1,216 research outputs found

    String Spectrum of 1+1-Dimensional Large N QCD with Adjoint Matter

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    We propose gauging matrix models of string theory to eliminate unwanted non-singlet states. To this end we perform a discretised light-cone quantisation of large N gauge theory in 1+1 dimensions, with scalar or fermionic matter fields transforming in the adjoint representation of SU(N). The entire spectrum consists of bosonic and fermionic closed-string excitations, which are free as N tends to infinity. We analyze the general features of such bound states as a function of the cut-off and the gauge coupling, obtaining good convergence for the case of adjoint fermions. We discuss possible extensions of the model and the search for new non-critical string theories.Comment: 20 pages (7 figures available from authors as postscipt files), PUPT-134

    Urine Calcium But Not Plasma Calcium or Urine Hydroxyproline Is Increased by a Systemic Acidosis in the Dairy Cow

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    Eight non-lactating, pregnant Holstein-Friesian cows were allocated to two treatments and individually offered diets differing in dietary cation-anion difference. Decreasing the dietary cation-anion difference reduced the urine pH within hours of anionic salt supplementation. Plasma calcium concentration was unaffected by dietary cation-anion difference but urine calcium concentration was significantly increased within 10 days of including anionic salts in the diet. Faecal calcium concentration was significantly reduced, indicating increased calcium absorption. Dietary calcium concentration or dietary cationanion difference did not significantly affect urinary hydroxyproline

    Dry Matter Intake of Periparturient Cows on a Fresh Pasture/Pasture-Hay Diet

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    Reports of the depression in dry matter intake in the periparturient period have been inconsistent and little dry matter intake data is available for an all-forage diet prior to calving. Data to examine intake depression prior to calving was obtained from two experiments. In experiment 1, sixteen non-lactating, periparturient cows ate 1.3% of pre-calving body weight of grass-hay and freshly cut grass for two weeks pre-calving (restricted). Experiment 2 comprised thiry-six cows that ate 1.6% of pre-calving body weight of grass-hay and freshly cut grass for the final two weeks of pregnancy (ad libitum). Individual dry matter intakes were recorded for 14 days pre-calving. Intake pre-calving was not depressed, irrespective of feeding level, until two days pre-calving. This suggests that when an all-forage diet is fed pre-calving, increasing the energy density of the diet to compensate for a depression in dry matter intake may not be necessary

    String Equations for the Unitary Matrix Model and the Periodic Flag Manifold

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    The periodic flag manifold (in the Sato Grassmannian context) description of the modified Korteweg--de Vries hierarchy is used to analyse the translational and scaling self--similar solutions of this hierarchy. These solutions are characterized by the string equations appearing in the double scaling limit of the symmetric unitary matrix model with boundary terms. The moduli space is a double covering of the moduli space in the Sato Grassmannian for the corresponding self--similar solutions of the Korteweg--de Vries hierarchy, i.e. of stable 2D quantum gravity. The potential modified Korteweg--de Vries hierarchy, which can be described in terms of a line bundle over the periodic flag manifold, and its self--similar solutions corresponds to the symmetric unitary matrix model. Now, the moduli space is in one--to--one correspondence with a subset of codimension one of the moduli space in the Sato Grassmannian corresponding to self--similar solutions of the Korteweg--de Vries hierarchy.Comment: 21 pages in LaTeX-AMSTe

    Transverse lattice calculation of the pion light-cone wavefunctions

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    We calculate the light-cone wavefunctions of the pion by solving the meson boundstate problem in a coarse transverse lattice gauge theory using DLCQ. A large-N_c approximation is made and the light-cone Hamiltonian expanded in massive dynamical fields at fixed lattice spacing. In contrast to earlier calculations, we include contributions from states containing many gluonic link-fields between the quarks.The Hamiltonian is renormalised by a combination of covariance conditions on boundstates and fitting the physical masses M_rho and M_pi, decay constant f_pi, and the string tension sigma. Good covariance is obtained for the lightest 0^{-+} state, which we identify with the pion. Many observables can be deduced from its light-cone wavefunctions.After perturbative evolution,the quark valence structure function is found to be consistent with the experimental structure function deduced from Drell-Yan pi-nucleon data in the valence region x > 0.5. In addition, the pion distribution amplitude is consistent with the experimental distribution deduced from the pi gamma^* gamma transition form factor and diffractive dissociation. A new observable we calculate is the probability for quark helicity correlation. We find a 45% probability that the valence-quark helicities are aligned in the pion.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure

    Colour-Dielectric Gauge Theory on a Transverse Lattice

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    We investigate in some detail consequences of the effective colour-dielectric formulation of lattice gauge theory using the light-cone Hamiltonian formalism with a transverse lattice. As a quantitative test of this approach, we have performed extensive analytic and numerical calculations for 2+1-dimensional pure gauge theory in the large N limit. Because of Eguchi-Kawai reduction, one effectively studies a 1+1-dimensional gauge theory coupled to matter in the adjoint representation. We study the structure of coupling constant space for our effective potential by comparing with the physical results available from conventional Euclidean lattice Monte Carlo simulations of this system. In particular, we calculate and measure the scaling behaviour of the entire low-lying glueball spectrum, glueball wavefunctions, string tension, asymptotic density of states, and deconfining temperature. We employ a new hybrid DLCQ/wavefunction basis in our calculations of the light-cone Hamiltonian matrix elements, along with extrapolation in Tamm-Dancoff truncation, significantly reducing numerical errors. Finally we discuss, in light of our results, what further measurements and calculations could be made in order to systematically remove lattice spacing dependence from our effective potential a priori.Comment: 48 pages, Latex, uses macro boxedeps.tex, minor errors corrected in revised versio

    A Review of Symmetry Algebras of Quantum Matrix Models in the Large-N Limit

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    This is a review article in which we will introduce, in a unifying fashion and with more intermediate steps in some difficult calculations, two infinite-dimensional Lie algebras of quantum matrix models, one for the open string sector and one for the closed string sector. Physical observables of quantum matrix models in the large-N limit can be expressed as elements of these Lie algebras. We will see that both algebras arise as quotient algebras of a larger Lie algebra. We will also discuss some properties of these Lie algebras not published elsewhere yet, and briefly review their relationship with well-known algebras like the Cuntz algebra, the Witt algebra and the Virasoro algebra. We will also review how Yang--Mills theory, various low energy effective models of string theory, quantum gravity, string-bit models, and quantum spin chain models can be formulated as quantum matrix models. Studying these algebras thus help us understand the common symmetry of these physical systems.Comment: 77 pages, 21 eps figures, 1 table, LaTeX2.09; an invited review articl

    Mesons on a transverse lattice

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    The meson eigenstates of the light-cone Hamiltonian in a coarse transverse lattice gauge theory are investigated. Building upon previous work in pure gauge theory, the Hamiltonian and its Fock space are expanded in powers of dynamical fields. In the leading approximation, the couplings appearing in the Hamiltonian are renormalised by demanding restoration of space-time symmetries broken by the cut-off. Additional requirements from chiral symmetry are discussed and difficulties in imposing them from first principles in the leading approximation are noted. A phenomenological calculation is then performed, in which chiral symmetry in spontaneously broken form is modelled by imposing the physical pion-rho mass splitting as a constraint. The light-cone wavefunctions of the resulting Hamiltonian are used to compute decay constants, form factors and quark momentum and spin distributions for the pion and rho mesons. Extensions beyond leading order, and the implications for first principles calculations, are briefly discussed.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figure

    Glueball masses in the large N limit

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    The lowest-lying glueball masses are computed in SU(NN) gauge theory on a spacetime lattice for constant value of the lattice spacing aa and for NN ranging from 3 to 8. The lattice spacing is fixed using the deconfinement temperature at temporal extension of the lattice NT=6N_T = 6. The calculation is conducted employing in each channel a variational ansatz performed on a large basis of operators that includes also torelon and (for the lightest states) scattering trial functions. This basis is constructed using an automatic algorithm that allows us to build operators of any size and shape in any irreducible representation of the cubic group. A good signal is extracted for the ground state and the first excitation in several symmetry channels. It is shown that all the observed states are well described by their large NN values, with modest O(1/N2){\cal O}(1/N^2) corrections. In addition spurious states are identified that couple to torelon and scattering operators. As a byproduct of our calculation, the critical couplings for the deconfinement phase transition for N=5 and N=7 and temporal extension of the lattice NT=6N_T=6 are determined.Comment: 1+36 pages, 22 tables, 21 figures. Typos corrected, conclusions unchanged, matches the published versio

    Quantum Fields on the Light Front, Formulation in Coordinates close to the Light Front, Lattice Approximation

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    We review the fundamental ideas of quantizing a theory on a Light Front including the Hamiltonian approach to the problem of bound states on the Light Front and the limiting transition from formulating a theory in Lorentzian coordinates (where the quantization occurs on spacelike hyperplanes) to the theory on the Light Front, which demonstrates the equivalence of these variants of the theory. We describe attempts to find such a form of the limiting transition for gauge theories on the Wilson lattice.Comment: LaTeX 2e, 14 page
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