4 research outputs found

    Multi-Risk Climate Mapping for the Adaptation of the Venice Metropolitan Area

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    Climate change risk reduction requires cities to undertake urgent decisions. One of the principal obstacles that hinders effective decision making is insufficient spatial knowledge frameworks. Cities climate adaptation planning must become strategic to rethink and transform urban fabrics holistically. Contemporary urban planning should merge future threats with older and unsolved criticalities, like social inequities, urban conflicts and \u201cdrosscapes\u201d. Retrofitting planning processes and redefining urban objectives requires the development of innovative spatial information frameworks. This paper proposes a combination of approaches to overcome knowledge production limits and to support climate adaptation planning. The research was undertaken in collaboration with the Metropolitan City of Venice and the Municipality of Venice, and required the production of a multi-risk climate atlas to support their future spatial planning efforts. The developed tool is a Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS), which aids adaptation actions and the coordination of strategies. The model recognises and assesses two climate impacts: Urban Heat Island and Flooding, representing the Metropolitan City of Venice (CMVE) as a case study in complexity. The model is composed from multiple assessment methodologies and maps both vulnerability and risk. The atlas links the morphological and functional conditions of urban fabrics and land use that triggers climate impacts. The atlas takes the exposure assessment of urban assets into account, using this parameter to describe local economies and social services, and map the uneven distribution of impacts. The resulting tool is therefore a replicable and scalable mapping assessment able to mediate between metropolitan and local level planning systems

    Aperta e complessa : Per una Venezia climateproof

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    The Metropolitan City of Venice is a fragile, amphibi- ous territory. Over the centuries Venice has operated in its land opening and closing canals and waterways for the safety and economy of the lagoon area. It has acted on buildings and urban fabric to adapt to en- vironmental pressures. In the second modernity hu- man work has underestimated this elements, and has crystallized a system that is still difficult to maintain today. Some paths, undertaken to give the lagoon province an important economy, have left heavy trac- es on the shape and relationships of this territory. The metropolitan city of Venice is facing a series of challenges that will inevitably orient its political, phys- ical and social form. Reasoning about the future evo- lution of the territory of the lagoon of Venice means to deal with climatic impacts on this fragile land. In particular, this contribution will discuss how climate change is calling into question many aspects of this amphibious land, and how this challenge may repre- sent its collapse or rebirth, depending on what cur- rent decision makers will decide and plan, proposing a possible way for the adaptation

    Diary extract of five research experiences in the 34. Italian doctoral cycle : sharing common research questions on environment-oriented planning

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    In a time of renewal of the themes, interests, and applications of urban planning disciplines, is it possible to read continuity between the ongoing doctoral research? Despite Italian universities focused on project-making and urban planning, they often appear as closed groups, impermeable to external influences and synergies: still, examples of interdisciplinary syncretism and academic contamination could be found both in past research and emerging practices. Through the presentation of 5 research questions, developed by doctoral students from Italian universities, the paper is aimed to recognize a fil rouge made up of common interests. The proposal is oriented to recognize, through analogies and common traits, the potential of interdisciplinary comparison and research networks. The opportunity for concertation among PhD students arises from the fruitful participation in urban studies training activities and workshops tailored to doctoral studies, and from a two-year exchange of ideas and perspectives. The dissertation themes include the identification of the wickedness of some crucial problems that contemporary environment-oriented planning is called upon to address. They relate specifically to the issues of climate-proof planning, resilience, action research processes, regeneration of peri-urban areas. After a theoretical definition of wickedness to which the authors refer, five Diary Extracts are presented and compared by highlighting: 1) the existing interconnections between research questions, objectives and methodologies, 2) the implications for research and practice in the field of environment-oriented planning. Finally, the essay provides further remarks on the learning opportunities grounded on sharing and contamination among young scholar researchers

    Mantova Resiliente : Mantova Resiliente: Linee guida per un adattamento climatico local-based

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    L\u2019urbanizzazione e la sua relativa sostenibilit\ue0 nel lungo periodo sono tra le sfide cruciali del nostro tempo (Bina et al., 2016). La citt\ue0 sotto la minaccia del cambiamento climatico e dei suoi impatti diventa, motore economico, sociale ed ambientale verso lo sviluppo sostenibile e la resilienza, pertanto, le trasformazioni urbane ne diventano le azioni chiave (Musco, 2011). Cresce, pertanto, la necessit\ue0 di sviluppare piani ed azioni volte all\u2019adattamento, che partendo da specifiche politiche internazionali come gli accordi di Parigi (Christoff, 2016). Le \u201cLinee guida per il piano di Adattamento della citt\ue0 di Mantova\u201d hanno l\u2019obiettivo generale di aumentare la resilienza del territorio mantovano rispetto agli impatti del cambiamento climatico, definendo strategicamente i punti chiave, procedurali e fisici, dell\u2019adattamento climatico nella citt\ue0 di Mantova. Lo studio, letto in chiave strategica, si pone alla base della redazione puntuale di un vero e proprio \u201cPiano Clima\u201d per la citt\ue0, individuando le caratteristiche peculiari del territorio e della conformazione spaziale della citt\ue0 e proponendo azioni specifiche volte all\u2019adattamento