4 research outputs found

    In Vivo Visualization of Hair Follicles by Ultrasound Biomicroscopy in Alopecia Areata and its Correlation with Histopathology

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    Ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) is a non-invasive imaging technique used in examination of several skin diseases but never in imaging hair and scalp diseases.  Main objective of this investigation was assessment of the efficacy of UBM for in vivo visualization of hair follicles in cases of alopecia areata (AA) and correlation of findings with histopathological findings. This study included 30 patients with AA. Two areas, one with AA and a control area, were marked, examined by UBM and then biopsied for histopathological examination. In patients with alopecia totalis (AT) or universalis (AU) only an AA area was examined. Non-echogenic conical shadows reaching the epidermal entrance echo (probably corresponding to the hair follicles) were seen and were wider and fewer in number in areas of AA than in normal control areas. No significant difference was found regarding number and width of hair follicles between UBM and histopathological examination. However, a significant increase in length of follicles in histopathology was detected, indicating that the UBM image was probably unable to reach the deepest part of the follicle. Main limitation of the study is small number of cases. No significant difference was found between UBM and histological measurements of hair follicle number and width in patients with AA, making UBM a useful tool for in vivo visualization of hair follicles. </p

    FAM72D in plasma cell myeloma: a friend or enemy

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    Abstract Background Plasma cell neoplasm is characterized by complex genetic and prognostic heterogeneity. FAM72D, a gene located on chromosome 1, and the association between its expression and tumor progression and prognosis remain elusive. Methods The present study aims to assess FAM72D mRNA expression in 60 PCM patients and correlate its expression level with clinical and laboratory markers involved in diagnosing and prognosis of PCM using real-time PCR. Results Unpaired t-test revealed a significantly higher FAM72D expression level in the patients than in the control group with a median of 0.890 vs. /0.030, respectively, and p value = 0.000. The highest median level was denoted in newly diagnosed or relapsed patients (1.905, p value = 0.000). A significant positive correlation was found between FAM72D expression level and each of BMPCs count, M band, and β2 microglobulin (p = 0.000, p = 0.002, p = 0.024, respectively), and negative correlations with both serum albumin and hemoglobin level (p = 0.000, p = 0.035, respectively). The risk of relapse was 18.3-fold when the FAM72D level was greater than 1.547. Conclusion The higher FAM72D expression level in newly diagnosed and relapsed myeloma patients and its positive correlation with BMPCs confirm the stimulating effect of FAM72D on myeloma cell proliferation and its poor prognosis