1 research outputs found

    Evaluation of SLA-based decision strategies for VM scheduling in cloud data centers

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    Copyright © 2016 held by owner/author(s). Service level agreements (SLAs) gain more and more importance in the area of cloud computing. An SLA is a contract between a customer and a cloud service provider (CSP) in which the CSP guarantees functional and non-functional quality of service parameters for cloud services. Since CSPs have to pay for the hardware used as well as penalties for violating SLAs, they are eager to fulfill these agreements while at the same time optimizing the utilization of their resources. In this paper we examine SLA-aware VM scheduling strategies for cloud data centers. The service level objectives considered are resource usage and availability. The sample resources are CPU and RAM. They can be overprovisioned by the CSPs which is the main leverage to increase their revenue. The availability of a VM is affected by migrating it within and between data centers. To get realistic results, we simulate the effect of the strategies using the FederatedCloudSim framework and real-world workload traces of business-critical VMs. Our evaluation shows that there are considerable differences between the scheduling strategies in terms of SLA violations and the number of migrations. From all strategies considered, the combination of the Minimization of Migrations strategy for VM selection and the Worst Fit strategy for host selection achieves the best results