5 research outputs found

    Korelacija peritumoralnog edema mozga s morfoloŔkim karakteristikama i Ki67 proliferacijskim indeksom kod reseciranih intrakranijskih meningeoma

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    The aim of the study was to analyze correlation between morphological characteristics of intracranial meningiomas and Ki67 labeling index (Ki67 LI), and their influence on peritumoral brain edema (PTBE). There were 41 consecutive patients with intracranial meningiomas surgically treated at the Department of Neurosurgery, Zenica Cantonal Hospital, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, during the period from January 2010 to December 2015. We reviewed clinical data including patient age, gender, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) characteristics of the tumor and peritumoral edema, tumor margins, intraoperative characteristics, histopathologic grade and Ki67 LI. In all cases, follow up MRI was obtained at about three months after resection and PTBE was analyzed. Our research showed the tumor volume, tumor margins, and intraoperative signs of arachnoidal and pial invasion to be associated with PTBE in intracranial meningiomas. Ki67 LI expression correlated with PTBE. This study showed the resolution of PTBE to depend on invasive behavior of meningioma and KI67 LI. PTBE, pial/cortical and arachnoidal invasion significantly influence the extent of surgical resection.Cilj studije je bio analizirati korelaciju između morfoloÅ”kih karakteristika intrakranijskih meningeoma i Ki67 proliferacijskog indeksa, kao i njihovog odnosa s peritumoralnim edemom mozga. U studiju je bio uključen 41 konsekutivni bolesnik s intrakranijskim meningeomom koji su operativno liječeni u Službi za neurokirurgiju Kantonalne bolnice Zenica u razdoblju od siječnja 2010. do prosinca 2015. godine. U svrhu istraživanja analizirali smo kliničke podatke uključujući dob, spol, MRI karakteristike tumora i peritumoralnog edema, margine tumora, intraoperacijske karakteristike tumora, histopatoloÅ”ki gradus i Ki67. Kod svih bolesnika napravljen je kontrolni MRI mozga oko tri mjeseca nakon resekcije tumora. Na tim snimkama se analizirala moguća prisutnost peritumoralnog edema. NaÅ”e istraživanje je pokazalo da su volumen tumora, izgled njegovih margina, znaci arahnoidalne i pijalne invazije u korelaciji s veličinom peritumoralnog edema. Također, rezultati su pokazali da je rezolucija peritumoralnog edema ovisna o invazivnom ponaÅ”anju meningeoma i veličini Ki67. Peritumoralni edem, invazija pije/korteksa i arahnoideje značajno utječu na obim resekcije tumora

    Uterine cervix squamous cell carcinoma metastatic to the Ampulla of Vater: a case report with review of the literature

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    Metastases to gastrointestinal tract are uncommon. In particular, metastases to the ampulla of Vater are very rare and may represent a significant diagnostic challenge. Metastases from the uterine cervix to the ampulla of Vater are exceedingly rare and only one case has been described in the available literature. We describe here a second case of metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix to the ampulla of Vater in a 45-year-old woman. Poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma presented as an isolated metastasis to the ampulla of Vater, two years after the initial diagnosis. While the squamous cell carcinoma could occur as primary ampullary carcinoma, albeit very rare, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of metastatic cancer

    Uterine cervix squamous cell carcinoma metastatic to the Ampulla of Vater: a case report with review of the literature

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    Metastases to gastrointestinal tract are uncommon. In particular, metastases to the ampulla of Vater are very rare and may represent a significant diagnostic challenge. Metastases from the uterine cervix to the ampulla of Vater are exceedingly rare and only one case has been described in the available literature. We describe here a second case of metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix to the ampulla of Vater in a 45-year-old woman. Poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma presented as an isolated metastasis to the ampulla of Vater, two years after the initial diagnosis. While the squamous cell carcinoma could occur as primary ampullary carcinoma, albeit very rare, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of metastatic cancer

    Uterine cervix squamous cell carcinoma metastatic to the Ampulla of Vater: a case report with review of the literature

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    Metastases to gastrointestinal tract are uncommon. In particular, metastases to the ampulla of Vater are very rare and may represent a significant diagnostic challenge. Metastases from the uterine cervix to the ampulla of Vater are exceedingly rare and only one case has been described in the available literature. We describe here a second case of metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix to the ampulla of Vater in a 45-year-old woman. Poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma presented as an isolated metastasis to the ampulla of Vater, two years after the initial diagnosis. While the squamous cell carcinoma could occur as primary ampullary carcinoma, albeit very rare, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of metastatic cancer

    Blood urea nitrogen/creatinine index is a predictor of prerenal damage in preeclampsia

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    Introduction: Preeclampsia is a disease whose etiology is not very clearly explained. The aim of this study was to investigate the importance of blood urea nitrogen (BUN)/creatinine ratio in diagnosing preeclampsia and evaluating prognosis. Methods: The patients in this research were examined and diagnosed in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Clinical Centre of Kosovo. Control group included 25 pregnant women with a normal blood pressure and with a gestational age of more than 20 weeks, whereas the investigation group included 25 women diagnosed with preeclampsia. The patients were not administered therapy four days before the examination. For the determination of biochemical parameters we used end point bichromatic enzymatic rate and enzymatic conductivity rate. Results: BUN/Creatinine index in the preeclamptic group was 19Ā±7.7, uric acid 280Ā±70 Ī¼mol/L, lactate dehydrogenase 198Ā±63 U/L, while the number of platelets was 195Ā±5061 x 109/L. In control group BUN/Creatinine index was 12Ā±3, lactate dehydrogenase was 165Ā±57 U/L, uric acid 197Ā±79 Ī¼mol/La and the platelet number was 243Ā±61 x109/L. Albumin/Globulin index in the preeclamptic group was 0.8Ā±0.12, whereas in the control group it was 0.9Ā±0.16. Conclusions: BUN/Creatinine ratio in pregnant women with preeclampsia was significantly increased (t=-4.14; p=0.00013) in comparison to the control group. It indicates the prerenal source of azotemia. This index can be important for the evaluation of preeclampsia severity