156 research outputs found

    Mixing in Stratified Lakes and Reservoirs

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    Aquatic physics in inland water is a crucial subject for studying aquatic ecosystems. Transport and mixing are of tremendous importance for the pace at which chemical and biological processes develop. Recent observations allow to distinguish mixing and transport processes in stratified lakes and reservoirs. The surface and bottom boundary layer are turbulent while the lake interior remains comparatively quiescent

    Convection in Lakes

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    Lakes and other confined water bodies are not exposed to tides, and their wind forcing is usually much weaker compared to ocean basins and estuaries. Hence, convective processes are often the dominant drivers for shaping mixing and stratification structures in inland waters. Due to the diverse environments of lakes—defined by local morphological, geochemical, and meteorological conditions, among others—a fascinating variety of convective processes can develop with remarkably unique signatures. Whereas the classical cooling-induced and shear-induced convections are well-known phenomena due to their dominant roles in ocean basins, other convective processes are specific to lakes and often overlooked, for example, sidearm, under-ice, and double-diffusive convection or thermobaric instability and bioconvection. Additionally, the peculiar properties of the density function at low salinities/temperatures leave distinctive traces. In this review, we present these various processes and connect observations with theories and model results

    Development of overturning circulation in sloping waterbodies due to surface cooling

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    Cooling the surface of freshwater bodies, whose temperatures are above the temperature of maximum density, can generate differential cooling between shallow and deep regions. When surface cooling occurs over a long enough period, the thermally induced cross-shore pressure gradient may drive an overturning circulation, a phenomenon called 'thermal siphon'. However, the conditions under which this process begins are not yet fully characterised. Here, we examine the development of thermal siphons driven by a uniform loss of heat at the air-water interface in sloping, stratified basins. For a two-dimensional framework, we derive theoretical time and velocity scales associated with the transition from Rayleigh-Benard type convection to a horizontal overturning circulation across the shallower sloping basin. This transition is characterised by a three-way horizontal momentum balance, in which the cross-shore pressure gradient balances the inertial terms before reaching a quasi-steady regime. We performed numerical and field experiments to test and show the robustness of the analytical scaling, describe the convective regimes and quantify the cross-shore transport induced by thermal siphons. Our results are relevant for understanding the nearshore fluid dynamics induced by nighttime or seasonal surface cooling in lakes and reservoirs

    The imprint of primary production on high-frequency profiles of lake optical properties

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    Water inherent optical properties (IOPs) contain integrative information on the optical constituents of surface waters. In lakes, IOP measurements have not been traditionally collected. This study describes how high-frequency IOP profiles can be used to document short-term physical and biogeochemical processes that ultimately influence the long-term trajectory of lake ecosystems. Between October 2018 and May 2020, we collected 1373 high-resolution hyperspectral IOP profiles in the uppermost 50 m of the large mesotrophic Lake Geneva (Switzerland-France), using an autonomous profiler. A data set of this size and content does not exist for any other lake. Results showed seasonal variations in the IOPs, following the expected dynamic of phytoplankton. We found systematic diel patterns in the IOPs. Phases of these diel cycles were consistent year-round, and amplitudes correlated to the diurnal variations of dissolved oxygen, clarifying the link between IOPs and phytoplankton metabolism. Diel amplitudes were largest in spring and summer under low wind condition. Wind-driven changes in thermal stratification impacted the dynamic of the IOPs, illustrating the potential of high-frequency profiles of water optical properties to increase our understanding of carbon cycling in lake ecosystems

    A novel technique for experimental modal analysis of barotropic seiches for assessing lake energetics

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    In this study, the principles of operational modal analysis, through the Random Decrement Technique (RDT), currently used primarily in the analysis of high rise structures and in the aeronautical industry and not previously applied within the fields of limnology or ecology, are applied to barotropic seiches through the analysis of water level data for Lake Geneva, Switzerland, and Lake Tahoe, USA. Using this technique, the autocorrelation of the measurements is estimated using the RDT and modal analysis can then be carried out on this time-domain signal to estimate periods of the dominant surface seiches and the corresponding damping ratios. Provided within this dataset are a set of example MATLAB scripts for the application of the Random Decrement Technique to barotropic seiche analysis, alongside the water elevation data for Lake Geneva and Lake Tahoe used within "A novel technique for experimental modal analysis of barotropic seiches for assessing lake energetics" (Wynne et al, 2019).Wynne, Zachariah; Reynolds, Thomas; Bouffard, Damien; Schladow, Geoffrey; Wain, Danielle. (2019). A novel technique for experimental modal analysis of barotropic seiches for assessing lake energetics, [dataset]. University of Edinburgh. https://doi.org/10.7488/ds/2512

    Factors affecting the development and dynamics of hypoxia in a large shallow stratified lake: Hourly to seasonal patterns

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    [1] The examination of hypoxia in the hypolimnion of large lakes traditionally focuses on the assessment of its spatial and temporal extent and its effect on water quality. In Lake Erie, hypoxia typically occurs between July and October in the central basin; however, there is considerable interannual variability both spatially and temporally. The processes driving this interannual variability as well as the small-scale time variation in oxygen depletion (e.g., −0.7 to +0.3 mg L−1 d−1) were examined in a field study conducted in the western part of the central basin of Lake Erie in 2008 and 2009. Data were obtained from a spatial array of moorings as well as sampling cruises that examined the physical and biological conditions needed to investigate the dynamics of the oxygen depletion and create a vertical oxygen budget. The flux of oxygen through the thermocline to the hypolimnion was a significant source of oxygen equivalent to ∼18% of the total oxygen depletion in the hypolimnion over the stratified period. The total oxygen depletion in the hypolimnion was due to equivalent amounts of hypolimnetic oxygen demand due to respiration in the water column and flux of oxygen to the bottom due to sediment oxygen demand. This latter finding was strongly dependent on hypolimnion thickness in Lake Erie, which also appeared to be an important parameter driving the rate of oxygen depletion by controlling the vertical volumetric fluxes and hence the competition between vertical flux and community respiration in the hypolimnion of shallow lakes

    Sediment oxygen uptake in Lake Geneva

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    Between 1960 and 1980, the trophic state of Lake Geneva (situated between France and Switzerland) has changed from oligotrophic to eutrophic. Since then, the areal hypolimnetic oxygen demand of 1.31 gm-2 d-1 is now the highest measured in Switzerland and low oxygen contents of less than 4 mg l-1 regularly occur in the deepest parts (300m deep). Oxygen depletion is to a large amount driven by sediment oxygen uptake (SOU). In a large and complex lake like Lake Geneva, SOU can vary significantly temporally and spatially and is strongly dependent on the diffusive boundary layer (DBL) thickness which in turn varies with bottom boundary layer (BBL) currents

    Nonlinear dynamics of the near-shore boundary layer of a large lake (Lake Geneva)

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    We examine near-shore and pelagic current variability in Lake Geneva, a large and deep lake in western Europe, using observations from several measurement locations and a three-dimensional numerical model for the period 2014-2016. Linear internal seiche modes excited by wind forcing clearly appear as peaks in the energy spectra for measurements in off-shore locations. In contrast, spectra from the near-shore data, where currents interact withthe lake bed, reveal a negligible contribution of internal seiches to the total kinetic energy. A similar contrast is seen in the spectra obtained from the numerical model at the same locations. Comparing the contribution of the different terms in the vertically-averaged momentum equation from the modeling results shows that the nonlinear advective term dominates in the near-shore boundary layer. Its contribution decays with distance from shore. The width of this near-shore boundary layer, which may extend for several kilometers, seems to be mainly determined by local topography. Both field measurements and modeling results indicate that nonlinear dynamics are of primary importance in the near-shore boundary layer