, Bosna i Hercegovina

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    Objectives: Dental caries first occurs within primary dentition in toddlers and preschool children, in a form of early childhood caries (ECC). In every day’s busy and employment burdened parenting, caretakers and institutions have become important even more nowadays, not only for forming child general behavior and character, but also for maintenance of their general and oral health as well. Aims: To evaluate the presence and severity of ECC in children who attended public kindergartens in Sarajevo, and to offer basic information for the maintenance and improvement of child oral health to their parents and kindergarten teachers. Methods: The study included 1722 preschool children aged 3-6 years who attended kindergartens within Sarajevo public kindergarten institution, together with their parents and kindergarten teachers. Dental team members gradually visited all kindergartens situated in four Sarajevo city municipalities and examined kindergarten children according to the WHO Oral Health Survey Manual. Oral health promotion material for parents and kindergarten teachers was also distributed simultaneously during sequential visits. Results: ECC was present in preschool kindergarten children in Sarajevo, with its high prevalence (67.71%), dmft-value (3.97) and severity (SiC index 8.79). There was also a significant lack of dental healthcare to examined children mostly related to lack of visiting dental offices by children’s parents (CI=10.55%, RI=10.80%, TI=12.98%). Conclusion: Parental role in preserving and improving of their children oral health should be systematically and profoundly improved. Kindergarten officials and staff should recognize the importance of anticariogenic diet menus and oral hygiene maintenance within their institutions.Uvod: Prva pojava zubnog karijesa događa se u mliječnoj denticiji male i predškolske djece i to u obliku karijesa ranog djetinjstva (KRD). U današnjem užurbanom i opterećenom roditeljstvu, osobe i institucije koje čuvaju djecu postale su još važnije, ne samo zato što oblikuju opće ponašanje i karakter djeteta, nego i zato što održavaju njegovo opće i oralno zdravlje. Cilj: Željela se procijeniti prisutnost i težina KRD-a kod djece koja su pohađala javne vrtiće u Sarajevu te roditeljima i odgajateljima ponuditi osnovne informacije o održavanju i poboljšanju oralnoga zdravlja njihove djece. Metode: Istraživanjem su bila obuhvaćena 1722 djeteta predškolske dobi od 3 do 6 godina koja su pohađala vrtiće u sklopu javnih vrtićkih ustanova u Sarajevu zajedno sa svojim roditeljima i odgajateljima. Članovi stomatološkog tima postupno su posjećivali sve vrtiće u četirima gradskim općinama i pregledali djecu prema Priručniku za pregled oralnoga zdravlja Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije. Tijekom tih posjeta također su roditeljima i odgajateljima podijeljeni materijali za promicanje oralnoga zdravlja. Rezultati: KRD je pronađen kod djece u sarajevskim predškolskim ustanovama – prevalencija je bila visoka, čak 67,71%, kep-vrijednost iznosila je 3,97, a težina je imala SiC indeks od 8,79. Kod pregledane djece uočen je i znatan nedostatak dentalne zdravstvene zaštite, a uglavnom je bio povezan s neodlaskom roditelja s djecom u stomatološke ordinacije (CI = 10,55 %, RI = 10,80 %, TI = 12,98 %). Zaključak: Skrb roditelja za očuvanje i poboljšanje oralnoga zdravlja njihove djece potrebno je sustavno i temeljito unaprjeđivati. Službenici i osoblje vrtića trebali bi u svojim ustanovama prepoznati važnost antikariogenih dijetetskih jelovnika i održavanja oralne higijene

    Lesion sterilization and tissue repair (LSTR) method in irreversible dental pulp changes of primary teeth

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    Background/Aim: Deep carious lesions on primary teeth usually have been causing infectious dental pulp changes. If indicated, traditional endodontic root canal treatment for these kinds of pulpal infections in primary teeth usually should involve the performing of pulpectomy methods, but often with questionable prognosis. The lesion sterilization and tissue repair (LSTR) approach is one of the good endodontic therapeutic alternatives for affected primary teeth with a poor prognosis, which could otherwise be condemned to premature extraction. Aim was to evaluate the medium-term clinical success in everyday practice of the LSTR method applied in affected primary teeth with irreversible pulpal tissue infections by observation of reduction/absence of their clinical symptoms. Material and methods: The study sample included child patients who had one or more of their affected primary molars with irreversible pulpal tissue changes of poor prognosis treated with the LSTR method. For each patient whose primary molar tooth was endodontically treated with the LSTR method a clinical evaluation of treated tooth was performed at intervals of 1 and 12 months afterwards. Results: Study sample was consisted of 40 child patients aged 4 to 9 years, with 45 primary molars included in total. It was obvious that the symptoms related to affected sample teeth have already been decreased almost immediately after initial action of triple antibiotic paste. Final outcome after 12-months follow-up period was success of applied LSTR method in 43 (95.6%) affected sample teeth in a way that initial clinical symptoms completely decreased and disappeared. Conclusions: LSTR method has been shown as successful pulpotomy technique for noninstrumental endodontic approach in non-vital pulp treatment of primary molar teeth in a 12-months follow-up period

    Dental Caries Experience in Children in Public Kindergartens of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Objectives: Dental caries first occurs within primary dentition in toddlers and preschool children, in a form of early childhood caries (ECC). In every day’s busy and employment burdened parenting, caretakers and institutions have become important even more nowadays, not only for forming child general behavior and character, but also for maintenance of their general and oral health as well. Aims: To evaluate the presence and severity of ECC in children who attended public kindergartens in Sarajevo, and to offer basic information for the maintenance and improvement of child oral health to their parents and kindergarten teachers. Methods: The study included 1722 preschool children aged 3-6 years who attended kindergartens within Sarajevo public kindergarten institution, together with their parents and kindergarten teachers. Dental team members gradually visited all kindergartens situated in four Sarajevo city municipalities and examined kindergarten children according to the WHO Oral Health Survey Manual. Oral health promotion material for parents and kindergarten teachers was also distributed simultaneously during sequential visits. Results: ECC was present in preschool kindergarten children in Sarajevo, with its high prevalence (67.71%), dmft-value (3.97) and severity (SiC index 8.79). There was also a significant lack of dental healthcare to examined children mostly related to lack of visiting dental offices by children’s parents (CI=10.55%, RI=10.80%, TI=12.98%). Conclusion: Parental role in preserving and improving of their children oral health should be systematically and profoundly improved. Kindergarten officials and staff should recognize the importance of anticariogenic diet menus and oral hygiene maintenance within their institutions