14 research outputs found

    Arabidopsis latent virus 1, a comovirus widely spread in Arabidopsis thaliana collections

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    Transcriptome studies of Illumina RNA-Seq datasets of different Arabidopsis thaliana natural accessions and T-DNA mutants revealed the presence of two virus-like RNA sequences which showed the typical two-segmented genome characteristics of a comovirus. This comovirus did not induce any visible symptoms in infected A. thaliana plants cultivated under standard laboratory conditions. Hence it was named Arabidopsis latent virus 1 (ArLV1). Virus infectivity in A. thaliana plants was confirmed by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, transmission electron microscopy and mechanical inoculation. Arabidopsis latent virus 1 can also mechanically infect Nicotiana benthamiana, causing distinct mosaic symptoms. A bioinformatics investigation of A. thaliana RNA-Seq repositories, including nearly 6500 Sequence Read Archives (SRAs) in the NCBI SRA database, revealed the presence of ArLV1 in 25% of all archived natural A. thaliana accessions and in 8.5% of all analyzed SRAs. Arabidopsis latent virus 1 could also be detected in A. thaliana plants collected from the wild. Arabidopsis latent virus 1 is highly seed-transmissible with up to 40% incidence on the progeny derived from infected A. thaliana plants. This has probably led to a worldwide distribution in the model plant A. thaliana with as yet unknown effects on plant performance in a substantial number of studies

    Nieuwe impuls voor het thema Micro-assemblage

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    Het grote aantal spin-off bedrijven dat in de regio Twente actief is, was een van de belangrijke redenen om in Twente het Fraunhofer Project Center (of kortweg FPC) op te richten. Nu een aantal van deze bedrijven hun productie flink gaat opschalen, is het belangrijk dat zij daarbij volop gebruik kunnen maken van de kennis en expertise van de partners in het FPC op gebieden als productietechniek en precisie-assemblage. Sinds dit voorjaar ligt de coördinatie van dit laatste expertisegebied bij het lectoraat NanoPhysics van Saxion University of Applied Science. Het lectoraat NanoPhysics van Cas Damen houdt zich in het onderzoek bezig met de toepassing van chips in speciale producten, met name in sensoren. Daarbij richt het zich op chips die niet gebaseerd zijn op micro-elektronica, maar op fotonica, MEMS (micro-elektromechanische systemen) en microfluïdica. Onderwerpen van onderzoek zijn de aansturing en uitlezing van deze chips, het (grootschalig) testen ervan en de integratie in grotere eenheden (assemblage)

    TriPleX-based micro ring resonators for food safety applications

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    Micro Ring Resonators (MRRs) have become the workhorse in photonics, both for data/telecomas well as bio-chemical sensing applications. In this contribution the use of MRRs as sensors for food-safety applications will be discussed

    Swelling of Poly(methyl acrylate) Brushes in Acetone Vapor

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    Sensor platforms can benefit from the incorporation of polymerbrushes since brushes can concentrate the analyte near the sensor surface. Brushesthat absorb acetone vapor are of particular interest since acetone is an importantmarker for biological processes. We present a simple procedure to synthesize acetoneresponsivepoly(methyl acrylate) brushes. Using spectroscopic ellipsometry, we showthat these brushes respond within seconds and swell by more than 30% when exposedto acetone vapor. Moreover, quartz crystal microbalance measurements demonstrate that the brushes can be exploited to increasethe acetone detection sensitivity of sensors by more than a factor 6. Surprisingly, we find that the swelling ratio of the brushes inacetone vapor is independent of the grafting density and the degree of polymerization of the polymers in the brush. This isqualitatively different from swelling of the same brushes in liquid environments, where the swelling ratio decreases for increasinggrafting densities. Yet, it indicates that the brushes are robust and reproducible candidates for implementation in vapor sensorsystems

    Selective epitaxial growth of sub-micron structures of YBaCuO by substrate modification

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    Sub-micron structures of high-Tc thin films have been realized with Selective Epitaxial Growth (SEG). Two different techniques to achieve SEG have been studied. First, narrow trenches down to 100 nm are etched into the substrate with a four-layer E-beam lithography technique. Second, amorphous metal layers have been used to define pattern definition masks. Besides the suitability of both techniques, also the potential to combine these techniques is part of this study

    Investigating Optical Alignment Criteria for Photonic Devices

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    Poster presentatiion, project Printing Makes Sense at Saxion Research Conference 2018, Deventer.  Photonics is declared one of the key enabling technologies by the European Commission. Photonics finds its application in many fields ranging from health & well-being to smart industries. Automation in photonics manufacturing and packaging is key to reduce assembly costs. At the NanoPhysics Interface group, we investigate how to quickly couple light from one fiber to another fiber (or photonic devices). After developing a theoretical model and performing measurements, we find that the alignment is most critical in the lateral translations (x and y-direction) and that pre-alignment of the photonic components can be realized by a smart design of the chip holde

    Arabidopsis latent virus 1, a comovirus widely spread in Arabidopsis thaliana collections

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    Transcriptome studies of Illumina RNA-Seq datasets of different Arabidopsis thaliana natural accessions and T-DNA mutants revealed the presence of two virus-like RNA sequences which showed the typical two-segmented genome characteristics of a comovirus. This comovirus did not induce any visible symptoms in infected A. thaliana plants cultivated under standard laboratory conditions. Hence it was named Arabidopsis latent virus 1 (ArLV1). Virus infectivity in A. thaliana plants was confirmed by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, transmission electron microscopy and mechanical inoculation. Arabidopsis latent virus 1 can also mechanically infect Nicotiana benthamiana, causing distinct mosaic symptoms. A bioinformatics investigation of A. thaliana RNA-Seq repositories, including nearly 6500 Sequence Read Archives (SRAs) in the NCBI SRA database, revealed the presence of ArLV1 in 25% of all archived natural A. thaliana accessions and in 8.5% of all analyzed SRAs. Arabidopsis latent virus 1 could also be detected in A. thaliana plants collected from the wild. Arabidopsis latent virus 1 is highly seed-transmissible with up to 40% incidence on the progeny derived from infected A. thaliana plants. This has probably led to a worldwide distribution in the model plant A. thaliana with as yet unknown effects on plant performance in a substantial number of studies