29 research outputs found

    Features and implications of the plateau inflationary potentials

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    After the last PLANCK CMB data the plateau inflationary potentials are favored. I give some examples of such inflationary models emphasizing particularly on the Starobinsky model and its supergravity embedding. I discuss the crucial implications, regarding the initial conditions problem, of this new sort of potentials for the standard picture of the inflationary theory.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, prepared for Planck 2015 conference. 25-29 May 2015. Ioannina, Greece CNUM: C15-05-25.

    Constrained superfields from inflation to reheating

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    We construct effective supergravity theories from customized constrained superfields which provide a setup consistent both for the description of inflation and the subsequent reheating processes. These theories contain the minimum degrees of freedom in the bosonic sector required for single-field inflation.Comment: Physics Letters B journal version, 16 pages, plain tex

    Thermally Favourable Gauge Mediation

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    We discuss the thermal evolution of the spurion and messenger fields of ordinary gauge mediation models taking into account the Standard Model degrees of freedom. It is shown that for thermalized messengers the metastable susy breaking vacuum becomes thermally selected provided that the susy breaking sector is sufficiently weakly coupled to messengers or to any other observable field.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, plain latex; numerical factors corrected, final versio

    Features in the Inflaton Potential and the Spectrum of Cosmological Perturbations

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    Cosmological perturbations, originating in the quantum fluctuations of the fields that drive inflation, are observed to be nearly scale invariant at the largest scales. At smaller scales, however, perturbations are not severely constrained and might be of particular importance if their amplitude is large. They can trigger the creation of primordial black holes (PBHs) or stochastic gravitational waves (GWs). Small-scale perturbations are generated during the later stages of inflation, when possible strong features in the inflaton potential can break scale invariance and leave characteristic imprints on the spectrum. We focus on and review three types of features: inflection points and steep steps in the potential, as well as sharp turns in the inflationary trajectory in field space. We show that such features induce a strong enhancement of the curvature spectrum within a certain wavenumber range. In particular cases, they also generate characteristic oscillatory patterns that are transferred in the spectrum of secondary GWs, which are potentially observable by operating or designed experiments. We demonstrate these effects through the calculation of the primordial power spectrum and the PBH abundance in the context of α\alpha-attractors and supergravity (SUGRA) models of inflation.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures. Topical review presented at the 11th Aegean Summer Schoo

    Suppressing gravitino thermal production with a temperature-dependent messenger coupling

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    We show that the constraints on GMSB theories from the gravitino cosmology can be significantly relaxed if the messenger-spurion coupling is temperature dependent. We demonstrate this novel mechanism in a scenario in which this coupling depends on the VEV of an extra singlet field SS that interacts with the thermalized plasma which can result in a significantly suppressed gravitino production rate. In such a scenario the relic gravitino abundance is determined by the thermal dynamics of the SS field and it is easy to fit the observed dark matter abundance evading the stringent constraints on the reheating temperature, thus making gravitino dark matter consistent with thermal leptogenesis.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, plain tex

    Probing the BSM physics with CMB precision cosmology: an application to supersymmetry

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    The cosmic history before the BBN is highly determined by the physics that operates beyond the Standard Model (BSM) of particle physics and it is poorly constrained observationally. Ongoing and future precision measurements of the CMB observables can provide us with significant information about the pre-BBN era and hence possibly test the cosmological predictions of different BSM scenarios. Supersymmetry is a particularly motivated BSM theory and it is often the case that different superymmetry breaking schemes require different cosmic histories with specific reheating temperatures or low entropy production in order to be cosmologically viable. In this paper we quantify the effects of the possible alternative cosmic histories on the nsn_s and rr CMB observables assuming a generic non-thermal stage after cosmic inflation. We analyze TeV and especially multi-TeV supersymmetry breaking schemes assuming the neutralino and gravitino dark matter scenarios. We complement our analysis considering the Starobinsky R2R^2 inflation model to exemplify the improved CMB predictions that a unified description of the early universe cosmic evolution yields. Our analysis underlines the importance of the CMB precision measurements that can be viewed, to some extend, as complementary to the laboratory experimental searches for supersymmetry or other BSM theories.Comment: 52 pages, 13 figures, plain tex